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Would you ever want Sonic to have his own Sport games on the Wii?

Hero of Legend

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I say on the Wii obviously because he'll be competing right alongside Mario's games (that's a good thing! (IMO)), and of course with Motion Plus now out, no need to say anything about demographics, I'm sure that's been said enough. XD

Most may not know this, but NOWPRO, makers/helpers of the Riders series also had a large involvement in the Mario Baseball series. They've also wholly made the Little League series published by Activsion for Wii.

And I don't see why Next Level Games couldn't try their hand in making a Sonic soccer game. They can even use the same extreme(?) style they've used for the Mario Strikers series.

Hey, Sega got started by hiring Hudson to make a Mario Party clone for Sonic (why has THIS not been on Wii yet I'll never know), so why not NOWPRO and Next Level Games?

I'm not sure if Camelot would be willing to make a Sonic Golf or Sonic Tennis (both with Motion Plus? Yes please!), they split from Sega for reasons I don't know, I doubt they'd be that confortable working with them again, but who knows?

Yes I know we have Sega Superstars Tennis, but it seems to be nowhere near as good as a Camelot sport game, I never played it though.

If all else, how about Sega starts by getting Shuffle on Wii and porting/redoing Sega Splash Golf on the Wii as well with Motion Plus?


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No, not really. I personally don't like the idea of Sonic being whored out. I don't like it when it happens to Mario either(although some of those games can be fun).

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I don't see it as "whoring out." I see them as genuinely fun games that, at least in the case of Mario, blend right in with the series.

Granted, Mario has a much more casual relationship with his foes. The Sonic series (sometimes anyway) takes itself far too seriously for Sonic and Eggman to have a friendly game of tennis, which to me is a real shame. I rather like the friendly hero/villain dynamic that the Mario series has- Which essentially is that as long as the villain's not actively planning something evil, he's as welcome at our sporting events and celebrations as anyone. It's a charming sort of thing, that.

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, no.

For three reasons.

(1) Sports games are primarily the stupidest concept ever. Basically you're too lazy to go outside and this stuff yourself, so you're gonna sit inside and a sports simulation game. It's pretty retarded; especially since games were made to control things you can't really do in real life, and sports games are basically just there for the lazy and the lifeless with a beergut on the couch. Yeah, sure, the Wiimote is in it, but a little bit of arm flailing isn't much. =\

(2) I don't want Sonic to go the same direction as Mario spinoff-wise. That is, have 10,000 sports/party/kart/RPG/spinoff games at a time with a mainstream game stuck oh-so-conveniently in the middle of it. Then, after that game, you must wait until a whole other load of spinoffs pass by before you can get to the real games again.

(3) It's just going to make the franchise look even worse. I mean, sure, Mario does it; but nobody really notices it since he has mainstream games that blow everything else away. Since Sonic doesn't have that good of a reputation with his newer games, the series can't really afford this and it wouldn't really do Sonic Team's reputation any favors either.

Edited by Azukara Hayashi
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Mario gets away with it for two reasons.

1. The main character is a humble, normal person. Between his adventures he lives an everyday life. It does not seem out of place for him to be playing sports. Unlike Sonic, who seems odd running about on a tennis court because realistically, his speed would allow him to wipe the floor with his opponents.

2. The Mario spin-offs are usually really damn good because they're made by teams who specialise in those kind of games (Camelot for the revered Mario Golf and Mario Tennis' series for example).

As for Sonic... I have nothing against spin-offs, but they need to fit. Riders' fitted because it was totally something Sonic would do. Tennis was fine, but only because it was clearly marked as non-canon thanks to not being advertised as a Sonic game and not having a storyline. Back in the day Spinball fitted because it was based off an already popular concept with Sonic. Even Mean Bean Machine worked since Sonic was (rightfully) made not the star of such an inappropriate game for him.

Spin-offs I can imagine for Sonic would probably be more pinball, extreme sports or gentler spin-offs featuring other characters (though this would be very daring on SEGA's part...).

Edited by JezMM
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I don't see it as "whoring out." I see them as genuinely fun games that, at least in the case of Mario, blend right in with the series.

Well, perhaps the term "whoring out" is a bit blunt.

I would agree that they are fun- I really like the original Mario Tennis and Strikers Charged for example. I just don't like it when companies cash-in on their franchise's names, and I consider at least the majority of Mario sports games to be cash-ins(despite many of them actually being fun games in their own right).

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I just don't like it when companies cash-in on their franchise's names, and I consider at least the majority of Mario sports games to be cash-ins(despite many of them actually being fun games in their own right).

Companies... making money off of their popular franchises by providing genuinely high-quality products from the very same?! How dare they!

