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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:: READ POST 11156/PAGE 558


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The ending of FDoaF had me very confused on what had happened in the end.

Is Scoot alive and was just dreaming her time with "Death" and her funeral during what would be her neardeath experience, or is she actually dead and just chose for her "Heaven" to be what would've been had she not died and to be ignorant of her death? I want to go with the former because the latter leaves me wondering about what happens now in the "Living world" among other things. But It's late right now and I'm too tired to think about it

Dusk and Dawn. Oh man what a cliffhanger that may never have a sequel >< Now I feel the pain of Sonic Chronicles fans.

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The ending of FDoaF had me very confused on what had happened in the end.

Is Scoot alive and was just dreaming her time with "Death" and her funeral during what would be her neardeath experience, or is she actually dead and just chose for her "Heaven" to be what would've been had she not died and to be ignorant of her death? I want to go with the former because the latter leaves me wondering about what happens now in the "Living world" among other things. But It's late right now and I'm too tired to think about it

That's the problem with the way the author wrote it. He intentionally made it so the former couldn't happen and thus denied a happy ending for those who wanted it, but he left it open ended enough that the ending could very easily (and in my opinion, much more logically) be interpreted as something far worse than he intended.


That Scoot's idea to find happiness is to intentionally trap herself in a

Lotus Eater Machine.

Which is really fucking depressing.

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That's why I'm not a fan of Grimdark works in general. I'm fine with bad things happening as long as there's at least some hope in the ending. (And as long as it's not a Deus Ex Machina happy ending)

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My own interpretation of FDoaF's ending was

Scoot was sent to an alternate universe where he didn't die. It all just being an illusion doesn't really make sense to me because it brings up the question of what happens when Scoot dies in the illusion?

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Holy fucking shit.

That is ungodly levels of epic, fanboys are gunna bust a gut at how anti-fanon that is. XD

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So basically everything about this episode looks amazing.

Not gonna lie, though, I'm a lot more excited for new Zecora than I am for Luna.

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Hey ho.


After all these months I finally found where Derpy is.

And 'Tavi, you look as "Like I give a fuck" :P

Oh and about that clip, I can't wait for the episode.

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Hey Discord... your entrance was good... HER'S WAS BETTER./The Riddler

With an entrance like that, I'm so looking forward to tomorrow's episode!

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So, for those of you who guessed that...

We would be getting a socially awkward unintentionally scary Luna... You win a new car!


I thought it was a pretty good episode, although there seemed to be a lot less jokes than last week's. Plus, some people are gonna go all bitchy about Luna's personality. But let's not dwell on that.

We should be dwelling on Zecora's awesome makeover. I just... whoa. Someone'd better draw a human!nightmarenight!Zecora pic soon...

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Awesome episode today!

Felt so bad for Luna. All she wanted was to be loved like her older sister, but was still stuck in the ways and customs that she knew from 1,000 years ago. Her flaws actually make her stand out more as a character compared the almost-perfect Celestia.

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Awesome episode!!1 Ok, I'm a little disappointed that there wasn't song in this episode but otherwise I loved it! Unintentionally scary Luna is the best Luna!

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I don't wanna be that guy, but I felt this episode was... sort of meh, actually. I liked Luna. I liked her "Talks like Frog from Chrono Trigger" way of speaking. I liked her smartass snarking that was only understandable if you thought about it. I liked her inability to communicate without using the Royal We. As far as her personality goes, I was actually really lucky because it more or less fits in well with my preferred fanon for her anyways (she came off as Progress Luna with shades of Half the Day is Night Luna mixed together in the episode).

I liked Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. I thought Dash's role in the episode was great. I loved the Fluttershy scene. I liked the little fandom nods which may not have been intentional (Carrot Top/Derpy apple bobbing scene) but were funny as hell regardless. I laughed for a good 30 seconds when Twilight explained what she does best, because it was a fantastic little bit of self-parody. I really liked the role Zecora had in this episode. I loved Dragonception.

But I immediately had an intense loathing for that little bastard whose name I've already forgotten the instant he opened his mouth, the likes of which I had only felt before with Twist; and he kept coming back in the episode. I missed not seeing the CMC in the episode, which is probably one of the reasons why I hate that little bastard so much. No Rarity either also makes me disappointed, because I would liked to have seen what she went as and I really wanted to see all of the Mane Six interact with Luna.

And, honestly, there wasn't that much to the episode. It wasn't that funny outside a couple of scenes, but it wasn't that serious either. It was just kinda there.

Edited by TGaP Tornado
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I don't think the episode's any worse than some of the S1 eps. Which means... well, it means that I think people in general have been hyping up the episode, especially since last week's epsiode was so good.

The thing is, I don't think it's reasonable to expect people to be consistantly great unless they've been able to show that that's their 'standard'. This felt like a standard episode to me, so I wasn't dissapointed. I do think that the little british kid was a big mis-step though. Blech.

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The accent was well-done, for once, the character...eh, not so. He just sorta appeared, nudging the story rather than driving it.

I liked the premise as a whole, Luna's entrance was pure badassery. Her canon persona is also pretty sweet, and Zecora is as win as ever.

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....CABLE Y U NO COME TODAY!!!! Eh I'll just wait for the youtube upload. So has the fanwankery about Luna happened yet?

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So has the fanwankery about Luna happened yet?

Looking through the EQD comment logs.... no. Surprisingly not. So I expect any flame wars will converge on the dark recesses of the fandom.

And I'm still waiting on my Zecora pic... :(

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Nobody here likes Pipsqueak; I hate you all.

Socially awkward Luna is best Luna.

Zecora is still best zebra.

Now, I demand Star Swirl the Bearded fics.

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I don't think the episode's any worse than some of the S1 eps. Which means... well, it means that I think people in general have been hyping up the episode, especially since last week's epsiode was so good

If people were expecting something epic from today's episode, the blame probably rests more with Theissen/Faust than the fandom. They were both putting heavy hype on the episode as soon as they made it known they were finished writing it. "Epic" was thrown around a lot.

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the blame probably rests more with Theissen/Faust than the fandom.

Take care with your words, Tornado, what you speak is heresy!

(I give my love to whoever gets that reference.)

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So has the fanwankery about Luna happened yet?

She more-or-less slotted neatly in line with a couple of the more popular fanon interpretations as she was, so the only people who have a chance to be pissed are going to be the ones who wanted Luna to be full of shame to the point of uselessness or who wanted her to basically act like Fluttershy (WOOOOONNNNAAAAA!!!).

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Luna having trouble fitting in even had me thinking she'd gone bad again for a minute. I did Celestia really not teach her about the new ways? I still disappointed by the lack of Rarity and CMC, but whatever Pinkie Pie was funny

I almost get the feeling that "Scary but fun" was a reference to "secret but fun" xD I can totally see it becoming a meme

Popcorn.gif for the fanboys raging about her personality.

EDIT: sounds like that British pony is the "Chip" (SU) of this show now

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