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Sonic the Hedgehog Official YouTube Character Channels


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And the Silver page uses bloody fanart. They can't be real. The channels are poorly constructed. Nothing much else to say, really.

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I'm not entirely sure where I should stand on this - although it's possible that this is all an extremely elaborate hoax, it would definitely one of a high caliber. Although the quality in some cases is nothing short of lousy, there's definitely a lot of effort put into these pages to make them at least appear official. They even go to the extent of having character interaction between the channels - an example of this is shown soon after Metal Sonic's confirmation to appear in the MASATOWG. He commented on Sonic's Channel with:

MetalSonicsChannel (2 days ago)

Dr. Eggman changed my orders to defeat you in the Winter Olympic Games.

-Metal Sonic-

This, and the fact that they have fourteen channels simultaneously running (Sonic's in both English and Japanese, no less) makes me believe that they are, in fact, official. And although the design of the pages does leave quite a bit to be desired, it still would have taken quite a bit of time and effort to create this vast quantity of channels to begin with - fourteen background images, avatars, and profiles would be nothing short of awfully time consuming. The images used aren't ugly, by any means - they most probably have a lower quality for file size's sake. And all of this effort...to put together a giant hoax, a year in the making? That seems highly unlikely to me. But then again...you'd think we would have seen links to these pages somewhere on an official site, wouldn't you?

We need some confirmation from someone whether this is legitimate or not. I'm leaning towards it being legit, but then again, there's plenty of evidence pointing in the other direction, as well...

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Why would an official channel have Youtube Poop in it's favorites?

Forget Youtube Poop, Tails' channel has Stepmania videos in it's favorites! Am I seriously to believe Tails likes to 'step it up' to his own theme song? Because...I don't have a problem with that, it's kind of awesome. It's unofficial though, so I can only dream of the many ways he would cheat.

Anyway, the large use of fanart didn't completely rule out the legitimacy for me - if just because of the Black Knight contest and that SEGA might have warmed up to using it since then. This was altogether quite well done, even with the mistakes they're the type of mistakes you could see SEGA making (questionable Japanese to English translations, for example.), so this had me going for quite a bit.

However, you've got to believe that somewhere in their big list of workers SEGA has someone who knew the characters a little better than whoever wrote the channel info. That was probably the most glaring flaw in this next to the whole not-related-to-SEGA thing, even though some of them were quite funny.

This was very elaborately done though, so someone obviously went through a lot of trouble to produce this stuff. At this point it still might turn out to be official and just a bit fishy, but right now it's looking like a nicely done little hoax that we momentarily fell for because we seen a SEGA logo. :P

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These are most definately fake. Just look at them:

- Mobius is listed as the country. Not only has that never been the official home of Sonic (Sonic's world has never been listed exactually), but it is certainly not a country.

- The countries don't make sense for the characters anyway.

- I don't think SEGA of Japan has ever really gotten into mentioning specifically Sonic's old American shows, which are listed (I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG, for instance).

- The background quality isn't very good, it looks like someone saved as a jpeg.

- Some of the colours hurt the eyes, a professional would probably make them if they are official.

- Shadow says a lot of things that aren't true (he was 'raised' with Maria, except he was only alive for a short time and never grows up, so... not really. He also has already saved the world, and he didn't know of that 'secret')

- "AROOOOOO!!" (WHat the?!)

- The revealed Chip's true identity, spoiling the story for a generally new game.

- Silver's messes with the time line, Iblis doesn't, nor has ever, excisted.

- Unofficial facts are listed (Blaze has a crush on Silver?)

- The facts interfere with eachother (Silver is from the future and is best friends with Blaze while Blaze came to Sonic's world from her demention? Tails built the Tornado?)

- "Our names were based on Cream Cheese" breaking the forth wall? This doesn't even make sense!

- Characterization is WAY off (Blaze is evil 'sometimes'?)

- The kicker, the quick link is a .tk domain. If this was official, SEGA would redirect it from there website.

They are interesting, but very fake indeed.

Edited by BlazingTales
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It's obvious it's fake. Whoever did this, wants to make the impression that they're indeed japanese to a degree. There's Mobius there, and in the japanese page as well, so that can't be true. The Japanese version never had Mobius and the concept of that planet was only in the cartoons and comics. Even if he was trying to appeal worlwide, then why didn't he mention STC, Archie and the several mangas that Sonic starred in Japan?

They're still fun to look at though. Oh, Blaze, I like you a bit more already. :)

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Er... I don't know what to think of these. Reading through the topic, there's valid reasons as to what they could be; fan-made or official. >3>; But I'm leaning towards the fan-made due to self opinion.

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Hah, I so called it. It's blatantly fan-made.

Hey, who wants to start something similar up on Twitter, except better? Anyone? I call dibs on Blaze. *SHOT*

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Dude who made these. Some of the descriptions are weird.

Sonic's Channel:

Name: Sonic - ソニック

Species: Hedgehog

Gender: Male

Main Ability: Run the speed of sound

Age: 15 (17 since my first game) <<----Huh?

Birthday: June 23, 1991 <<---is this this cannon?

Nickname: Blue Blur

Shadow's Channel:

Name: Shadow

Age: 51

City: Mobius <<---Ok good indication it's not official.

Country: Japan

Occupation: Undecided

Knuckles Channel:

I needed SOMETHING to do while I'm on this floating island guarding the Master Emerald, so I got a laptop and signed up for YouTube! <<<-- haha that's funny...I wonder if the internet service is any good?

