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Dr. Crusher Presents: The 30 Days of Sonic the Hedgehog Mk.II (Daft and Tolerating It)-PAGE 72, FIN

Dr. Crusher

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Day 1: Which game has your top favorite boxart?


Video Game Box Arts can really determine first impressions on people, so what was the Sonic game to me that had a box art that stands out among the others (At least in my opinion)?


Well, it's hard to really decide in terms of the Sonic games, but I would have to go with Sonic Generations:SonicGenerations.jpg



How is it not cool seeing both a Classic and Modern rendition of Sonic in one cover? One thing that I've always liked about Generation was it's use of the color White. In undefeated hub worlds for Generations, the worlds would be covered in white, as if they were stuck in a limbo. The background of the boxart is basically Green Hill Zone with the use of white on it. It's not the best, but it still gives it a sense of emptiness that's yet to be filled by two speedy hedgehogs, fitting the overall concept of restoring time and space. The overall design of the box is cool too, the white borders on the top and bottom are given a Sonic 2 JP like style, with vibrant shapes and patterns. It's a really cool design that's definitely grabbed my attention on my day one pre-order of the game.

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DAY 1: Favourite box art!






Simple, stylish, cool and it doesn't feature the Americanised Sonic! I've always liked the icon of Sonic and Knuckles' faces against a black backdrop because it's not only an eye catcher, but it makes the game look far more serious than it actually is. XD But hey, that's fine. Sonic games deserve cool boxart, always!

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Day 1: My Favorite Boxart


I'll go with the one that started it all: Sonic 1 (US Version)





I agree with you, Doc. Sometimes simplicity pays off. This cover was the perfect introduction to the Blue Blur. No distractions, no co-stars, just a teenage rodent wagging his finger and smirking at the viewer as if to say, "You wanna have a blast? I'm your guy!" And that gorgeous Green Hill background is perfect for a first glimpse into the vast, beautiful world of Mobi- I mean, Sonic's World!

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Yay, it's that time of year again! 8D


Question #1: Which game has your top favourite boxart?


After refreshing myself on what the box arts of the games are with a trip through Google, I think my favorite is and always has been the western Sonic 3 box art:




Western artistic quirks aside, I like how it's one of the more narratively-driven box arts we have. For one, you've got Eggman in the background dishing out fiery damage to the environment that's actually in the game. And just as well, I've always liked Knuckles hiding over in the corner there like the sneaky little bastard he was at the time. Even if you knew what he looked like, it adds a level of intrigue and mystery to the piece as a whole, and just as well plays on his wishy-washy moral alignment. It's honestly those two elements that always made me want to play the game the most.

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Aw yeah, time to rock and roll!

Question #1: Which game has your top favourite boxart?


Hmm, this is a tough one indeed, but I have two candidates for my favorite:


This is one of the first Sonic games I played and it's the boxart I remember the most for awhile, the artwork for this game is pretty good so they showed some of it at it's best here.


You get sense of "battle" with this boxart  with each rivals being side by side and striking  dynamic poses that go with each other.


The logo is great, it gives a good indication of the "Hero story" and "Dark story" with Sonic and Shadow's quills making it up.


This boxart does it's job of making you know what the game is like quite well.


On the other hand, it has a good competitor:


The colors here are just beautiful, with each Wisp giving a neat line of light following it.


Sonic's cocky smile and punching pose gives a sense that you're going on a grand adventure and our hero is going get through it without a doubt.


The surrounding scenery is gorgeous, giving anybody who wants a peak into a game a good look at the first level, the image of Sonic's world is absolutely outstanding  and makes anyone know this game is going take place in the reaches of space, and that Egg Ferris Wheel gets the theme park setting set up, "Enjoy" indeed.


Of the two, I'm going with Colors' boxart due to being the more unique of the two, don't get me wrong, A2Battle stands out but Color is simply grand.


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Day 1: What is your favourite boxart?


Sonic wise, my favourite boxart has to be Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.




I just love how much this expanded on the original Sonic Adventure 2 cover. A cover which by presenting both Sonic & Shadow, introduced the core concept of the game, opposites, and good vs bad. But the Battle cover expanded that out ten fold. We got all 6 stars of the game, along with what side they stand on (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles for good, Shadow, Eggman, Rouge for evil).


