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Tails following Sonic

Blazey Firekitty

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Would you like to see some sort of Sonic and Tails co-op mode return in a future game? Would you keep it the same way it was in the classics, or would you make changes to the formula?

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Yes, I would love to. Sonic Advance 3 did it nicely. The team system was pathetic, but the fact that Tails didn't just follow and he could be used even with just one player was great. It was always a heaping load of fun to play Sonic 2 or 3 on single player mode with a friend. If this could be expanded into a proper 2 player co-op I would be very happy.

Sonic Advance 1 was the last game to feature Sonic and Tails mode, although you could argue that Shadow did it, too.

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The main problem I had with that is that every game that has a controllable amigo would result in the first player dominating all the action simply because he has control over the camera - as such, he'd leave Tails behind offscreen ALL the time while the other player was struggling to keep up and wondering where the hell exactly they were at the time. The 3D ones were even worse. Even when the main player is standing completely still, trying to control yourself from a fixed camera perspective is a nightmare, particularly when the majority of movement depends on the angle of the camera itself. If "Sonic and Tails" mode is ever to come back, that HAS to be fixed. Whether it's a splitscreen co-op or even a smash-bros esque "off screen" bubble, quite frankly I don't care, I just need some bearing as to where the hell I AM exactly when I'm not sharing 1P's screen.

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On the contrary, I found Sonic Advance 3's partner AI to be wholly terrible; they're always off doing their own shit, such as getting themselves killed. My partner also caused my death in Chaos Angel Zone a few times.

I preferred it when Tails would follow Sonic's every move, because it was cute and because it reflected his personality (at the time), which was to follow in Sonic's footsteps.

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On the contrary, I found Sonic Advance 3's partner AI to be wholly terrible; they're always off doing their own shit, such as getting themselves killed. My partner also caused my death in Chaos Angel Zone a few times.

I preferred it when Tails would follow Sonic's every move, because it was cute and because it reflected his personality (at the time), which was to follow in Sonic's footsteps.

What I mean by Advance 3 doing it nicely was that player one could make Tails fly. Play Sonic 3 and you'll see that player 2 must command Tails to fly. Advance 3 however lets you do it with the simple click of a button. Overall though the team system was balls and simply didn't work.

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I liked how you could use the second controller to have Tails carry Sonic in Sonic 3. But it did have it's downfall when someone else was playing as Tails. I don't know how many times I'd be playing as Sonic and a friend would accidentally pick me up and carry me into an enemy or spikes. That was so irritating.

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Actually there were two things I enjoyed about Advance 3's partner system:

1) Using Tails's flight when playing as Sonic. I really didn't care about any of the other characters' abilities aside from this

2) Sonic could follow Tails instead

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I'd love to see co op again, and I've got a few ideas as for how to keep Tails on the screen. Basically, he's kept within a certain distance of Sonic that loosens at low speeds and tightens at higher speeds. Tails could do helpful thins like detect hidden stuff and carry Sonic through the air.

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As far as gameplay goes, I don't see the point of it. It's hard enough for Tails to keep up in the Genesis games, and since the games have only gotten faster since then, it'd be even harder now. If they ever do it again it'd need a severe overhaul, and to be honest I can't think of any way to pull it off.

Storywise, though, it's something I'd like to see come back. It's kind of odd, they never really gave themselves a chance to explore Sonic and Tails' relationship...as the first time they really focused on telling a story, SA, is also when they decided to make Tails more independent. Now, I do like the development he got along those lines, but it seems like it's made them hesitant to have them interact any more than just being on screen at the same time. I don't expect Tails to go back to just Player2/sidekick/good buddy (nor would I want that), but it'd be nice to see more of that teamwork and friendship come through.

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I'd love to see co op again, and I've got a few ideas as for how to keep Tails on the screen. Basically, he's kept within a certain distance of Sonic that loosens at low speeds and tightens at higher speeds.