I accept all friend invites. <<<-- Tails says that too.

MASTER EMERALD STATUS: SAFE <<<--- Just in case you were concerned.

Here's one of the comments below.

hyliaman (1 hour ago)

Dear Knuckles, how do you type with no fingers on your gloves? Your truly, Strongbad.

XD yeah really. Who does he type of boxing gloves on his hands?

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Shadow's Channel:

Name: Shadow

Age: 51

City: Mobius <<---Ok good indication it's not official.

Country: Japan

Occupation: Undecided

Another thing wrong with this is that Shadow doesn't have an official age. He's either classified as ageless or his age isn't given at all.

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Annie-May: Just checking, you get the in-joke in that comment, right?

And yeah, I guess these are fan-made. They do have some good ideas though, if SEGA ever makes official ones (Like the Master Emerald status)

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MASTER EMERALD STATUS: SAFE <<<--- Just in case you were concerned.

I, for one, was concerned. I shall sleep easier tonight!


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Did SonicsChannel ever say SEGA was running the channel or anything like that? Because even if he isn't, I can understand him calling himself "official" since he's pretty much the most popular Sonic channel on YouTube. He's even the first result when you type "Sonic" under "channels" on YouTube. And look at the number of his channel views, subscribers and friends and he only joined near the end of last year!

(By the way, I used to have an account here years ago but I lost my account information. Can't remember what my name was OR password =/)

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Did SonicsChannel ever say SEGA was running the channel or anything like that? Because even if he isn't, I can understand him calling himself "official" since he's pretty much the most popular Sonic channel on YouTube. He's even the first result when you type "Sonic" under "channels" on YouTube. And look at the number of his channel views, subscribers and friends and he only joined near the end of last year!

It doesn't matter if he's the most popular channel or not. Unless he has a license from sega, he's not more official a sega sonic channel than mine is.

I'm simply stunned at how many people think this is official, it's so badly designed, and during his FAQ why does he keep comming in and out of Sonic's persona, at first he talks as sonic, then all of a sudden he answers the questions as apart of a team running the channel.

Total tripe.

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City: Mobius <<---Ok good indication it's not official.

Country: Japan

I sent a pm calling him a faker because of that and he aswered this:

"I was drawn and created in Japan. You can't select Mobius when you're selecting a country."

WHAT. I don't think his English is very good.

The ME status is hillarious though, along with Shadow's: I'm the Ultimate Life Form, this is my channel. I love Chip though, so I probably will add him as friend.

Edited by redmenace
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I guess with Knuckles' cute ME status and all, that makes his channel the best! Well, to me, that channel seems to be the most in character and all too. >w>

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"I was drawn and created in Japan. You can't select Mobius when you're selecting a country."

But SA2 was created in the US. And why would shadow even think or know what the hell mobius is? He's from the Ark.

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during his FAQ why does he keep comming in and out of Sonic's persona, at first he talks as sonic, then all of a sudden he answers the questions as apart of a team running the channel.

Total tripe.

I'm pretty sure he's mainly bringing up the point that it's not just him running all these channels. Since the questions are asking "Do you run all these channels". I'm pretty sure he wasn't saying that it was a group of people just running Sonic's channel, he was saying that it was a different person in the group running each channel of the different characters.

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But SA2 was created in the US. And why would shadow even think or know what the hell mobius is? He's from the Ark.

I quoted that as if it was Sonic, sorry.

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Hahahaha. Some of these are hilarious.


"I have joined YouTube for a reason only known to me."

"I was created by Professor Gerald for reasons only known to him."

hahaha. That's funny.


Well here whole page really. xD

Though I thought she'd only have "ZOMG SAWNIKK" vids faved. xD


I told you he'd eventually get bored. xD

Lol, the Master Emerald Status. xD


Wait, if he hates Sonic so much, WHY does he have him as a friend AND he's subrscribed to the channel!?

that seriously made me go "LULWUT?" (No, seriously, I really said that.)

Metal Sonic:

Oh. My. God. THAT is hilarious! Not sure why, but it is.

Chip/Light Gia:

Lol, Chip is so random. xD


Wait... what? His page makes no sence at all.


"Don't worry I am not evil... most of the time."



Oh god. xD

sounds kinda... dark.. angstyish... thingy... awesome. xD


Oh god, that was hilarious how "Sonic" pranked everyone with that fake SA3 "trailer". That is so like him to do such a thing, IMO. x3

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It was brought up in the Sonic Mega Collection topic, but might as well bring it up here.

Confirmed these channels are fake, and SEGA is taking action since no one likes posers.

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Chip's account has biten the dust at least, which is a pity since it was perhaps the only one I wanted to befriend.

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Interesting channels, but I'll have to agree they are fake. I did post a bit though as if they were not, see if I'll get any replies that make sense.

(Also, sorry for being gone so long, my memory fades at times and I forget things.)

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Chip's account has biten the dust at least, which is a pity since it was perhaps the only one I wanted to befriend.

I still have absolutely no idea how he was running that account inside the flaming core of the planet. Do him and Dark Gaia have to share a PC under such conditions? Boy, to be a fly on the wall eh?

I can actually see them removing that one intentionally just because of the whole "Light Gaia Chip" thing and how that's a spoiler for "their" game. Obviously they don't want to look (any more) unprofessional, so if you see a new account pop up with a more simplified non-spoilerific name; you know what happened.

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