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Best Soundtrack Contest - Mk III


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- Colosseum Highway (I'm the only person in the world who enjoyed that game arent I?)

Not at all, Rivals is awesome. 8D

A rather unsatisfying turn of results, but gotta roll with it, Bullet Station with only 3 votes won! I say unsatisfying... you'll see what I mean when you see the rather wide spread of results within the spoiler:

Bullet Station--------------XXX

Pumpkin Hill----------------XX

Egg Rocket------------------XX

Dusty Desert----------------XX

Crystal Cave----------------XX

Station Square--------------XX

Sunset Park Train-----------XX

Botanic Base----------------XX

Scrap Brain 16-bit----------XX

Tornado Defense Act 2-------XX

Resort Island---------------XX

Sky Babylon-----------------XX

Sunset Hill-----------------XX

Scrap Brain 8-bit-----------X

Marina Madness--------------X


Snow Kingdom----------------X

Collision Chaos Present US--X

Regal Ruin------------------X

Speed Highway---------------X

Dry Lagoon------------------X

Eggmanland Night------------X

Red Canyon------------------X

Collision Chaos Present JP--X


Oil Ocean-------------------X


Knight's Passage------------X

Spring Yard-----------------X

Collision Chaos Past--------X

Wacky Workbench Past--------X

Colosseum Highway-----------X

Sand Oasis------------------X

Levitated Ruin--------------X

The next round is highly subjective, so make sure to read the description after the choices to understand what I mean before requesting any songs to be added!

Round 45 - The Best Surreal Theme

ROUND ENDS 22nd August @ 11:50pm GMT/3:50pm PST

Please vote for up to 3 songs.

Surreal Themes

Crystal Egg (from Sonic 2 8-bit)

Act 1 (from Sonic Labyrinth) (Reminder)

Act 2 (from Sonic Labyrinth) (Reminder)

Act 3 (from Sonic Labyrinth) (Reminder)

Act 4 (from Sonic Labyrinth) (Reminder)

Radiant Emerald "Diamond In The Sky" (from Sonic R)

Radiant Emerald "Super Sonic Racing" (from Sonic R)

NiGHTS Pinball (from Sonic Adventure)

Music Plant (from Sonic Advance 2) [Act 1/Act 2]

Hang Castle (from Sonic Heroes) [Album Ver./Type "A"/Type "B"]

Mystic Mansion (from Sonic Heroes) WINNER OF "SPOOKY" ROUND

Toy Kingdom (from Sonic Advance 3) [Map/Act 1/Act 2/Act 3]

Digital Dimension/Babylon Guardian (from Sonic Riders)

SEGA Carnival/SEGA Illusion (from Sonic Riders)

End Of The World (from Sonic 2006) [Album Ver./Act 1 "Yellow"/Act 2 "Green"/Act 3 "Light Blue"/Act 4 "White"/Act 5 "Purple"/Act 6 "Blue"/Act 7 "Red"]

Night Palace "Unawakening Float" (from Sonic and the Secret Rings)

Astral Babylon/Mobius Strip (from Sonic Riders ZG)

Shrouded Forest (from Sonic and the Black Knight)

-If you can think of any Surreal themes that I have not listed here, feel free to suggest them and I will add them if they seem applicable.

-The conditions for being an "Surreal" theme here, is that it must be from a level that is rather surreal... even by the game's established standards. This can include anything from unexplained phenomena in a level (such as the trees coming to life in Shrouded Forest, or the bizarre warping and final rooms of Mystic Mansion), or by the level being an unexplained location in itself. Spring Yard is pretty surreal, but it's still clearly just a stylised city. Music Plant on the other hand is utterly bizarre in all senses! Feel free to suggest any tracks you feel are from levels of suitable surrealness, but remember that simply a surreal art style isn't enough, since most Sonic levels have that... Think about the purpose of the area if you were to take it out of the context of a Sonic game.

-Obviously, all special stages are pretty darn surreal, so have been excluded (they had their own round anyway. Sonic 3 won).

My votes:

Crystal Egg (from Sonic 2 8-bit)

Music Plant (from Sonic Advance 2) [Act 1]

Night Palace "Unawakening Float" (from Sonic and the Secret Rings)

This was pretty tough. I had it down to 4, but End Of The World JUST lost out.

Edited by JezMM
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Spring Yard gets no love! :(, Oh well I did try!