Like a one-way Chaotix rubber band? Poor Tails on a leash like a toddler at a shopping mall. :lol:

That's how it was in the early games anyways. Sonic lead the game like it was one player, and Tails just helped out when he was onscreen. Sonic lead the screen as well, and if player 2 got into some trouble because of that, it just sucked for player 2. But that's how it should be. The game shouldn't sacrifice main gameplay for a 2-player option. An alternate 2-player camera might be needed in 3D, like maybe at a wider angle. But nothing game changing, and definitely optional.

But if Sonic's speed was anything like Unleashed, it couldn't happen. We have to wait for the next platforming heavy game.

Edited by Badnikz
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I wouldn't mind seeing a game devoted entirely to Sonic and Tails, designed specifically for co-op and whatnot.

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I wouldn't mind seeing a game devoted entirely to Sonic and Tails, designed specifically for co-op and whatnot.

Well, Sonic Unleashed ended in a very Sonic & Tails way. Heres hoping they were running towords their next adventure together.

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That's what I was hoping for. The Sonic and & Tails ending to unleashed was cute, and also sad because of the Chip side of things.

You know, Sonic Heroes ended with Team Sonic running towards their next adventure... which just so turned out to be Shadow.

Edited by Blue Blood
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I wouldn't mind seeing a game devoted entirely to Sonic and Tails, designed specifically for co-op and whatnot.

That would rock seriously hard, you and a buddy playing as the iconic duo themselves, with tag-team moves (and maybe even *gasp* seperate viewing screens) and whatnot, shit sounds awesome, I can't see it happening in the SU gameplay engine though, I'm thinking more full 3D platformer with fully explorable levels to take advantage of Tails' flight and whatnot. Co-op seems to be the in-thing this gen so it's certainly somewhat plausible.

Edited by FeathersMcGraw
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I would LOVE a split-screen co-op. Know what would be rad? A DS game where, via multiplayer wi-fi, you could play the main game on co-op and see the other person on your screen. Not multiplayer games, the actual main game.

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Yeah, this is definitely something I'd want to see. I think it would work if Tails always followed Sonic along the lines of Phos's idea. Sonic and Tails could do partner attacks and Tails could carry Sonic upward and the like. I'm not really sure how a two-player setup would work, though, but I'm sure it would be doable, provided Sonic's gameplay isn't anything like Unleashed.

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Yeah, this is definitely something I'd want to see. I think it would work if Tails always followed Sonic along the lines of Phos's idea. Sonic and Tails could do partner attacks and Tails could carry Sonic upward and the like. I'm not really sure how a two-player setup would work, though, but I'm sure it would be doable, provided Sonic's gameplay isn't anything like Unleashed.

The Simpsons Game had pretty well implemented co-op. AI was rather smart, often the "buddy" climbed up intricate platforms to reach me after I did the same. I'd like to see Tails able to pick up Sonic and fly him to high places.

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I think it would be cool if they made a Sonic game where one person could be Sonic and the other is Tails but not on the same screen. I.E. Online Co-Op. Kind of like they are doing with the New Super Mario Bros. game. It could be a side-scroller like the classics but each person can do what they want in a level. If one person gets to the end of a level before the other, they get some type of bonus or something. It would be really nice on the DS where could just have 2 people with DSes. And preferably single-card play.

I think Sega needs to go back to Sonic's roots and start over from there anyway. And that would be a good place to start.

FYI: I never cared much for the Sonic Advance series. The level design sucked and was boring IMO. I hated how pretty much every level had a huge pit beneath it that you could fall in and die. The older Sonic games weren't like that on most levels.

Edited by Joseppi
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Like a one-way Chaotix rubber band? Poor Tails on a leash like a toddler at a shopping mall. :lol:

"This leash demeans us both." :lol:

But yeah, I like the idea of having a co-op mode where the players don't have to stay together all the time if they choose not to.

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