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I've been looking for this movie (and the spin-off tv series as well) for years now and I recently managed to catch it in January. I'd try to watch these as soon as you can because there's no telling when YouTube will take them down. And remember that it took me over three years to find this. Three years. That aside, I don't see why Cartoon Network's so ashamed about this. It's certainly much better than most of their current programming. Though I guess that's just because of my unpopular opinion complex. 

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Re-Animated was the pilot TV Movie to Out Of Jimmy's Head, a live-action/animation hybrid sitcom show that continues the movie's plot. Its considered one of the worst shows (if not the worst show) the network has ever put out, and is considered the poster boy of the "CN Real"/Dark Age era that was ensnaring the network at the time. Needless to say, I don't blame them for throwing it (along with their other live-action shows) under the bus.


I remember being interested due to its Roger Rabbit-esque premise, but I found the film and the show largely underwhelming. I think it would have had a better chance of survival if it was pitched / picked up at Nick or Disney Channel instead.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Time for a revival.


South Park The Stick of Truth: Cut Content


Originally, when South Park The Stick of Truth was with THQ, the game had a massive amount of content that ended up being cut in the final game, and apart from some parts remaining in cutscenes, they remain completely missing. Since there's so much to cover, I'll just do this in parts.


Vampire Kids Faction:


Originally, as seen in several beta trailers and screenshots, The Vampire Kids from the South Park Episode - The Ungroundables was meant to be a completely new faction altogether. These screenshots and trailers show The New Kid, along with Cartman and Kyle fighting against the Vampire Kids. On Top of that, there was meant to be a whole new location and quest with them, where you'd have to go into a graveyard in order to find their base and steal a book from them. They were also seen in a massive fight scene in the trailer. 


In the final game, all that remains of this is during one cutscene where both Cartman and Kyle's armies go to Clyde's house and find him with the stick of truth, the vampire kids are seen as some of his army members.






Girls Faction:


Unused dialogue and several beta screenshots show that originally, the girls were going to be a completely new faction altogether who'd you would have to battle and then convince to join your side. Unused dialogue from Wendy also reveals that they were meant to be found in game much faster, where in the final game, you don't do their quests until the final day, in the beta version, they were meant to join up with the boys during the siege on the school to get the stick of truth.




Hippie Faction:


More screenshots and unused code in the final game reveal that originally, the hippies from Season 8 of South Park was meant to be another faction, and they would be fought in Cartman's basement (In the original episode, Cartman uses his basement as a prison for hippies). Code in the game also reveals that there would be both adult and child hippies.




Original Game Story, Factions, and designs:


The South Park wiki reveals in the cut content area that the game was meant to be very different, with such things as the Gingers being a rival faction, the fact that Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman were to all be in the same faction, rather than in two different ones, and the first story mission would be the ginger faction kidnapping Cartman's toy, leading to the others to go get it back. On top of this, a Game Informer cover reveals that there were to be much different designs for characters, and others like Santa were to appear in the game as well. 



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