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Dr. Crusher Presents: The 30 Days of Sonic the Hedgehog (sponsored by PowerVerte)-Fin, PAGE 150

Dr. Crusher

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Day 21; Favourite Theme Song for a Cartoon.


Well, I don't have A favourite; more like, I have a bunch of favourites, every of them on the same level.


1) Aosth Italian Opening

This one is pure nostalgia, for me. I remember, back in 1998-1999, waking up earlier than usual, before having to go to school, and watching this cartoon....well, actually, this opening was also used for Satam and Underground, with no changes whatsoever to the video or lyrics. Lyrics which, by the way, talked about how awesome, impatient, speed-loving, kind-hearted Sonic was. Moving on.


2) Sonic OVA; Look-A-Like.

I love this voice. Also, the lyrics about everything looking alike summed up the moral of the movie perfectly. But then again, the soundtrack of this movie was good, no matter how you look at it.


3) Sonic X Sonic Drive

I'll start by saying that I don't usually like Japanese openings. I may like the rythm, most of the time, but the fact that I can't understand a word of what's said makes them a no-no, in my book.

But Sonic Drive not only is sung by Mister Kageyama, singer of the Dragon Ball Z openings and many others, but also, if you look at the translation of the lyrics, sums up Sonic's view on life perfectly. Such a shame that the Sonic in the show didn't, always napping and whatnot.

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Look-a-Like is definitely my choice. Not only does it sound like Sonic music, but it's also really groovy. It sounds like it could fit in with the soundtracks to Sonic CD or Sonic Adventure quite easily.


(I do have a soft spot for the SatAM theme song even though I've never been a fan of that show, but I much prefer Look-a-Like.)

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Question #21: Favourite Sonic Theme Song From the Cartoons


Well this is easy. The unused opening to SatAM, if that counts. I recall finding this tidbit after watching the series and looking it up online. Part of me wanted this to be the actual theme, or at least included in the bonus features for the DVD set.


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Day 21: Favorite Sonic TV Show Theme






Does LOOK ALIKE count?


Because I really really love this one.


I don't know, NOSTALGIA is probably a big reason, but something about it is just so much fun. It's like the most delightful piece of fast-paced J-pop goodness associated with a wonderful piece of animation. That said, the lyrics are...something...


But in case it doesn't count...
















I've always loved this one too. I don't know, I don't have any real nostalgia for SatAM because I never really even watched it until I was around 11 and got my hands on the DVD set, but I've always loved this theme. It's just...so awesomely cheesy and 90's and...I love it. I really just do.

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Question 21 - Favourite Sonic Show Intro/outro music?




I'm gonna be one in the minority here, but the Jetix/UK theme for Sonic X is so adrenaline pumping as soon as I heard the start of the intro I knew Sonic X was on the TV, accompanied with a catchy beat and simple lyrics (Sonic X? Sonic X!) It's short and to the point and I absolutely adore it over the drivel that was the US "Gotta Go Fast!" theme song, plus it being short meant there wasn't 2 minutes of air time wasted on unnecessarily long opening credits, those 30 seconds is literally one of the few embodiments on my childhood I remember fondly everyday after school.




Another favourite of mine was T.O.P from the ending of Season 2, something about the poppy Japanese rap just screams Sonic, and with a slow running animation loop of Sonic running to the music, it just looks awesome because you get to witness some of Sonic's awesome run animations from every angle imaginable, it's a general feel good song for sure.




Look-a-like is literally one of those songs so out of the ball park that you honestly weren't expecting, but it seriously fits as a make-shift theme for Metal Sonic in the OVA, it's catchy as fuck but it's got a soft undertone of tragedy to it from how the vocalist deliver's the lines in each verse, as if you can feel Metal Sonic's confusion and anguish to being created for one purpose. The song is so roboty and it makes me think this is what Metal is reciting in his head as he hunts down his nemesis Sonic, as he's only just been born he has no recollection of the world he was born into, he was a copy from the start with no name, but a handle existing off someone else. That's what this song is, confusion and upset, that often goes overlooked as just another cool song, it's Metal's identity.




Sonic's Fight is so full of energy that I couldn't possibly NOT mention it, it's an adrenaline rush and you know Sonic is on the scene and is running, I especially like it when the song goes in reverse in the last minute, the track does this slow down build up and changes in tone completely, it's awesome. which ties in with this..


 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9bUrFg-H58  Sonic's solution is just a feel good song that you know the Hero will prevail and he's going to win.


But finally..




This song gives me chills because I remember when Sonic first goes super to defeat E-99 and trigger Chaos Control, such a powerful scene with such powerful music. 

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While there aren't many options, the choice is clear: the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog theme song! It's lively and cheerful, much like the show itself. The style fits in well with the fun nature of the cartoon, and it doesn't forget to pay homage to not one, not two, but three different songs - two well known classics and the Sonic game theme.


The song goes hand in hand with its title sequence, which is just as helpful in establishing the cartoon's frenetic (but merry) motif. All the parts with Robotnik chasing Sonic, Scratch & Grounder's silliness, and it generally gives you a basic idea of what you should expect in the series. It's a good opening, coupled with a lovely, joyful song.

