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Sonic Frontiers - Cyberspace Trailer

Message added by Dreadknux,

This topic was good and got turned into New Sonic Frontiers Footage and Details in Nintendo Partner Showcase at some point.

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It looks like we're getting original stages after all, although I couldn't tell if that city level was meant to be Skyscraper Scamper, a remade Route 99, or a brand new stage.

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That is definitely not City Escape or Speed Highway even, if it is Skycraper Scamper (it might use those assets) I will take it over the whole Generations roster of zones.

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Was definitely getting Route 99 vibes from the footage we saw!


Honestly wouldn't mind seeing GBA advance level themes brought to the 3D space if not any new zones/level themes 

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Yeah, this definitely looks to be a different whole new level. One of the city variant though.

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Well hey look at that, cyberspace isn't entirely remade zones.

Would be cooler if they bothered to design some actual Sonic levels for them, though, instead of dropping a bunch of rectangles into the void.

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3 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:


Yeah, this definitely looks to be a different whole new level. One of the city variant though.

Pretttyyyy sure these are probably re-used Soeed Highway assets but hey its recontextualized well enough I guess 

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3 minutes ago, Soniman said:

Pretttyyyy sure these are probably re-used Soeed Highway assets but hey its recontextualized well enough I guess 

Looks nothing like Speed Highway. More like Skyscaper Scamper.

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As I am going to say for the third time, these actually look sweet! Can't wait to see more of these!

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9 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:


Yeah, this definitely looks to be a different whole new level. One of the city variant though.

Jeezo Spaghetti Junction much? Hot Wheels circuit gone wrong.

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You know, for Switch footage that was pretty ok. By Switch standards of course. 

I actually really like the highway level. I enjoy abstract stuff like that. 

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Jotting down some quick thoughts:

- Glad they showed what has to be Switch footage, and didn't just showcase the more powerful version with some disclaimer at the bottom. It's definitely taken some hits graphically, but the performance seems to be a consistent(?) 30fps, which is promising at least. The real question now will be the differences between docked and handheld mode.

- Green Hill is 100% back. (Pretend to be shocked)

- That city level... I initially thought it'd be Skyscraper Scamper, but - though it may be using some assets from it and other past city stages here and there - I can't honestly say it is Skyscraper Scamper, on accounts of the cyberspace-y background, lack of buildings and crazy-looking roads (even by Sonic standards). I would settle on just calling it "City" for now, but Forces already took that, so let's go with... I dunno, "Cyber City" or something?

- MUSIC! Actual, non-ambient music! Not that I hate soft piano pieces, but a Sonic soundtrack just isn't right without those energetic bops to go with it, so this put a big smile on my face. It kinda gave me some major shonen anime vibes too, but that might just be me.

- Oh yeah, there appears to be some kid...AI...thing in the CG clip at the end, so I suspect that might be SAGE (the AI that Eggman is... releasing? Testing? I don't quite remember).

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I see now what they're going for with Cyberspace. Making levels that seem both cost-effective to make yet seemingly lengthy (according to impressions) and full of pathways, yet making the story work so that it still fits the context perfectly is super cool. Just based on the footage for the new city level, they seem to be leaning into the abstract with this. I'm all for this, really wanna see more.

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Tomoya Ohtani had this to say about the new Rock music that we heard during the trailer.

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11 minutes ago, NegaMix said:

I would settle on just calling it "City" for now, but Forces already took that, so let's go with... I dunno, "Cyber City" or something?

How about "Techno Highway"?

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24 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:


Yeah, this definitely looks to be a different whole new level. One of the city variant though.

One thing I notice is that the tubes aren't exclusive to this stage, you can see them in the background of green hill too, so maybe they're a part of the cyberspace aesthetic like the glitching sky?


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Just now, Ratcicle King said:

One thing I notice is that the tubes aren't exclusive to this stage, you can see them in the background of green hill too, so maybe they're a part of the cyberspace aesthetic like the glitching sky?

I wonder if this might be on a similar wavelength to some of the random grind rails that show up, floating in the sky in the overworld. 

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4 minutes ago, Ratcicle King said:

One thing I notice is that the tubes aren't exclusive to this stage, you can see them in the background of green hill too, so maybe they're a part of the cyberspace aesthetic like the glitching sky?


Interesting notice there.

Also, this may look like Green Hill from Generations and Forces, but with the background and floating islands, this seems to be a different kind of Green Hill. Just saying.

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"Sonic’s new journey begins when him and his friends – Amy and Tails – head to the Starfall Islands in search of Chaos Emeralds. As they approach the islands, sudden trouble hits their plane, and they are sucked into a dimensional portal."



"Sonic then finds himself separated from his friends and awakens in a strange, digital world – Cyber Space. He miraculously escapes Cyber Space and arrives on Kronos Island, one of the Starfall Islands, full of ancient ruins where strange enemies roam."




"Sage A mysterious girl that appears across the Starfall Islands. Throughout the story, she cautions Sonic to leave the Starfall Islands despite his mission to find and save his friends."


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3 minutes ago, Wraith said:






So, third image down, I wonder who that human is? I know we saw them in the trailer, but I wonder? With that red light in their hair, they may not be a natural, organic being.

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1 minute ago, MightyGems said:

So, third image down, I wonder who that human is?

That is Sage:

She might very well be the main villain or an antagonist of sorts, given how we saw what might very well be her, controlling the beings that attack Sonic.

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Just now, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

That is Sage:

She might very well be the main villain or an antagonist of sorts, given how we saw what might very well be her, controlling the beings that attack Sonic.

I see. Like I said though, she does not seem to be an organic being, with that red light in her hair.

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Saw this art of Sonic


EDIT: We have some enemy names & descriptions




This enemy spawns in groups and attacks in jabbing motions with both hands. (1/5)




A floating enemy causing damage with attacks that appear as electric tornados. (2/5)




A wheel-like enemy that rushes towards Sonic once he is detected and attacks at high speeds if provoked. 




An enemy protected by a hard shell that attacks at a distance with a boomerang-type move. Sonic’s attacks cannot penetrate the hard shell, but other methods such as Cyloop can catch this enemy off-guard. 




An enemy formed by a group of spheres that attacks Sonic with electricity.




An enemy with high-speed attacks reminiscent of the fighting style of its namesake. Can block incoming attacks and strike with shadows of itself.




An enemy composed of various stacked parts. Its weakness is at the top of its head, so Sonic will need to figure out how to destroy each stack to get to it.




A large enemy that looks like a tall building. Run up the arm it throws down to find its weakness at the top and attack.


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