I can't speak for all Mario fans, but I find the sport/kart/party games to be fun, and enjoyable like the platformers, RPGs, and whatever else you'd consider a "real" game. Seeing the lovable cast of characters interact, mixed with fun (even in another genre) gameplay, is enough to make it an enjoyable experience for me.

The primary goal of any video game series should be to provide a fun experience to the player- If Mario can do this on the racetrack, golf course, tennis court, and party board in addition to the platforming medium, I say so be it.

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, no.

For three reasons.

(1) Sports games are primarily the stupidest concept ever. Basically you're too lazy to go outside and this stuff yourself, so you're gonna sit inside and a sports simulation game. It's pretty retarded; especially since games were made to control things you can't really do in real life, and sports games are basically just there for the lazy and the lifeless with a beergut on the couch. Yeah, sure, the Wiimote is in it, but a little bit of arm flailing isn't much. =\

Despite the fact that in Mario sport games, you can do things you can't normally do in real life. I guess that beer gut of mine is getting in the way of hurling red homing shells at my rivals and producing enough energy to fly through the air and produce a Drop Rocket to kick that soccer ball into the goal.

I mean, I can understand lack of appeal to real sport games that have no gimmick unless your ultimate dream is wanting to play as Tom Brady or "insert player here." Maybe that's why Madden does so well.

But if there's a game where Robotnik is playable, than I am obviously all for it. Beggars can't be choosers unless they are willing to pay up front with cash, in which they go on a forum to bitch and posture about it later. :P

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Despite the fact that in Mario sport games, you can do things you can't normally do in real life. I guess that beer gut of mine is getting in the way of hurling red homing shells at my rivals and producing enough energy to fly through the air and produce a Drop Rocket to kick that soccer ball into the goal.

I mean, I can understand lack of appeal to real sport games that have no gimmick unless your ultimate dream is wanting to play as Tom Brady or "insert player here." Maybe that's why Madden does so well.

But if there's a game where Robotnik is playable, than I am obviously all for it. Beggars can't be choosers unless they are willing to pay up front with cash, in which they go on a forum to bitch and posture about it later. :P

^^I accidentally clicked - instead of +, sorry Kintobor! That won't happen again.

Anyway, I'm all for Sonic sports games as long as they aren't just simulations with Sonic characters. I would want something new and different from them that the Mario sports series doesn't have, whatever that could be.

Edited by Icecoldfrieza
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Companies... making money off of their popular franchises by providing genuinely high-quality products from the very same?! How dare they!

So you don't have any problem with exploitation like that?

The original Mario Tennis and Mario Golf, while good could've been something else. They didn't need to be Mario games, and only used the Mario name to bring in more profit. That's what I have a problem with. Again, I like some of these games a lot. It's just that sometimes it bugs me to see a company sell out.

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People already whine about Sonic being 'whored out'. The last thing we need is more reasons for people to complain.

So I say no for their sake and for the sake of people tired of the complaining.

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The original Mario Tennis and Mario Golf, while good could've been something else. They didn't need to be Mario games, and only used the Mario name to bring in more profit.

Mario Tennis had Mario-centric elements, even in the N64 game. The Bowser Court featured special items such as shells, lightning bolts, banana peels, and Starmen that could be used in the matches.

Mario Golf was more of a traditional golf game, admittedly, but so what? The characters were likable and brought plenty of personality to the game. I don't call that "exploitation", I call it a fun bonus for fans like me who actually enjoy seeing what the Mario crew are like during their "off time" from adventures. It fleshes out the universe and its people, and I love that.

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Mario Tennis had Mario-centric elements, even in the N64 game. The Bowser Court featured special items such as shells, lightning bolts, banana peels, and Starmen that could be used in the matches.

Yeah, but that was just one court. I don't feel that they made enough real use of the Mario name.
Mario Golf was more of a traditional golf game, admittedly, but so what? The characters were likable and brought plenty of personality to the game. I don't call that "exploitation", I call it a fun bonus for fans like me who actually enjoy seeing what the Mario crew are like during their "off time" from adventures. It fleshes out the universe and its people, and I love that.
Well, I just really don't look at it that way. I don't think that non-canon sports spin-offs do a lot in the way of "fleshing out" the Mario universe. Again, I really like some of these games but I also happen to frown upon what I see as exploitation.

But I see where you're coming from, at least. I don't think we can change either of our minds on this one, so lets just agree to disagree.

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I don't think that non-canon sports spin-offs do a lot in the way of "fleshing out" the Mario universe.

Actually, I hate to nitpick... But the sports games are canon, at least in Mario.

Why? Because they're directly referenced in storyline-driven games. In Paper Mario, Luigi's diary says that he misses the relaxing days of golf, tennis, and parties. It also foreshadows at the then-upcoming Luigi's Mansion as a nice continuity nod!