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It would definitely have to be the opening to SatAM.  Best opening for the best Sonic show!


Special honorable mention to Sonic X's "Sonic Drive" (JPN and FRE versions).

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Looking back, Sonic has had a pretty good record with Theme Songs. AoStH is delightfully madcap, and the addition of classical music helps grab your attention. SatAM was my preference as a kid though, the enthusiastic vocals pumped me up. Even with Sonic Underground, its the vocal work that sticks out to me.


My favourite though is Sonic Drive.


Its crazy, completely all over the place and moves along at a pretty fast pace. I don't know if its a stanard theme by anime standards, but to me the fact this is a song created for a children's cartoon is absolutely wild. And I love it. Its the only one of the four I've mentioned I have on my MP3 Player.

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As much as I love the English Sonic X theme, I'm going to have to go with the Japanese ending for the same show- I think it was called... T.O.P.?


Yeah, it is, apparently. This one:


I'm told it's full of puns and wordplay, but I just like the head bopping beat.

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Day 21


Have to give it to Fastest Thing Alive from Sonic Satam. It's just a really catchy theme that perfectly embodies the 90's Sonic persona. I've always reckoned an extended orchestral remix would make a brilliant final boss theme.


I'll give some props to the Gotta Go Fast theme from Sonic X as well. Nice upbeat song and definitely beats the other version with the female singer.

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Easy peasy!


The AoSTH theme, for sure; a mix of the Sonic theme and Hall of the Mountain King! Awesome stuff.


Also Robotnik's sexy butt.


After that, I'd say the South Island theme from the OVA, I guess it's not the intro to the movie but it introduces you to Sonic and where he lives. :3

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So theme songs, they introduce the viewer to the show their watching. It can be based of an existing song or it can be an original composition. But eh I'm dragging this on so...


Sonic Drive!

Sonic Drive is one of those songs that get you pumped to watch the actual show. Its just filled with energy and passion. And its quite memorable as well since its been like years since I last heard it and I remember what it was like. And its a pretty good song in general.

The only reason why I didn't pick AoStH's theme is mostly because it sounds like an arrangement of Orpheus in the Underworld and Hall of the Mountain King which have been stables of cartoon music since forever. Its definitely no lesser compared to the others but I just need an excuse to not talk about it for once. And SatAM's theme is kind of too cheesey for me. Cheesey fun but not something I'd pick for this. lol


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Day 21: Favorite Theme Song For a Sonic Cartoon:


I definitely have to go with SatAM's theme song:




This theme song is very energetic as well as catchy and I love how well this song actually describes Sonic: fast, cool, edgy and is pretty much unstoppable. I love the sequence of the intro as it starts off with a fitting Sonic boom, shows all the characters, briefly lets you know what the show is about and has an adventurous vibe to it with things being destroyed, Sonic running around, Sally swinging from a rope, Dr. Robotnik getting mad and something in Robotropolis blowing up even. It was nice to see the intro end with Sonic friends around celebrating. The first time I heard the SatAM theme song along with seeing the sequence with it, I knew that I was in for something special with SatAM just from the intro alone.


I fondly remember 9-year-old me singing the SatAM theme song with my younger siblings in unison right before the show came on Saturday mornings, when the show started when the song played, and after the episode was over. Good times. happy.png It's definitely a theme song that has stuck with me for some nearly 21 years now.


Runner-up in favorite Sonic cartoon theme songs goes to AoStH:




I love how the theme gives a wild and wacky vibe without saying a single word throughout the intro. The sequence of Sonic and Tails pulling pranks on Dr. Robotnik, Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts was great and funny to see as well. The mix of "Hall of the Mountain King", "Flight of the Bumblebee" and the Sonic jingle makes this intro a real treat to listen to. smile.png




And I must admit, the Sonic X theme song is a guilty pleasure of mine:




I like how the sequence involved clips of the actual episodes. It was rather fitting. Bonus points for the majority of the Modern cast being featured in the sequence as well. Not to mention we got the "Gotta go fast!" meme from this theme song too smile.png

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I gotta go with the SatAM theme. What can I say that hasn't already been said? It's catchy, energetic, and gets you pumped for some Sonic goodness. I mentioned that I got into Sonic through the cartoons as a kid, so the SatAM theme will always be one of the first things I associate with Sonic. Hell, I'd say I associate Fastest Thing Alive with Sonic more than I do with the likes of the Green Hill theme or It Doesn't Matter.

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Man, I'm missing these days like crazy. This hasn't been a good month for me to do this. :'v


Anyways, today's choice... top Sonic TV theme..





Gonna admit it. This might be one of my very favorite Sonic themes. Like, one of the best out there; definitely one of the best vocal tracks. It's fast-paced, very melodic, and a perfect blend of that cheesy Adventure era rock, drum and bass, and synthy old Sonic goodness. It's super nostalgic in sound, and man it's just so great.


And it's funny that even though I like Look-Alike and the AoSTH theme a lot, they don't stand up to this. This is just the best one. When this song comes on the hype runs through my veinsss.