Radiant Emerald "Super Sonic Racing" (from Sonic R)

Hang Castle (from Sonic Heroes) ["Type "B"]

End Of The World (from Sonic 2006) [Album Ver]

Super Sonic Racing didn't win somewhere else? I thought it did?

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Super Sonic Racing didn't win somewhere else? I thought it did?

I'm as surprised as you, but just looked through the results, and nope, it hasn't. Even in the previous game-based (rather than genre-based) tourney (Can You Feel The Sunshine? won Sonic R's round).

Edited by JezMM
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Would any original music from the original stages in Brawl count since they were original to that game and Sonic was in it? Also, wouldn't Babylon Garden count?

- Unawakening Float (I FREAKING LOVE THAT SONG)

- Hang Castle

- The Core (Astral Babylon / Mobius Strip) I loves it as well!

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Would any original music from the original stages in Brawl count since they were original to that game and Sonic was in it? Also, wouldn't Babylon Garden count?

How so with the original brawl songs? All the same I don't really consider Brawl with the music contest as it's not a Sonic game, and only introduced one new song (thus there was no point ever having a round for it in the original contest).

As for Babylon Garden... hmm... I dunno. Floating ruins aren't really surreal by the Sonic franchise's standards. I was tempted to put it in, but I can't think of anything that -out there- for a Sonic stage. It "makes sense" within the fiction. If more people think it's surreal enough and request it, I'll add it in.

- Unawakening Float (I FREAKING LOVE THAT SONG)

Hell yeah. 8D It's probably my favourite final stage theme they've ever done.

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How so with the original brawl songs? All the same I don't really consider Brawl with the music contest as it's not a Sonic game, and only introduced one new song (thus there was no point ever having a round for it in the original contest).

As for Babylon Garden... hmm... I dunno. Floating ruins aren't really surreal by the Sonic franchise's standards. I was tempted to put it in, but I can't think of anything that -out there- for a Sonic stage. It "makes sense" within the fiction. If more people think it's surreal enough and request it, I'll add it in.

Well, I thought Tabuu's theme would count since Sonic was important in that part of the game, but I can see where your coming from. Of course with all the people running around saying that the Olympic games (iOS aside since it is a certified Sonic game) are Sonic games (and Mario fans calling them Mario games) it's all kind of subjective to opinion. I don't consider Brawl or the Olympic games Sonic games, but it is just based on opinion.

I know they aren't really surreal, but the point of it's existence seemed pretty surreal, I was kind of iffy on bringing it up though since we already have a few floating islands.

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Night Palace "Unawakening Float" (from Sonic and the Secret Rings)

End Of The World (from Sonic 2006) [Album Ver.]

Astral Babylon/Mobius Strip (from Sonic Riders ZG)

...it was tough not to pick Hang Castle, I'll admit. WOMP WAH WOMP WOMP. WOOOO~!

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Well, I thought Tabuu's theme would count since Sonic was important in that part of the game, but I can see where your coming from. Of course with all the people running around saying that the Olympic games (iOS aside since it is a certified Sonic game) are Sonic games (and Mario fans calling them Mario games) it's all kind of subjective to opinion. I don't consider Brawl or the Olympic games Sonic games, but it is just based on opinion.

Ohhhh, right. I was confused at first, thought you meant Green Hill Zone's other themes in the game (all of them unremixed from the original games), and their context with Green Hill Zone being "surreal". I see where you're coming from with Tabuu, though even if I did include Brawl, I consider Tabuu a boss theme which I haven't been including in the stage genre rounds.

I know they aren't really surreal, but the point of it's existence seemed pretty surreal, I was kind of iffy on bringing it up though since we already have a few floating islands.

Yeah, it's the floating islandness that made me personally not consider it to be that surreal considering we already have Angel Island etc. That's just my opinion though, if more people disagree (or love the song enough to pretend to disagree so they can vote it, lol), I'll add it in.

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-Shrouded Forest (Sonic and the Black Knight)

-Night Palace "Unawakening Float" (Sonic and the Secret Rings)

-Radiant Emerald "Diamond In The Sky" (Sonic R)

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Three?! Three, when this round contains some of my all-time favourite music EVER?! Only three?!

Ah, I'll give it a shot. Bet none of 'em win, anyway! :lol:

- "Shrouded Forest" from Sonic & the Black Knight

- "Astral Babylon/Mobius Strip" from Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

- "Music Plant, Act One" from Sonic Advance 2

I'm assuming "Astral Babylon/Mobius Strip" is represented by the track entitled "The Core" from the official Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity soundtrack? Just double-checking, as that's one of the greatest songs of all time and needs to win... well, alongside "Shrouded Forest", which is the definition of epic.

