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DigitalTrends Dishes New Sonic Dream Team Details, Impressions in Hands-On Preview


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The first Sonic Dream Team hands-on impressions are finally out. Giovanni Colantonio of the tech website DigitalTrends got a chance to go hands-on with the upcoming Apple Arcade exclusive, and his impressions contain some juicy details about the game. 

First of all, it's structure: each of the 12 levels have a variety of missions to complete, ranging from simply getting to the end, to racing through checkpoints, to collecting keys. Each mission grants an orb, which can then unlock further levels. Colantonio compared the game's structure to a 3D Mario game, and a developer told him that Super Mario Sunshine actually served as a source of inspiration, alongside Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Colantonio also said that the levels are meant to be "replayed," something Dream Team accomplishes by giving players multiple paths to explore in each level, some of which utilize the unique abilities of each character.

Sonic and Amy can use their boost to run along walls and access secret areas. Knuckles and Rouge can glide and climb, while Tails and Cream can, of course, fly. Digital Trends described one instance of this:


In one level, I find a wall that I’m unable to climb as Sonic. I load back in as Knuckles and suddenly I’m taking an entirely different path through the stage, which has me gliding between walls. Usually I’d move on from a level to see something new in a demo like this, but I found myself replaying stages several times and making new discoveries with each attempt.

Colantonio did note that each character has the same speed and momentum, which could make navigating platforming segments for the non-hedgehog characters that were not built for speed more difficult. However, he also noted that the character movement was smooth and consistent, with characters strongly magnetized to objects, to ensure the player doesn't overshoot them. He compares the game to Sonic's early 2000s adventures more than once, noting near the end of his preview that the levels took him back to his days playing Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. 

The preview is, on the whole, quite positive, and makes it sound like the game could please fans of the Adventure games. Colantonio played the game on both a controller on a TV, and with touch controls on an iPad, noting that the game was especially true on touch controls. You can read his full impressions of the game here.

Sonic Dream Team is coming to Apple Arcade on December 5.

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Sounds like it has a "Sonic Adventure 2" style mission structure. I am so in for this! Sounds really promising, especially the alternative routes!

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Dang. I loved SA1&2, too bad I probably won't be able to play this one unless it gets a Steam port or emulated. Well, I hope people who are able to play the game have fun with it. It just seems so surreal that SEGA is deciding to release a potentially large game(that might be better than superstars) on Apple Arcade. Seems like missed potential.

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15 minutes ago, an idiot said:

Dang. I loved SA1&2, too bad I probably won't be able to play this one unless it gets a Steam port or emulated. Well, I hope people who are able to play the game have fun with it. It just seems so surreal that SEGA is deciding to release a potentially large game(that might be better than superstars) on Apple Arcade. Seems like missed potential.

It IS missed potential to those who don't have Apple Arcade. If it's THIS good, it better come on Console and PC

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Huh, nice to see that the cast is actually divided into types like in Heroes (judging from the description of their abilities)

It seems like the level design will be pretty solid, multiple pathways and replayability being taken into account is great. I'm not too big on the fact that Sonic and Amy might need the boost to wall run as opposed to simply being able to do it naturally with enough speed, but I dunno, maybe it will feel better than how it sounds.

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This preview has me more hyped for this game now. Can't wait to start playing it when it releases this December.

The only thing that concerns me is that 12 stages does not seem like a lot of content, although the fact that the stages are repayable with different characters is nice. Hopefully the game will be updated with more characters and stages as DLC later down the line too. 🤞

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So, errr, apple. Fancy a trade? You give us Dream Team, and we give you Superstars???

No? Oh come on...we'll give you forces and Lost world too!! 

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Every character plays the same levels but has different routes? Certain levels have different objectives? Collectathon-style progression inspired by 3D Mario? This kind of sounds like a step towards my ideal Sonic game, but since I don't want an Apple or to pay a subscription fee I'll instead go and have a sulk in the corner. Doesn't sound like it has the rolling physics though (which is what I really want out of 3D Sonic) so I guess I'm not missing too much.

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8 hours ago, Phoenix said:

I'll just emulate it. Sega, I'm happy to throw money at you for Sonic, but I'm not buying a Mac to play this.



Reading through the preview and yeah, outside of the obvious Apple Arcade exclusivity and the game looking the way it does visually (I don't like it at the core art level), this seems to be a pretty solid title so far. So glad we're out of this No More Shitty Friends phase, it's always been stupid how SEGA ever listened to this mob without figuring out what the actual problems were with other playable characters.

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The game is not going to play anything remotely similar to a Sonic Adventure game, it's evident from the trailer and screenshots that were released a few days ago.

I can't see even a little bit of Mario Sunshine inspiration in any of the released material either. Maybe Tony Hawk, I thought about that one too, but Mario Sunshine is just not there, besides beach. Fall Guys is still the biggest reference that I get from the preview material.

There are screenshots with a weird bar on top of the screen. The bar has some items (keys and other stuff) along with numbers near them. It seems that in order to progress, you have to grind those numbers, and the game will reward you with whatever those items are, as soon as you reach the associated number. This feels nothing like a 3D Mario game, this is more like an endless runner mechanic, or whatever. It's possible that you will get those numbers by destroying enemies and doing "Tony Hawk" like tricks (and honestly I fear it will be very repetitive and grindy).

By watching the trailers and screenshots, I've seen that there are places with level design on walls and ceilings. It makes me think that there will be gravity gimmicks, and in some places will be possible to stick on those walls. So, it might not be completely true that you need to "boost" in order to wallrun, the game might just switch the gravity at some point.

The bumpers are extremely big and there's a lot of empty space in the levels: this makes me think that the controls aren't much precise, the characters will likely move like cars, the turning radius will be very large, and all. The level design looks to be very simple and the game doesn't seem to have much depth. From videos and screenshots it's possible to see the special walls that Knuckles and Rouge can climb, they look similar/the same in every level, and seem to be of about the same height too; the levels are made of big standard blocks for the most part.

Many screenshots, especially of the beach level, seem to be of the same location from different angles... the levels look bigger than what they actually are, I think they will be very small by the end, alternate routes and all.

Get your hype in check and don't have big expectations from this game, because IMO it will be a small game that's not worth all the attention it's receiving, and a totally skippable one, like a Sonic Jump or similar little side games. This is not going to be Sonic Adventure 3, nor 3D Mario, and not even a Tony Hawk game either.

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As someone who has 100%ed Super Mario Sunshine three times and Adventure 2 being one of my favorite Sonic games, I have high hopes for this now. Of course it's not gonna be anywhere near as grand as those titles I don't think, just because it's an app game, but to at least know it had a good structure in mind during development increases the chances of it being good. Looking forward to this! Hopefully Knuckles' and Rouge's glides will be similar to Adventure/2 and not like Frontiers.

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Oh, I am playing this with no exceptions. 

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It seems like the game has voice acting from the trailers i've seen, and even Cream has some voice clips. Though for her, I wonder if it's reused stuff again, her 2010 VA finally recording some new stuff, or a new VA entirely.

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"Adventure fans"/"3D Mario"/"SA2 Missions"

Again, assuming this doesn't get ported, I guess I'm just hoping this does well enough that Sega decides to make another one these for consoles? Because, again, this continues to SOUND like my ideal title on a platform I'm just not going to use. Monkey paw x10000.

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On 11/9/2023 at 2:40 PM, GX -The Spindash- said:

XD I'm looking forward to it being pretty alright, and like, 90 minutes long.

Well all the better, honestly. Then I won't need to keep my Apple Arcade sub after the trial ends since nothing else in the catalog is interesting.

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