Too bad the rest of the show wasn't any good LOL

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I would probably have to go with the sonic x intro, sure its not really all too complicated or anything and yeah its a pretty simple and overall cheesy song but I would be lying if I didn't say this was one of the best intro's I saw back in the day as a kid and it was probably one of the few songs I memorized the lyrics too. Plus, even though it doesn't describe the show as such it at least lets you know that sonics really really fast.

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....Ugh, I can't choose between three. So, I'll just list all three of them!



This is just so damn catchy and to me it really catches the sheer wackiness of the show, if all the slapstick humor and squash and stretch animation didn't already do that itself. It's just a really memorable opening.



I love SatAM. And you know what else I love? It's opening theme. It really captured 90s Sonic's attitude I thought. When I first saw this back in 2007, I knew I was in for a treat with this show.



Yes, this song is repetitive as shit. But damn, I still love it. It's cheesy sure, but it's the good kind of cheesy. Plus, it's freaking catchy.

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Question #21: What's your favourite theme song for a Sonic cartoon?


Now - Me only watching X - I have three options.








And honestly, because nostalgia I prefer the European version. While the other two definitely have merits and are miles above the rest, yeah my nostalgia kicks in.

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This Sonic X theme. I really like it better then "go go fast". I really like this theme song because it has a awesome beat and i love the singing. it looks like a mix of country rock and roll and dance music. and it was simple without stupid lyrics. I really enjoy this one and i didnt know it was the UK version until i see the comments.



I also like this SaTAM theme to. But the user smooth4lyfe make it way better. to be honest his version of the song is what make me look to original song. i like how it discribe Sonic. hes fast and hes smart and snarky and amazing. its fun and i love the beat. this one i also enjoy as well but this one more to the orginals.




this is my favorite ending. i dont like Sonamy at all but i really to love this. the song make me cry everytime i hear it. its a romanse song from a girls point of veiw. and she wants to meet the ones she loves. its a great song to discribe mostly Amy. other then that its also pretty sad depend on how its use.

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Day 21: What's your favorite Sonic TV show theme song?


I'm going to go with Burning Way Past Cool, the unused theme song for SatAM.



Oh... oh the cheese... I think I'm going to have cardiac arrest...


Regardless of that, though, I always thought this song was absolutely awesome for a Sonic TV show song, and definitely the most fitting one in the bunch for the Sonic series, especially with how similar the style between it and Sonic Boom was. Made 75% out of pure cheddar cheese and 100% out of pure awesomeness, you know that this song will be burning way past cool in your head for a mighty long time.


Day 21: Complete

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Day 21: Most favorite Sonic cartoon theme?

I mostly go with the flow here, and say that the SatAM Sonic opening theme was fairly amusing and catchy, though it's the most memorable for my money's worth. The AoStH one was kind of wacky and without any real lyrics to them, and did anyone ever heard this one?

I dig the tune along with the lyrics, but the show itself made no sense and I'd more be inclined to call this series 'Sonic's Relatives Rockband'.

Also I was more familiar with the European intro for Sonic X in where they constantly shout 'Sonic X' over and over as opposed to GOTTA GO FAST! Anyone ever catch that?
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Day 21:

Yeah I think i'm going to have to go with the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog  opening for this one. Its just soo cheesy and cartoony you can't help but love it. Plus the whole opening sequence that goes with it is zany as fuck!


Special mention to the Japanese Sonic X opening which I think is also really cool!

while Underground's and UK Sonic X's arent great, props to them for being catchy as hell. I havent seen them in ages and I could probably quote most of the words!

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I have to go out on a massive limb here...and bring up the Sonic Underground theme. I'm sorry, but I just can't go for anything else. Nothing is that catchy, that much of an ear worm, it honestly bugs me that I feel I have to go for it, because it's easily one of the worst Sonic cartoons, but that theme tune...


OK, so we've got those guitar riffs, which are, while stereotypical, are insanely enjoyable cheese, a bit like power rangers. Then we've got the lead vocalist, and he sounds bizarrely into it, and I love this. He's belting out those...frankly confusing lyrics as best he can, it sounds rocking. Really, the repeated singing of the title is also a cliche I love, and the note hold before Queen Aleena drops some...monologue(?) just adds to the charm.


Sonic Underground, you objectively suck, but I can't say I DON'T enjoy you for all the wrong reasons.

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Sonic SATAM, hands down. The song is really catchy, really fun to listen to AND it's so, so cool! I love it! <3


I also like SONIC DRIVE from Sonic X (the Japanese OP), another catchy song with typical shounen animu lyrics! =D


Oh, and how could I forget flipping Look a Like? It's SO 90's, and I love that! The lyrics too, whilst obviously relating to the OVA, are quite cheesy but funny at the same time. I dunno, they're just funny lyrics. Either way though, it's a great song.

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Day 21: Favorite TV Show Theme


Imma have to go with The Shining Road from Sonic X


Mainly because it encompasses a lot of the better parts of the series and adds to what few moments of atmosphere there are. Plus it's a really nice song by itself.

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