Also, since SEGA Carnival is included, why not "Blast Town" (the theme from "80s/90s Boulevard" in Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity)? Sorry to pick holes, you've probably got an ace reason!

Thanks for an insanely difficult and challenging round! ;)

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NiGHTS Pinball Message from Nightopia (from Sonic Adventure/NiGHTS into Dreams)

SEGA Carnival (from Sonic Riders)

Night Palace "Unawakening Float" (from Sonic and the Secret Rings) <<<BEST SONG IN S&TSR :D

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I'm assuming "Astral Babylon/Mobius Strip" is represented by the track entitled "The Core" from the official Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity soundtrack? Just double-checking, as that's one of the greatest songs of all time and needs to win... well, alongside "Shrouded Forest", which is the definition of epic.

That's right, it is indeed "The Core" (so happy they gave the tracks their own names in ZG, I love it when the soundtracks do that rather than just naming them after the levels XD).

Also, since SEGA Carnival is included, why not "Blast Town" (the theme from "80s/90s Boulevard" in Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity)? Sorry to pick holes, you've probably got an ace reason!

My reasoning here is that the Boulevards do look like real, normal cities, just with SEGA billboards and memorabillia everywhere. It doesn't quite have the bizarre ever changing scenery of Carnival and Illusion (in the sense that, take down the decorations in Boulevard and you've got a city, take down the decorations in Carnival and you've got... well... nothing. The decorations ARE the track!).

This realisation and decision was actually inspired by Mahzes a while back. He and his bro used to call the track "Billboard Boulevard, because it was only the posters that made it SEGA-ish. XD

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*salutes* I hear ya and understand, Jez. Thanks for the reply!

And yeah, there are definitely some things Mahzes and I disagree on...! :lol:;)

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Night Palace wins!

Full results in the spoiler:

Night Palace----------XXXXX

Astral Babylon--------XXX

Music Plant-----------XX

Hang Castle-----------XX

End Of The World------XX

Shrouded Forest-------XX

Crystal Egg-----------X

Super Sonic Racing----X

Diamond In The Sky----X

NiGHTS Pinball--------X

SEGA Carnival---------X

A rather small round, but by having more than one theme song, it's appearence is justified!

Round 46 - The Best Big The Cat Theme

ROUND ENDS 26th August @ 7:00pm GMT/11:00am PST

Please vote for 1 song.

Big The Cat Themes

Lazy Days ~Livin' In Paradise~ (from Sonic Adventure)

Lazy Days - Mark Pistel Remix (from Sonic Adventure Remix)

Follow Me (from Sonic Heroes)

Lazy Days ~Livin' In Paradise~ Original Demo Mixed With Ted Poley (from True Colors)

-If you can think of any Big the Cat themes that I have not listed here, feel free to suggest them and I will add them if they seem applicable.

-The conditions for being an "Big The Cat" theme here, is that it must be a song that represents Big or his appearence within a Sonic game, or be clearly marked as being a theme for Big.

Edited by JezMM
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This contest is one of my favourite things on SSMB, so with regret, I'm forced to abstain from this round.

Happy voting to everybody else. :)

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Lazy Days ~Livin' In Paradise~ Original Demo Mixed With Ted Poley (from True Colors)

I just liked this version better. No idea why though....

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Soz, this round ended ageeeees ago. I've just been real busy lately and 100% forgot about it. I'll update ASAP. @_@

Hahaha, I was about to let you know on DA but I thought you were probably busy so I decided not to.

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The demo wins, don't think there's any need for a results board on this one, lol. Sorry for the long wait.

Round 47 - The Best Chaos Theme

ROUND ENDS 9th/8th September @ 3:00am GMT/7:00pm PST

Please vote for up to 2 songs.

Chaos Themes

Event: Strain (from Sonic Adventure)

Chaos ver.0, 2, 4 (from Sonic Adventure)

Chaos ver.6 (from Sonic Adventure)

Perfect Chaos Revival! (from Sonic Adventure)

"Chaos" (from Sonic X)

Chaos Battle (from Sonic Battle)

-If you can think of any Chaos themes that I have not listed here, feel free to suggest them and I will add them if they seem applicable.

-The conditions for being an "Chaos" theme here, is that it must be a song that represents Chaos or it's appearence within a Sonic game, or be clearly marked as being a theme for Chaos.

My votes:

Chaos 6, Chaos from Sonic X.

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