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Sonic Chronicles to be in Japanese


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Sonic Chronicles Japanese

So finally SEGA of Japan/ ST decided to import SC into Japanese....

Are you kidding me?O_o

They'd better fix the music up...Orz

And the "voices" (Oh Gawd please fix them...I had enough of the noises the characters make...T_T)

The next update is 4/10.

The game would be out in summer...


PS. If they deiced to import SC, why not the Rivals series?= =

Edited by KIRBY
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Nothing's gonna happen with the music or voices, you know that right? Hopefully though it will do well and give ST more faith in BW.

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IMO, it might actually sell over there better than previous Sonic titles. Chronicles is more like a JRPG than a western RPG, which will probably tickle their fancy, though the Japanese still don't like Sonic.

Edited by Soma Cruz
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I find it odd that they didn't release Rivals there. That may have something to do with the Nega issue in the canon?

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I had no idea Chronicles hadn't even been released in Japan yet. =X I think it's a bit unfair they've left it this long, but at least it's coming. XD I can't see any fixes happening- translation alone will probably be more than enough work for them anyway. Still need to finish the English version myself...

Edit - News'd.

I think it has something to do with the games being poo poo.

vvv Yes. vvv

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I saw this.

Not expecting it to sell well. Sonic games fare worse in Japan then they do here, and this one having more western influences than others isn't going to help that either.

I find it odd that they didn't release Rivals there. That may have something to do with the Nega issue in the canon?

I think it has something to do with the games being poo poo.

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How popular is the PSP over in Japan compared to the DS, anyway?

Might have something to do with Chronicles making it over there and not Rivals.

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PSP is less popular in Japan, topped with the fact that Sonic isn't very popular in Japan. Plus, Western developers aren't popular in Japan? Coincidence? No.

Sonic Chronicles wasn't released in Japan yet for two reasons--Bioware is a Western developer, and Japanese people don't care much for Sonic. This doesn't mean that Japanese people do not like Sonic. Sonic's fanbase in Japan is just -much- smaller. However, Sonic Chronicles IS more like a Japanese RPG, so it kinda makes sense that they'd try releasing it there.

Actually, ironically, if you look at Square Enix's track record, a ton of their games are released in Japan right away and overseas around 5-6 months later. This is the exact opposite, it seems, except the game hasn't been announced until 5-6 months after it was released.

Pretty cool they they actually ARE finally releasing it there, though.

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This is why we didn't get Dark Legion!

I knew it! Richy was right. SOJ was keeping a close eye on Bioware and forced them to turn the Dark Legion into the Nocturnus.

My predicament has been answered. My response?

Screw SOJ.

I'm sorry guys, this has to do with a little bit of business I was taking care of at the SEGA America MB. I'll get back to you soon enough.

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Ah, Bioware -already- indicated that they didn't even realize the connection until AFTER creating the Nocturnus. The Nocturnus weren't created as the Dark Legion. They didn't start looking into the comics until later, and they did end up taking some references (such as Swatbots) and applying them to the games. But the Nocturnus still weren't planned to be the Dark Legion to begin with; that was coincidental.

Also, Bioware actually mentioned that Sega was very lenient on what they had done. Well, a while back Jay Turner from Bioware was talking about this stuff on the forums. He said that the Dark Legion link wasn't planned and Sega was very lenient on what they had done with the game, plot-wise and non. I do wonder, though, if the Japanese release will be updated slightly to make some of the odd references in the game a little more in-line with the rest of the series.

EDIT: To the previous poster: that's exactly something I was thinking, as well.

Edited by UltimaHedgie
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Ah, Bioware -already- indicated that they didn't even realize the connection until AFTER creating the Nocturnus. The Nocturnus weren't created as the Dark Legion. They didn't start looking into the comics until later, and they did end up taking some references (such as Swatbots) and applying them to the games. But the Nocturnus still weren't planned to be the Dark Legion to begin with; that was coincidental.

I'm not doubting you or anything, but could you give a source?

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No. The only thing you can do is ask other members around here. They'll tell you that Jay Turner actually came to the forums and starting talking about certain plot points, and that's one of the things he said. This was back around when Sonic Chronicles came out. The forums were completely deleted and all information was lost. So, yeah, I can't possibly give you a "source" persay; you'll just have to ask a few other members who were around and discussing the game a lot back then.

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It is true, I remember him popping up around here though I do not remember most of the topic. It is much too bad we didn't have an archive of it somewhere D:! But I wonder if maybe there are any posts where it is explained on the Bioware forums? That might be another place to check I guess.

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Good. Now people can't use "It was never released in Japan!" as an excuse to say it isn't canon.

No, they'll just resort to the "It wasn't made by Sonic Team" instead. D=

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Ohhh, this is great! =D It'll mean that in the official run Knuckles won't be the only echidna around anymore for real! X3 *wants to see Shade in 3D games~*

Hmm, I never expected it to be released in Japan though.

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The Nocturnus weren't created as the Dark Legion.

Well, a while back Jay Turner from Bioware was talking about this stuff on the forums. He said that the Dark Legion link wasn't planned and Sega was very lenient on what they had done with the game, plot-wise and non.

I remember him around the forums, saying he loved the positive responses to the game and answering a few questions.

I didn't catch that bit about the Dark Legion and Nocturnus being unrelated creations. While their origins are a little different, I find it somewhat hard to believe that the Archie creation, a technocratic Echidna society from the past who were phased out to another dimension called the Twilight Zone, are somehow unrelated to the Bioware creation, a technocratic Echidna society from the past who were phased out to another dimension called the Twilight Cage. Besides, Shade reminds me a lot of the early Julie-Su.

Edited by Badnikz
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No, they'll just resort to the "It wasn't made by Sonic Team" instead. D=

They can have fun explaining Sonic 2, then.

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I did say that I thought ST liked Chronicles' story. Although I hope most of you realised that a Japanese release doesn't automate canon. :/

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No. Most everyone saying that assumed it was canon to begin with. We're just saying that doubters can't use the excuse that it not being released in Japan makes it non-canon since it is now being released in Japan.

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I don't really mind whether it's canon or not. In some ways it better explains things, and in some ways it makes a bit of a mess. If Shade appears on Sonic Channel, or if anything revealed in Chronicles is mentioned outside of a BioWare game, I don't think anyone could argue with it.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Almost a month old bump, but the teaser site didn't update at all yesterday! It's April the 11th now, and a Saturday, so I don't think we'll hear anything of it until the 13th. Lame.

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Japanese site updated btw

Double post I know, but I think we should discuss it here and not in the Chronicles 2 topic.

The logo looks mighty fine in Japanese, I must admit.

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