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Positive Things About Forces?


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To echo others, I'm very happy to see an attempt to intertwine gameplay and story again.  A more elaborate plot, in-level dialogue, actual story reasons to be in each level - even if the result falls flat, I'm glad that they actually tried.

I also think that using a more diverse set of musical styles was a good idea.  I don't like all of them, but it's nice to see the series experimenting with lapsed styles.

The game is quite pretty when it's really trying.

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  • The soundtrack (except for Classic Green Hill) is great
  • The good attempt at story so far
  • The great presentation, particularly with visuals (obviously ST's strength here)
  • 60 fps on everything except the Switch port
  • In-level cutscenes are a nice touch
  • Getting rid of lives
  • The Avatar gameplay is great, having had the opportunity to play a demo (obviously the Boost and 3D classic gameplay is subject to the law of diminishing returns here)
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When Forces gets its visuals right, oh boy does it get them right. Chemical Plant, as much as I'm not happy to see it in this game, looks fantastic. The colours pop just enough without detracting from the gloomy atmosphere. It's right on the mark. Likewise Park Avenue also looks really good. I would rather see Eggman take over the city through means other than bombing it to pieces with just a few Death Egg Robos, but it does come together well. It's relatively realistic, but not without some more fantastic flares strewn across. The only part of the game so far that doesn't provide anything interesting to look at to some degree is the interior of the GHZ pyramid. It otherwise is managing quite well on the visual front.

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I'm a sucker for games with character customization, so being able to create a character within Sonic's world all my own and watch them team up with Sonic is a huge draw for me. Previously, that's something I've only been able to dream of, so kudos to Sonic Team for making that a reality.

Of course, the story is also one of the things that interests me most about Forces. Why the heck is the bad guys roster the way it is? How exactly did Eggman take over the world? Who is Infinite? These are the questions I genuinely want to know, and I want to see how this is all resolved. I'm happy they're putting effort into the plot this time.

It's also good to know Shadow is playable, marking the first time in more than a decade that an established character other than Sonic has a playable role in a game, because I know that makes a lot of people happy. Heck, I'm glad they're using the extended cast and making them important to the story, so that's another plus.

And of course, THE MUSIC. These are some of the best tunes we've heard in the franchise, and I'm definitely buying the soundtrack sometime in the future.

Also, PC mods will be... interesting, to say the least.

Sure, the game has problems, but all of this is just too good for me not to buy it. That's why I pre-ordered.

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..........Anyway, I really like the concept of the Avatar. It sucks that they're the only non-Sonic playable character here, not counting the Shadow DLC anyway, but other than that I sincerely think it's a neat idea and...honestly wouldn't mind if it showed up in future games? Maybe not every entry but every once in a while? Not expecting it at all since, regardless of how it's received, it does feel like something they specifically designed for this game's premise and nothing more--but hey, it'd fit pretty well in spin-offs and such, if we ever get those again. Imagine having a custom character in a new Riders or something.

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I like everything so far . Enough that im buying three versions

Also the ost I have not been as hyped for a pay since 06. The ost

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For me right now, the things I think are legit positives (or at least I'm still interested in) are:

- The graphical quality. It looks technically sound, and more-or-less exactly how I'd expect a Sonic game to look on PS4/Xbox One.

- The story, since I'm always curious to see how the whole scenario will play out (and whether or not I can predict what might happen).

- The removal of lives, which is easily the best thing to come out of the gameplay. Having them in this game would be a major annoyance to me.

- Shadow at least being a playable character again is neat. About time we had someone to play as besides Sonic and Sonic (and an OC).

- If fans manage to create some cool mods like with Generations (and Lost World, to a lesser extent).

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1. More playable characters (albeit it’s a dark Sonic clone and Avatar, but it’s progress).


I like Shadow - the DLC news did excite me to have him back. That remix too...

2. The story looks intriguing - Infinite doesn’t necessarily look like the typical monster of the week associated with older modern titles.

3. Gameplay - very wait and see on Modern and Avatar (think Modern Sonic will end up shining the most out of the 3). But Classic does look like it has some improvements made to the physics at least.

Surprise me Sega.

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First and foremost, I'm grateful that Sonic Team is finally giving the established cast some time in the spotlight. Not counting spinoffs, this is the first time in over a decade that the likes of Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, and the Chaotix have gotten the chance to actually contribute something to the plot. I'd prefer if they were playable instead of Classic Sonic, but hey- with Shadow getting added as free DLC, I have hope for being able to play as the others someday.

Second, I'm intrigued by the story. We're getting a dark tone for the first time since Unleashed (Not counting Lost World's pitiful attempt at drama), Eggman has finally won after twenty-five years of humiliating defeats, and now he has an all-star cast of antagonists (and Zavok) at his disposal! And Infinite is looking to be a really cool antagonist! (I still get chills watching him kick Sonic into walls like a ragdoll) And I would geek out at how my favorite Sonic character is finally coming back in his Modern iteration, but that goes without saying. (Still wish his theme was better, though)

And finally, I think all three characters look pretty fun to play as. Classic is largely unnecessary here, but it does look like his physics have improved, at the very least. And I'm always up for more Boost action, so I'm glad Modern's gameplay still looks solid. And I love the idea of getting to create my own Donut Steel protagonist, and getting to mess around with gadgets and Wisps only sweetens the deal!

