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Sonic Boom comics *ENDING #11*.

Inkling Cooper

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Since It looks like this was lost after the semi-server wipe, the Boom comics topic is back. So, the latest issue (Issue #5) came out. I thought it was pretty good as it definitely felt more like the TV Show due to all the side-characters and yes Dave the Intern is in it.



UPDATE: Since this was posted, the comic has been announced to be ending in Issue #11. The title of this topic will also be changed to reflect this news.

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Apparently no. She stopped being a bitch around issue 3 and even apologised to Knuckles! I'm certain she won't be like that again since Ian obviously didn't know how to write Boom!Amy at first. =P

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This is the first issue written by actual show writers, am I right? I'm guessing since Ian isn't listed on the credits.


You can tell, the story and humour, for better and for worse, is more like the show, and almost all the supporting cast make an appearance. Seriously though, Comedy Chimp's got more spotlight here than in the show itself right now, what's the plan for him?


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Ahh yes, Eggtoberfest! The issue where Mr. Freiberger wrote for the comic, though I didn't see him actually writing for any of the Boom episodes released so far, maybe in the future. But in typical Archie Boom fashion, it's silly and goofy and it's still great! It's also nice to see the supporting cast being involved with the story as well with familiar faces like Dave, Comedy Chimp, Fastidious and more. But I have an issue with the issue it's the art, some of the characters look pretty weird in some panels but it's not too bad but you can tell they look a bit off. I also love that Mayor Fink made Eggman run through rings to get a permit to make a celebration, the Superman 64 kind. XD


Despite Sonic and friends knowing better than to trust Eggman, it's nice of them to atleast help him out a bit before realizing all of his efforts were meaningless. Also another that I noticed at the beginning of the issue, Sticks isn't doing the intro, but your MAIN MAN, Knuckles! With his iconic reading glasses, no doubt!


Overall, really good issue. Great debut for Bill in the comics, art could use some work but overall another funny issue in the comic series!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got Sonic Boom Issue Six in the Mail today, must say it is not like what I thought it would be.

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Got Sonic Boom Issue Six in the Mail today, must say it is not like what I thought it would be.

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Is that good or bad?

Don't know honestly. I had no expectations going in so I can't say either way. It's pretty funny sometimes

Knuckles punches a bomb-bot when it is rude to him.

Other times it's just set up for other things. Flynn is back as writer, and there is one logo but only because a character is shouting, so there's new jokes.

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LOL Sonic tripping over his own character note. Already an improvement as far as 'breaking 4th-wall' gags go in this comic. Also liked Eggman playing to Sonic's ego to get him to participate in the race.

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"Eggman's go-karts are gonna scan us and copy us into one of his machines! Then his kart's gonna turn into a giant mecha-dragon!"


...Fifty Rings, seven Chaos Emeralds and three pairs of Power Sneakers say that's exactly what's gonna happen.

This joke with Sticks is really getting old. At this point, we can expect her predictions to be completely accurate, so there's no suspense or surprise anymore.

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I remember Ian commenting that the comics are worked six months in advance, so it means that all the issues so far had been written before the show premiered. Ian had episodes scripts to base his writing, but I presume this isn't the same thing as watching the show.

Therefore, I am assuming that the issues after Worlds Unite are going to be closer to the show in tone than the ones we have got so far.

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"Eggman's go-karts are gonna scan us and copy us into one of his machines! Then his kart's gonna turn into a giant mecha-dragon!"


...Fifty Rings, seven Chaos Emeralds and three pairs of Power Sneakers say that's exactly what's gonna happen.

This joke with Sticks is really getting old. At this point, we can expect her predictions to be completely accurate, so there's no suspense or surprise anymore.

Well the Go-Karts do Scan Sonic and Friends, so betting against you would be a fools errand.
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Just goes to show that the IPB search fucking sucks. I was looking for this topic earlier.

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LOL Sonic tripping over his own character note. Already an improvement as far as 'breaking 4th-wall' gags go in this comic. Also liked Eggman playing to Sonic's ego to get him to participate in the race.


Oh good, Ian's took note of Boom Eggman's biggest strength. He knows and exploits all his enemies' flaws.


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This issue was pretty good buuuut... "to be continued"? I thought each issue was supposed to be a self-contained story.

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The solicits did say that this is a 2 parter story

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This issue was pretty good buuuut... "to be continued"? I thought each issue was supposed to be a self-contained story.


As was when people assumed the TV show but alas there is some sort of continuity. Though I'm pretty sure it was a given after the first 4 issues, Jason. :P

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"Eggman's go-karts are gonna scan us and copy us into one of his machines! Then his kart's gonna turn into a giant mecha-dragon!"


...Fifty Rings, seven Chaos Emeralds and three pairs of Power Sneakers say that's exactly what's gonna happen.

This joke with Sticks is really getting old. At this point, we can expect her predictions to be completely accurate, so there's no suspense or surprise anymore.

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Well greeting once again, fine folks of the SSM Bee! Looks like we have another Boom comic so why not let me, do a quick review on it shall we? No? Well, too bad bub.


First, let’s start with the obvious reference.



A go-karting arc definitely sounds like something I would see from the Boom show, if the creators behind it had a bigger budget but I guess that’s why the comics is around to provide such stuff that wouldn’t be in the show otherwise.


With the typical tongue-in-cheek humor the comic has, it’s still just as good. You know, you’re in for a ride when the intro alone makes you smile.


Sonic tripping on a text box is amazing levels of 4th wall breaking humor and I love it as such! Eggman also exploiting Sonic’s ego is hilarious and cunning at the same time, so yet another plus. Seeing all the characters failin the race due to their flaws is great. For example, Amy lost because she was too concerned for robot ducklings or Tails being overconfident about Eggman not fooling him and forgot about that his kart was still moving and such. Comedy Chimp going for the media attention by crashing was silly but that’s OUR Comedy Chimp for ya, HEY-O! Knuckles being angry about the Bomb Racer not giving him some respect was absolutely hilarious and it wasn’t him being dumb, so Flynn has learned about the mistakes he made in the earlier issues so that’s nice and dandy, now isn’t it?


With that, excited to read Part 2 of the story and it’ll probably end with Sonic winning the race and something that involves Sticks being part of Worlds Unite, either way I’m curious to say the least!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am here to tell you all the important news that Sonic Boom #7 is out now in Print and Digital and I have read it. So, basically the issue ends the story that started in the previous issue with yet more 4th wall Humour. For example, at the beginning, Sonic touches the yellow character tag whenever a character is introduced. And that's just an example. Another one is this line: Knuckles: ''Are you Kidding? We had a whole month to get here!''  ''Ahh! Release Schedule Humor.'' Also, the end of the issue is another cliffhanger for Worlds Unite where Sticks sees a portal. Anyway, that's enough of my extremely unnecessary talk which no-one cares about.

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Fuck. That confirms Sticks is the only Boom character in Worlds Unite.

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