"Minor" or "unimportant" is not the same thing as "noncanon." These events did happen, even if they had no major importance in the Mario timeline. They still show the characters in a different setting/situation, which for me, is a nice look at such a diverse cast in a more relaxed environment for a cool change of pace. That's how I see it, at least.

Remember, Mario is different from Sonic- Not everything Mario does has to be "important" to be "real." Mario is a series that's absolutely fine with doing silly, everyday-life shenanigans in addition to its more adventurous plots. The Sonic fandom would be quick to decry such an outing noncanon, but the same rules need not apply to Mario at all.

Edited by Dr. Mechano
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^ I have to agree with Dr. Mechano's view on this, personally. I also love how "casual" the Mario Universe is. In terms of intensity of plot, Mario games are a relaxing summer, to Sonic's hard schoolwork (of course, neither is worse than the other, just different).

(1) Sports games are primarily the stupidest concept ever. Basically you're too lazy to go outside and this stuff yourself, so you're gonna sit inside and a sports simulation game. It's pretty retarded; especially since games were made to control things you can't really do in real life, and sports games are basically just there for the lazy and the lifeless with a beergut on the couch. Yeah, sure, the Wiimote is in it, but a little bit of arm flailing isn't much. =\

I can't believe I skimped over this before.

Forgive me for targeting you, trust me, I hate it when ANYONE makes this point because IT is the stupidest concept ever. Are you also one of those people who belittles Guitar Hero players saying "Go out and play a proper guitar".

Not everyone wants to play real sports. Video games sports can achieve the same feelings of relaxation and fun as the real thing for some people, if not moreso. I love playing Mario Golf but you'd never find me picking up a club in real life. It looks way too hard to be fun off the bat, I'd rather stick to minigolf and video-game golf. So now I'm a lazy and lifeless beergut on the couch? I don't even drink beer and I'm certainly not overweight by a long stretch (not that anything would necessarily be wrong with it if I was - assuming it wasn't medically dangerous).

Perhaps I want to enjoy air sports without having to pay hundreds of currency to buy a plane or hang glider and then even more on learning how to use it. Guess I'm a slob because I like to play Pilotwings 64 instead.

This is such a ridiculous, patronising and downright snobby attitude to have on anything.

Edited by JezMM
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No. Why?

Because every off-beat Sonic game I ever played was lame. Minus Tails Adventures. That's one wonderful little gem right there.

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Actually, I hate to nitpick... But the sports games are canon, at least in Mario.

Why? Because they're directly referenced in storyline-driven games. In Paper Mario, Luigi's diary says that he misses the relaxing days of golf, tennis, and parties. It also foreshadows at the then-upcoming Luigi's Mansion as a nice continuity nod!

My mistake then.

"Minor" or "unimportant" is not the same thing as "noncanon."
I didn't mean to imply that I feel that way. I know the difference.
Remember, Mario is different from Sonic- Not everything Mario does has to be "important" to be "real." Mario is a series that's absolutely fine with doing silly, everyday-life shenanigans in addition to its more adventurous plots. The Sonic fandom would be quick to decry such an outing noncanon, but the same rules need not apply to Mario at all.
Fair enough. However, I still hold my position on "cash-ins" and still wouldn't like to see the Sonic franchise go the same road as the Mario franchise with it's sports spin-offs (as good as they are).
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Ah, the inevitable whoring argument. Never fails.

I for one have no problem with the occasional fun little nothing-to-do spin off with any franchise, but at the same time we must realize that the process is a slippery slope. Mario Tennis / Baseball / *insert title here* may not be hurting anyone, but it will not be soon after until crap like this starts falling off the shelves.


I don’t care what anyone says. This is grade A+ whorage in my opinion. Its Sega equivalent would be like Sonic Team making a Hedgehog-ed Guitar Hero. No es Bueno.

If Sonic wants to make a sports game, then I am all for it. The concept however better be solid. It needs something to set it apart. Zero Gravity’s concept was great, controlling gravity like that was a blast and really fleshed out the game. If I see another spin off in the future, it will need to take a new path that will make the game both appealing and unique instead of a cash cow looking to make a buck.


….OMG she has begun…..

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Forgive me for targeting you, trust me, I hate it when ANYONE makes this point because IT is the stupidest concept ever. Are you also one of those people who belittles Guitar Hero players saying "Go out and play a proper guitar".

Nope, I just complain at Guitar Hero users for acting like they're the greatest games ever when it's really the same game over and over again, just with different tracksets. As the same goes with most sports games as well; where it's the same thing every time except "better" graphics. =\

Not everyone wants to play real sports. Video games sports can achieve the same feelings of relaxation and fun as the real thing for some people, if not moreso. I love playing Mario Golf but you'd never find me picking up a club in real life. It looks way too hard to be fun off the bat, I'd rather stick to minigolf and video-game golf. So now I'm a lazy and lifeless beergut on the couch? I don't even drink beer and I'm certainly not overweight by a long stretch (not that anything would necessarily be wrong with it if I was - assuming it wasn't medically dangerous


I was pointing that example more torwards the lines of fat, lazy kids who'd rather play Madden 2010 than play football themselves (not that football is really a good sport anyways). Believe me, I have to live with one. However, I for one hates everything about sports, and I don't really see the point in their existence. But that's just me.