So yeah, I'm still moderately optimistic about Forces- My only two major complaints are the linear level design and Classic Sonic feeling really shoehorned in. Let's just hope that this resistance ends up being one worth joining!

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1. Story. Finally a more serious story. Haven't seen since Unleashed

2. My baby boy Shadow is finally playable

3. Music. I like the synth. They don't bother me. Fist Bump is such a good song (FIGHT ME)

4. More importantly INFINITE 

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I like the Soundtrack as well as the spectacle of the game when shown in motion, just from a pure visual standpoint ignoring the gameplay and level design itself (I don't mind the gameplay, but the level design is something I have a few choice words for).

The gameplay has good points which have already been mentioned in other comments but I especially like the removal of lives. Lives are really outdated. (for modern games anyway, their ok in classic style ones)

The fact we are getting other playable characters other than Sonic even if it's just the avatar and Shadow is still a good sign for playable characters in the future.

The price point of the game is quite low compared to all previous main series releases.

Even thought it my be cheesy and not the greatest the series has ever had, they are putting some more degree of effort into the Story than in recent games since Colours.

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The PS4 and XBox One Versions run really smooth from what I've seen.

No lives.

Some of the music is decent.



That's all I got.

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The biggest positive for Sonic Forces, to me, is the Modern Sonic gameplay. I got to try out a demo at PAX, and, Modern Sonic seemed to actually control a bit better than in Generations. It's hard to explain exactly, but the homing attack seemed more smooth, and everything seemed to flow a lot better. If later levels have better level design than what we've seen so far, then the Modern Sonic portion of Forces could actually be great. We'll just have to wait and see.

Also, as others have said, the music. While not every track has been a winner to me personally, I really like the Avatar songs, as well as the Stardust Speedway US mix.

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I enjoy the fact that the story is actually trying to be serious with the characters actually taking things seriously and working together. We haven't had a serious-ish Sonic story in quite awhile and I'm really hoping things work out well for this game story. 

I like the fact that characters have banter within the levels as well. It makes them feel more involved in the story. Reminds me of Heroes, which I don't mind. Personally, I would approve the option to turn the banter on/off, but if there isn't an option then I'm completely fine. 

Sonic's homing attack seems pretty fast which I can really get down with and I like how you can gain massive air when doing an air boost. I also think Classic Sonic coming in with the drop dash is a good decision. It's my favorite classic moveset now thanks to Mania.

The music is pretty great as usual. Casino Forest, Park Avenue, Infinite theme, Fist Bump, Aqua Road, and many other songs are fantastic. Really glad we're getting so many vocal songs again in a Sonic game.

Despite not being one that cares for character creators at all because I have a weak imagination, I do like the fact that Forces seems like it'll contain a lot of customization for the look of your avatar, which I think many kids and OC creators will be happy with. Personally, I'm really happy SEGA DLC is a thing because I can wait to dress my avatar up on PS4 and Switch under Persona 5 and Jet Set Radio costumes.

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What I love:

-The Avatar: awesome idea cool concept varied weapon capabilities, races and gear plus I'm a sucker for characters that uses grapple hooks. I personally hope it stays like the Wisps and they enhanced it more. (again MY opinion)

-The story: never been so hype for a sonic story since the Adventure games and Sonic Unleashed I hope they keep this sense of narrative moving forward I missed it.

-The gameplay: I know I'm in the minority here but I like how it looks so far especially seeing the Green Hill tag team stage and Space Port so much promise to me.(my personal opinion again)

-the Music: Modern/Avatar music are really great for me can't wait to hear more of it.

-the Character roles: I love that the other characters are more into the story again also love that the interactions in the stages are directed towards the current objective good stuff.

Lastly in general

The Content: from the trophy leaks I'm gonna be playing for a while collecting stuff and doing bonus stages and missions. 

That's my overall thoughts.

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Random stuff:

-Boost gameplay. It's been my favourite 3D playstyle since Adventure, and while I was ready to accept a new playstyle with Lost World, with how botched it's execution was, I'm very happy that it's back.

-Avatar could be interesting. Not something I specific wanted because I dislike games where you create a character and shove them into a story, the only two times I feel this worked at all was DB Xenoverse and Saints Row (Saints Row specifically because they knew to make the character apart of the actual story, have them talk, make jokes etc).

-The story has been looking to be fun so far, and it's been a long time since I could say I genuinely gave a shit about a Sonic story in games. Lost World killed Tails in my eyes with how badly he was screwed up in that game and it's so mishandled that LW's story is one of the worst in the series for me, and completely killed Sonic's game stories. Forces getting me excited for one again is actually something.

