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First Sonic Frontiers Gameplay Footage - 30 Second IGN First Teaser

Message added by Dreadknux,

This topic was good and got turned into Teaser Shows First Sonic Frontiers Gameplay, More Details Coming Through June at some point.

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I think the gameplay is promising, but the teaser doesn't give it the best look.

The platforming boss (?) looks promising. Climbing onto bosses is an idea I've been wanted expanded since Egg Golem or Perfect Chaos.

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Posted By: Nuzamaki90

It looks amazing. I don’t even know what I was honestly expecting with an open world Sonic but him running up enemies to take them down feels so cinematic! I’m so excited for tomorrow.

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From what little we see of it, I think it looks really neat. I can’t wait until we get a full debut of it since this is such a small teaser, but the open world and the combat looked interesting enough, really hoping this actually shapes up, since it does feel like a chance was taken on it.

Pretty surprised too that it seems to use boost elements.

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Looking pretty good. There's the Paraloop we've heard about. 

I like what seems to be the Towers equivalent being loops. Fun way to adapt them to Sonic. 

I wish the robots were a bit more Sonic-esque. 

Music is nice. 

The cut when they got on top of the big enemy was kinda awkward, but I assume that was for the trailer. 

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I'm still not sure what to think about that. Guess we'll have to keep on waiting for more info, at this point I'm expecting a full reveal VERY soon.

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Posted By: Miles

Well alrighty then.

I'm not a fan of how un Sonic-ky this game looks, though I will say that the environments are beautiful. Not what I expect out of a Sonic game, but still very pretty to look at. I'm interested to see how the "cyberspace" levels play more than anything else. I'm cautiously awaiting tomorrow!

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It's not amazing, but I'm liking what I'm seeing here. It looks like it could be fun control, which is something I've been concerned about with 3D Sonic games for the longest time. It's too early to say that for sure though. And I'm honestly really liking the environment and enemy designs. It's just a shame about that Sonic model... 

All in all, yeah. This is definitely more on the positive side of things. It's still shamelessly aping BotW though. 

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Posted By: Bokku

I'm so hyped we got gameplay, i can't sit still! Can't wait to see what will be shown tomorrow!

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The biggest thing I don't like is how we just don't see Sonic free-roaming as much as he could. Turning, or jumping. I get it's a teaser, but I feel like the base movement is what I really want to see.

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That is a lot of focus on combat. We all came here to see the locomotion mechanics. On that front, looks like the boost got tuned down a couple of notches. Fair compromise I suppose.


Looks like they got inventive with the combat system. They are introducing at least a few new moves to expand off the basic homing attack and shadows melee barrage from 06.

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I really the hope thr combat is actually mechanically interesting and not just button mashing. If you're gonna focus on combat, give us something to work with.


But yea, this actually looks nice I'll admit.

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Yes, this is basically Breath of the Sonic, but you know what?  If you've gotta steal, steal from the best.  Not sure if these robots are Eggman's and from some other origin though as they don't carry his certain style.  Also, appreciating there seems to be a slightly deeper combat system this time.

Still a bit tentative, but so far, it's looking up.  At least better than Forces lol

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It looks fine™

It looks functional, it looks like they put effort into it...it looks fine.

It might not be for me, but I don't hate what I see...and that's okay.

19 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Pretty surprised too that it seems to use boost elements.

You're right. He boosts at the beginning, and on the rails. This game has combat, boosting, open zone, and platforming. Quite the...interesting combo.

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Posted By: theroonco

On 5/31/2022 at 5:15 PM, Nuzamaki90 said:

It looks amazing. I don’t even know what I was honestly expecting with an open world Sonic but him running up enemies to take them down feels so cinematic! I’m so excited for tomorrow.

Agreed! It looks so cool already!

I just wish the reveal hadn't gone to IGN...

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A few things I don't like.


The platforming boss had what was the equivalent of boost pads all the way up his leg. Which means no momentum, skill or timing is required to actually get up there. The game will slingshot you right up to the top. This is the kind of automation we make fun of in other games... sigh.


When Sonic uses the spin cycle in combat, he is walking. Nothing wrong with that per-se, but it is a bad omen for his high speed controls if you need to slow down to that degree in order to draw a circle around an enemy.



Other than that, looking forward to tomorrow. I was set back by the focus on combat at first, but as with any open world game there will be plenty of space for Sonic to stretch between encounters, so I figure I won't have to worry about that. The Larger enemies seem to embrace the idea of utilizing Sonic's mobility to make for a unique fight. Here's hoping some more of the trash mob level baddies will get that Memo.


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8 minutes ago, Kuzu said:

Apparently we're getting more footage tomorrow?????


Anyway, loved what I saw. Not truly what I expected but great nonetheless. Can’t wait to give this a try.

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Posted By: Greatsong1

It looks interesting. The look of the open world hasn’t really wow’ed me so far though, hope that changes soon. The combat also looks a bit stiff but that will hopefully be improved.

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Hope that's in-game music, such a nice piece.

I like how smooth it looked when Sonic boosted/accelerated at 0:09.

Looks like Sonic is running in that device at 0:11 (paraloop or whatever it's called) to scan the area for points of interest?

I like that the weather changes (sunny, raining etc).

The combat looks a bit too button-mashy when attacking that giant boss thing.

Looks like there's lots of rail grinding, I hope they at least make it interesting.

Gameplay looks quite good so far. More interesting than the recent 3d games.


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I'm not enthused by the focus on combat at all but I'm hoping tomorrow's footage will help me further evaluate my interest in this game.

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I wanna say I like this but I’m so fundamentally against combat in Sonic that it dampens my excitement, stopping and fighting enemies with shallow combos is the last thing I really wanna do in these games (yes I know that sounds hypocritical as a Heroes stan but the game at least justifies it by having multiple characters at once) so I hope it’s implemented in a seamless way, otherwise not much to say, not a total write off but I’m still on the fence

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Honestly, even as cynical as I want to be (especially because this looks like something we should've seen in December)... I'm not too down on it right now. Combat's kinda iffy but it looks pretty cool. Kinda whatever but my interest is piqued now that we have more than Sonic standing on a hill.

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