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Sonic Runners Adventure "It's out... OK?"

Badnik Mechanic

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I saw this on Twitter, I guess it would make sense to bring it back since they didn't want to waste the resources of the first one.



Though, the art and logo kind of look too Western for my taste so it might be something made from scratch?






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Very cool artwork, though it evokes Sonic Dash more than Runners to me.  I'm all for another mobile Sonic to play, though I'll groan if it's another endless runner, just not my cup of tea.

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Runners' original artwork was sideways, but could this new angle imply a new 3D element to the game? I'm probably just reading too much into it based off of the name "Runners Adventure".

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If it's Gameloft, hell to the no.

I hope this is real, tho.

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Kinda weird that they'd attach the Runners name to this instead of the more successful Dash name (especially since SEGA considered Runners as a financial failure), but it'll be interesting to see how this turns out. Gameloft being attached to this doesn't fill me with joy though, since their mobile games are quite microtransaction-heavy (although for Runners this isn't exactly new, kek).

I guess all we can really do is wait and see.

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Seems really strange that SEGA would partner with Game Loft when they themselves are trying to expand their mobile presence with studios in the East and West, such as Hardlight. That is, unless Game Loft pitched the product to SEGA after Runners was such a flop.

Interesting if this is real. Nothing lost if it's not.

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Cool, I guess. Hopefully they fix the problems with the original.

Gameloft was also involved with that iOS Unleashed game that never made it stateside, right?

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The more I read on the support page.  The less it sounds like a free to play game. No red rings.

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It also sounds a bit more specific in scope, as there's only apparently three teams (Hero, Dark, Chaotix). 

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Looks like there are now 3 types of levels: Finite , Looped and Infinite.

Also, Buddies are back.

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It does sound like there are some pretty big changes to the original Runners. Like there are special stages, and there are moments where the camera angle will change to show stunts being done.

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Looking at the game FAQ is a bit uncanny. 

One of the FAQ answers confirms a few of more unique buddies are back (RC UFO, Yacker, Wizard Chao) - the leveling system is still there (wasn't it up to like 100 before? it's now up to 5) - teams are in and you buy them with rings like before.

Also they've gutted the friend system out, so there's no farming extra tries this time around. 

I really get a vibe like they basically got the source code for runners and built around it. Not that I mind if that's true, core game was good, it was all the other nonsense that bogged it down. I'm gonna be bummed if it's Android only though - surely it'll be both platforms?

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I think the thing I'm liking most is the sheer fact that we no longer have the bullshit roulette to deal with. Really hoping it's just a paid app for like £0.99 to £3, no F2P nonsense, no live system, no online connection, just a proper endless runner.

On another note, this isn't the first time Gameloft has worked on Sonic, since they were the ones behind the Mobile release of Unleashed.


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28 minutes ago, VEDJ-F said:

It also sounds a bit more specific in scope, as there's only apparently three teams (Hero, Dark, Chaotix). 

Dash and Runners both started off with just Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy.

It's safe to assume they'll make the base game with Hero, Dark and Chaotix in mind at first, and then add in other characters as time goes on and updates come out (metal soniiiiiiiiiiiiiiic).

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I'm excited for this since I loved Runners. Well, buying teams with rings could still lead to optional microtransations, and let's not forget the lives system. It could still very well be a F2P, just with a less intrusive model.

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Quite happy about this as I found Runners quite addictive and I thought it such a waste to have a game with such nice presentation forever inaccessible due to the servers being pulled. Looking forward to seeing what Gameloft has in store. They've already made a really nice improvement by getting rid of that accursed wheel. 

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3 minutes ago, Sonikko said:

I'm excited for this since I loved Runners. Well, buying teams with rings could still lead to optional microtransations, and let's not forget the lives system. It could still very well be a F2P, just with a less intrusive model.

Anyone thinking we're getting a new Runners without any microtransactions is being rather optimistic. Gamelofts entire current library pretty much consists of games with some form of microtransactions. 

That said if you get a good gameloft team then they are good at paying attention to detail. The My Little Pony game added a lot of fan favourite characters and over time added locations from show ect. *but* to get the extra characters you end up having to spend ages farming to get the money to do anything. They might of fixed it a bit since mind - I got fed up a while ago. 

But it might be nice if Gameloft are building it like Super Mario Run so you pay a lump sum to unlock story mode, and then get tokens for time trial/replays

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Watch it sell better than Mario Run either way

14 minutes ago, Detective Shadzter said:

Sonic Rush --> Sonic Rush Adventure --> Sonic Colours DS

Sonic Runners --> Sonic Runners Adventure --> Sonic Forces Mobile? 

...I can dream can't I?

Sonic Forces is coming to the Switch, so there ya go

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