When was flying a plane a sport? And besides, when was flying a plane a thing you can do in every day life (that is, if you weren't in the army or something)? That's what I was saying: video games are made to give you stuff you can't do everyday. You can go outside with a ball and play basketball/football/soccer/baseball/whatever.

Well I'm sorry I irritated you so bad. Yeesh. =\

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I don’t care what anyone says. This is grade A+ whorage in my opinion.

Yet it fit the tone of the Mario series.

The plot is best summed up in the words of Toad, from the game:

"If you don't find the keys, we'll all be doing this dorky dance! Forever! Oh yeah, and chaos and discord will rain down on the Mushroom Kingdom and maybe destroy us all."

Waluigi inadvertently almost causes cataclysmic destruction in his quest to become a better dancer, which spirals into Bowser's attempts to harness the power of the Music Keys to... cure his tone-deafness, rather than some more sinister scheme. It's a plot so stupid it borders on brilliance.

To say nothing of the fun gameplay and catchy songs. DDR Mario Mix is an overlooked gem, I say.

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Absolutely not; it would be a lame cash-in of exceptionally moronic proportions, marred by a foul game engine and further destroyed by deathly motion controls. If SEGA ever released anything like this, it would be utterly insulted by the critics (and quite rightly so, I may add), and conveniently consigned to the bargain bin within days of launch.

Why? Because a spin-off is - and will always be - instantly designated as a low-budget project from conception onwards; it's why Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Chronicles and M&S Olympics sucked so bad, and so it will be the same with a Sonic sports title - ESPECIALLY on Wii.

If I were the head of SEGA, I personally wouldn't put in the effort of further fouling Sonic's already tattered reputation for the sake of making a few bucks from the back of the bandwagon, and as a consumer I would feel insulted that the once-great Sonic Team would expect me to buy such dross. It'd be best to leave monotonous sports cash-ins to EA - at least then we know that they will definitely get the instantaneous label of "total shite" (due to the developer), and SEGA wouldn't be wasting valuable time and resources on the creation of crap.

Sonic Team should focus on making actual GAMES rather than spin-offs, and if they ever attempted something as drastically stupid as this, then the world would know that they had truly lost the plot... Thank god that this is all hypothetical!

Edited by Extaticus
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Yet it fit the tone of the Mario series.

Mute point.

You can build practically any game to fit any series if you were so inclined. Sonic rocks on the guitar in several mediums, but that doesn't mean I want to see a Guitar Hero: Sonic Style anytime soon. (in fact, Sonic is a DJ in the Dreamcast ads. Maybe he should go jump on that bandwagon) On top of that, we can throw in Tails and the music maker and have a whole Rock Band right there.

To say nothing of the fun gameplay and catchy songs. DDR Mario Mix is an overlooked gem, I say.

Huh, I always heard that it lacked any significant challenge, but the quality of the game doesnt really matter. The end result was Mario cashing in on a trend/fad while doing next to nothing in terms of innovation. DDR was a money pit back then.

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The video game industry is a money-making business, I think some people should try to get used to it.

Who gives a fuck, the most important thing about a game is whether somebody enjoys it. Don't even act like you're better than them by dashing out against sports games or Guitar Hero. If people actually enjoy these games, then what's the fucking problem? I could just as well lash out against platformers or shooters.

Speaking in general, not against anybody in particular.

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The video game industry is a money-making business, I think some people should try to get used to it.

I don't believe otherwise, but as a consumer, I hold the right to complain when things get a little too....... blatant. Not that pointing it out will do me any good, but still.

I do not have a problem with GH 1, 2, ..... 14.

I have a problem with games like Mario DDR that jump boarders to make a buck and bring nothing new to the table.

Edited by Sega DogTagz
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...Call me a fanboy but I would LOVE a Sonic Guitar Hero. And I still want to get my hands on Mario DDR. I heard the only bad thing is it's easiness, and the remixed music is kinda cool. =(

@ Azukara Hayashi

I sincerely apologise if I irritated you back! I hope I didn't make my arguement seem personal. I still say there's nothing wrong with even games you can easily play in real life, because even then you need people to play with and a place to play, and sometimes people appreciate the mere test of reaction time and skill, whether it's with a controller or real equipment.

I agree, players of simulation games who act like they could do the real thing just fine are annoying, though of course that's a problem with the person, not the game.

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