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Team Sonic Racing - E3 Trailer


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I've missed Crush 40 so much. 

Also, Rooftop Run confirmed! So we have a stage from Sonic Colors and Unleashed now in the game. Still hoping for a Mania and CD level.

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Aw ye, Johnny is back bby!

Tho I dunno how I feel about Rooftop Run being in the game. On the one hand, sure, it's gonna be beautiful. On the other hand tho, we have Planet Wisp and Rooftop Run, which already have been in Generations... I hope it doesn't just become "Sonic Generations: Racing Edition" and we get to see different settings as well.

But then again, aw ye, Johnny is back bby!



We have a name for the track as well! "Green Light Ride".


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And Spagonia is looking incredible, can't wait to see the other stages!!

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It’s great to hear Crush 40 again! I’m really digging the theme song here.

I’m very happy to see Rooftop Run as a course, since it’s definitely my favorite modern stage from the series.

Nice trailer overall. It definitely raised my excitement levels for this game (which before were pretty low, to be honest). Looking forward to seeing more now!

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If the rooftop run level actually looks like that in game then I'm impressed. Initially I groaned, but the idea of racing above the city in the clouds sounds amazing and really original.

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24 minutes ago, Bobnik said:

Aw ye, Johnny is back bby!

Tho I dunno how I feel about Rooftop Run being in the game. On the one hand, sure, it's gonna be beautiful. On the other hand tho, we have Planet Wisp and Rooftop Run, which already have been in Generations... I hope it doesn't just become "Sonic Generations: Racing Edition" and we get to see different settings as well.

I agree. I really hope that Generations levels don't dominate the track list. That isn't to say Rooftop Run doesn't look great, but I would have preferred to see a different stage from Unleashed.

EDIT: Then again, pulling from Gens might increase the chances of a Final Rush track... *crosses fingers*

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Ah yes, my favorite Sonic level, Rooftop Run Glass Track Drive.

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6 minutes ago, Diogenes said:

Ah yes, my favorite Sonic level, Rooftop Run Glass Track Drive.

It could go down to street or roof level, but the grind rails had to be reworked somehow.

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Okay, whoa. Crush motherfucking 40, I was NOT expecting this. I like it.

This looks way better than the gameplay we got weeks ago. Graphics look a bit sharper, the light and colors look better too. But I guess that's what trailers are for, unless this is the PC version and that gameplay was from the Switch.

Rooftop Run looks neat. 

Also, confirmation that there's actually SINGLE racing modes? Amen to that.

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20 minutes ago, Plasme said:

I'm hoping they bring back the best level from Generations. Green Hill Zone!  Seaside Hill!


Anyways, CRUSH 40 IS BACK! 

That's all I really need from this game tbh.

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A shame really that all this trailer really did was act as an opening for the game being available on the E3 show floor. It simply showed us Team Sonic and Team Dark and who we know are going to be playable as well as Planet Wisp and Roof Top Run. While Roof Top run is new I'm now expecting it to be only one of two tracks on the show floor for the demo. Hopefully they'll reveal something more like actually teasing the next characters at least, though maybe the gameplay from the floor will actually be impressive enough to hold us for a while.

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17 minutes ago, Plasme said:

It's just a CGI trailer, I wouldn't take a lot of it too seriously.

Mixed with actual gameplay. 

Granted there's more CGI.

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27 minutes ago, Diogenes said:

Ah yes, my favorite Sonic level, Rooftop Run Glass Track Drive.

Knowing my racing games well, I wouldn't be surprised if part of it's in the sky and there are several sections actually racing through the town.

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1 minute ago, Jovahexeon Sonic Heroes said:

Knowing my racing games well, I wouldn't be surprised if part of it's in the sky and there are several sections actually racing through the town.

The springs at the end looks like it launches the racers towards the clock tower, so if I had to make a guess, we could possibly have a transition from the sky portion to the actual Rooftop Run with Sonic and co driving down the tower? Similar to how Sonic grinds down it proper in Unleashed/Gens.

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27 minutes ago, Jango said:

Also, confirmation that there's actually SINGLE racing modes? Amen to that.


Anyway reaction looks good, I'm glad, I liked this trailer and it's good they showed something new like Rooftop Run, one of my favorite Sonic stages, plus they all have a new spin, even Planet Wisp, they might not be the most original choices because already used in Gens, but still not Green Hill or Chemical Plant. Here's hoping there are stages from Mania and Forces.

And obviously, I get to play as my favorites again and listen to the marvelous Crush 40! This is definitely gonna be the first good modern game in a good while, like others said before me.

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50 minutes ago, The Loudest Loud said:

As somebody with animation eyes, I notice that they actually played around with Sonic's model in CG for once! Some very subtle widened eyes and squash and stretch going on that we don't normally see with the Modern model (one thing Boom did quite well). Would love to see some non-intrusive stuff like this in the game; reacting to big setpieces or items etc.

This is one of the things I wanted most with the coming of the PS4s and XONEs. Have Sonic more stretch-y animated and actually react to shit going on around him in real time instead of just being a... Toy. 

But we only see this during the CGI parts 😕

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Oh yeah, one more thing, the trailer showed everyone playable but the Egg Pawns, seems like they are almost confirmed as NPCs. Good!

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May Crush 40 never leave us for so long ever again.  Game's looking better now, particularly with that Rooftop Run track, but I wouldn't mind getting some more character reveals.  I wanna see what Eggman's new ride is. 

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