But it also gives us a little insight in the characters. For example, Sonic is looking happy go lucky and striking a pose that just screams of adventure, Shadow looks angry and ready to fight, Tails is charging towards Eggman, while Eggman has a smile that just screams ''This isn't a threat'', while Knuckles and Rouge play it off more as a challenge rather than right out battle. The added chaos as well is nice as it shows that even the Chao Garden is getting some representation here. It's a cover that's nicely drawn and shows all the characters at their best.

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Being personally honest, I've never really had much of a personal taste on box art for the games. I mean, they look nice, but they weren't a total concern for me. Aside from that, some of them do stand out from some others. One of those being:




Sonic 3's. Say all you want about the "American Assface" Sonic, I think this is one of the coolest box arts the series has. There's sooo much going on and I really like it. It has this weird sense of adventure and mystery going on, since Sonic's never been here before, but Robotn- I mean, Eggman's causing trouble burning down the forest, and since this is the third game, you pretty much know what Sonic's gonna do to him. 


...After he's done posing.


And who's that guy in the bush? Is he a good guy or a bad guy? Well, we all already know who's in the bush by now, but when I first saw this, I never had a clue who it was. The same probably goes to several others who picked up the game around the time of release.


Honorable mentions go to Sonic Generations, Sonic Lost World and Sonic Heroes.

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Day 1: Which game has your top favorite boxart?


I'm gonna jump straight to the classic era for this one.




There's primarily two reasons for this one;


1. The composition is striking. Sonic and Tails in the foreground stand out against the background shenanigans, while also closely matching the colours of the floor and the 2.

2. Tails is adorable. I think this is what puts it at an edge over its Japanese counterpart. There's something about his snout in that one that seems a bit awkward, but here it's shortened and looks much cuter (while not looking like its cartoon incarnation). It's a localisation change done right, and I especially like the additional detail of some back head fur. 


So yeah, this boxart is famous (I'd almost go as far as saying that it's iconic) and deserves to be so.


Honourable mention is Sonic Heroes JP.

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Day 1: What game has your favorite boxart?


I'd have to say Unleashed, actually. 


spoiler'd cuz huge




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Western artistic quirks aside, I like how it's one of the more narratively-driven box arts we have. For one, you've got Eggman in the background dishing out fiery damage to the environment that's actually in the game.

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Sonic Adventure's box art kinda tickles my fancy. It's just an image of Sonic against some...odd background while he stands in this pose.


Said pose shows his character very well. It's eye catching, and it's simple. I don't know how to properly convey my thoughts, but it certainly stuck with me quite some time after seeing it.


It gives the impression that you're in for a treat. Which you are.


It's very nostalgic, despite that I have yet to play the original Dreamcast version.

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Day Un: Favourite box art

My favourite Sonic boxart has to be the European Sonic CD SEGA PC box.


It just looks awesome. Sonic and Metal Sonic are on the move with that background which I think really adds to the action with that blur effect. The background is just right as it adds to the scene, but isn't too detailed. I like the brown ground with that Cyan sky which makes it look like it's happening at dusk. The palm trees help too, but anything with palm trees is a plus in my book.

Both Sonic and Metal Sonic look really crisp and good, and ready to go. I also really like the slightly pale colour of the art for some reason.

It just makes you want to jump in and fight Metal Sonic!

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Question #1: Which game has your top favourite boxart?





I was going to put Sonic the Hedgehog for Master System's box art here and argue that all Master System box art is beautiful. But turns out this might be a reason for it not to be my favourite, since, well, it's Master System so of course it's beautiful. Sonic CD's European box art takes the cake here because even though there are other ones that are prettier, like Sonic 8-bits, or more stylish, like Sonic & Knuckles', this one just makes me want to play the game. It tells me what the game is about without much information and what really matters, which is Sonic, is on the front. It catches my eye and my eye stays there, something most Mega Drive box arts can't do because there's just so much going on.

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This series doesn't really have striking boxart to me like other series do, but I'll give credit when credit's due: 







I really dig Riders 1's artstyle when it came to the offical and in game artwork, so naturally this one's a favorite of mine. I ususally prefer simpler, stylish art over the more complicated stuff.