-Technically, this looks fucking great, 60 fps, graphics are pretty awesome, effects and such look really nice, I can't wait to see if this ends up topping Unleashed's graphics while keeping it at a stable FPS.

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A lot actually:

- I dig the soundtrack. Been waiting since SA2 to have character specific music genres again, and while I wish the game had a stronger roster like SA2 did, I like the variety we have. The vocal songs are top notch as well. I want the soundtrack, frankly. 

- The avatar is a welcome addition in my book because it's the most original idea presented here. I'm not part of the OC community and never was, but I do think being able to create my own character gives me a sense of immersion, like I'm walking into Sonic's world helping out him and his friends, and that's an idea I can get behind. I've always enjoyed character creators in video games because they offer great replay value and creativity, and there's nothing at all wrong with that. Gameplay looks fun too, and utilizes wisps in a way that I can get behind a lot better than Colors and Lost World. Rental avatars are a welcome addition too.

- The story. The series has been long overdue for a story that takes itself seriously. The stakes presented here are probably higher than any game prior, and I love it. No, I don't want overly edgy stuff like ShtH or melodrama ala Sonic 06, but Forces does not come across as either of those. The story genuinely sounds epic, like as epic as a game about a cartoon hedgehog aimed at 10-year olds can get, and that's fine by me. There's an an all-star roster of both heroes and villains, plus the intrigue of Infinite, and I really like all that's been shown so far. My only worry is where the heck Blaze is. She better be there somewhere. I digress, I'm happy to be free of the campy, forgettable stories of the past three major games. 

- Back to boost gameplay. Nah, It's not really what I want in an ideal Sonic game, but I do prefer it to the Lost World stuff, and there's basically no wisps in Sonic's gameplay either so that's at least a step up. 

- Shadow is FINALLY playable again. This gives me hope for potentially more playable characters in this game or the very least, in future releases. 

- Looking at the list of achievements/trophies, it appears the game will have a solid amount of content. I could be wrong, but there seems to be a good variety of different accomplishments to strive for, and hopefully some decent rewards. Length and replay value are huge to me, and I was underwhelmed with more recent titles for being short and not engaging enough to go back to much. 

- Graphics are gorgeous and the game looks technically sound. 

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 S T O R Y: there is actually an interesting plot in this game, please Sonic Team don’t ever forget this again for a mainline sonic game.

 M U S I C: the music in this game is a massive step up from lost world’s, also character’s themes are back, which i always welcome, also, VOCALS.

 - G R A P H I C S: the graphics are astonishing in this game, with this Hedgehog Engine II unleashed finally have some competition.

 - A R T  S T Y L E: not much to say on this one, but i think a more realystic oriented style works better for sonic, (e.g: unleashed), lost world didn’t felt right at all in this department.

 O T H E R  C H A R A C T E R S: really, let the rest of the cast be part of the game, having actual roles in the story, more often, no one else is playable yet (except Shadow), but this is an improvement.

Edited by NikoS
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The game disc will be made of atomic nuclei. Atomic nuclei do have electron-positron pairs created from photon interactions, so you maybe do a rough counting of the positrons and then....

I keed, I keed.

I'm about as neutral as one can get on this game all around. Nothing has enraged me and nothing has excited me either. The fact that I am so neutral on it can be seen perhaps as a positive thing, considering how many missteps Modern Sonic has had and how close this series has gotten to death. If this game were a dud, the series would be in dire straits.

...Oh actually, mark me down for a net positive for Casino Forest. I like the trope and the colors. 



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Casino Forest does look kinda good, thanks for reminding me, UpCDownCLeftCRightC. Some of the graphics and aesthetics seem really cool, and I like Infinite's character design (and his theme song is pretty good as well). I'm also excited about the Chaotix playing a role and about the returning villains, as I always like when the series acknowledges its past more instead of being solely episodic.

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- The story. I'm glad that we're being given something that appears to be a bit meatier than the last few handfuls in terms of tone and what's at stake. Infinite also seems interesting enough.

- A return to quasi-realistic environment design. Lost World was pretty, but not the aesthetic I'm going for when it comes to Sonic.

- Infinite's theme.

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Obviously, I've been championing the fact that the story is allowed to do basic things that all stories should do. "Give a fuck" is one. Having objectives for why you're running through the level is great. Giving your characters things to do and individuals motivations for their actions is awesome. I know, TALL order for them but they managed to finally do it. Thank you Nakamura-san. They even managed to do in-level dialogue that, so far, hasn't babbled a word about how the controls work. Thank Christ.

Music's been mostly pretty good. Haven't had a problem with the tracks aside from my initial response to the Vocal version of Fist Bump and that still awful sounding Classic Green Hill Zone tune.

The game isn't what the last two Sonic games were, gameplay wise. Step down from Generations it looks like but it's still the basic formula of something I enjoyed so I'll at least have fun. 


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