48JhtfJ.jpg 347px-JP_Sonic_CD_ROM.png s2-bginfo-detailsimg5full.jpg352px-Sonic-Spinball-(japanese).pngsAnBC3J.jpg?1Sonic-Knuckles-Japanese.png



Also gotta talk about the original Classic Sonic art. They have a really simplistic style but like I said that's what I prefer. I also like that they pretty much all have the same style unlike the later games which are kind of all over the place. There's also some silly stuff in there like the cheesy quotes(DON'T MAKE THE SUN LAUGH AT YOU) and the fact that Sonic 2's logo is on the boxart 2 times for no real reason. It all just adds to the charm.

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yay, reasons for me to post again! 8D


Day 1: What game has your favorite boxart?


Out of all the great pictures that have been placed on the covers of Sonic games as there are, I can't help but have a tie between these two:




There's something about the JPN SatBK boxart that gives a sense of class. I absolutely love the red patterned background and how Sonic simply stands out against it while holding Caliburn.



I also love the Adventure artwork. Just looking at it makes my brain scream nostalgia(despite me having never played it until like 3 years ago...maybe it was that ad I saw back in 2003). The colors are nice, the sky and sea meeting in the background is cool, and Sonic's pose is unique.

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The classic games still stand in a league of their own in terms of box arts for me. The superior aesthetic of them all really shines - the simple white background accompanied by eye catching shapes, colours and layouts which really are fantastic. On top of it all, these box arts use the superior Japanese art style of Sonic on them which immediately boosts their quality. The greatest of these designs goes to Sonic Spinball for me though - though the actual game quality doesn't match that of the classic trilogy, this box art's quality is extremely good. The composition of the Sonic art with colours curving around him, his neon coloured after images fading behind him, and the use of the jagged lines and arrows really promote an eye catching piece of work which I'd certainly be impressed with seeing on the shelf. I also feel this look really suits the Sonic franchise with sharp arrow like objects and jagged lines which promote movement and direction.

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Question #1: Which game has your top favourite boxart?





While I don't really have a favourite per se, I do have a soft spot of Secret Rings' cover. Despite the awkward looking Sonic render on the front, I liked the use of Fire, Wind and Dark elements being shown as they're the main powers you can wield during the game.


Now the cover really starts to shine when you head to the back.




And already, this game has grabbed my attention. Can't beat a cheesy tagline to get you excited to play. But seriously, I have to say that the yellow and purple colours blend really well together.

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30 Days of Sonic Act 2 Day 1: Favorite Box Arts


Right, here we go. It's here. Box Arts can be a very subjective matter from person to person. Anyway, enough of that gibberish, my favorite Box Art is as a lot of members have already already said, the japan Classic Sonic box arts because they are clean, simple and have one consistent art style across all three games. And done!


Day 1 Complete!

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Question 1: Favorite Box Art?



Captures all the edge of the series with no butt-brow, slasher grin, or hotdog nose. Sonic's silhouette is on-model and menacing, similar to Knuckles's. The stark blackness of the background makes the logo also stand out. It's also symbolic: Sonic being part of the darkness implies dark is good, and Knuckles surrounded by darkness shows his incoming redemption.

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Question #1: Which game has your top favourite boxart?


Well, that's an easy one.



Everything here just pops so well. Sonic is drawn better than on the previous boxarts (barring maybe SCD above like azookara said), there's color and big exploding text everywhere, there's a lot of jagged lines (As someone born in 1999, this is how I imagine the 90s were), and oh! Who is this guy? He looks kinda like Sonic! Is he evil Sonic? Is he a new playable character? He's got spiky hands!


With Sonic 3K (or rather, Sonic and Knuckles "collection" in the most technical sense possible on the PC) being the first 2D Sonic game I owned and beat (the first being Sonic 2 on my mom's friend's daughter's former house's former owner's genesis), the only box art I got was this:


That's bland. That's a black background with Sonic 1 art that looks out-of-place next to S3 knux. So when I saw the actual box art years later, I was much more impressed.

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Question #1: Which game has your top favourite boxart?

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