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Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

Doctor MK

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Yeah, it's sorted. It's a very different game now to what was shown at E3 - truth be told the E3 version was very, very early, but we needed to get something out there for people to see.

The handlings a lot more satisfying now - the physics are very much more sorted - and all the cars have nice weight. The mass is also taken into account, so lets say you're playing Eggman, you can budge the bikes around a bit. Not so much to make it unfair of course, and they do have their pluses (you can get through some tight gaps for example). The idea is is we want people to try the different characters. Think Street Fighter where everyone picks the character that suits their style!

Rumour has it the announcement that was due this week - will be next week instead BTW. Apologies for being a tease on this, like I say, I'm not in charge of PR and Marketing :)





AWWWW MAN! Geez! This ain't no fun!

Well, at least I can wait until then, it won't be painful, I guess.

Just try to make sure that the next week announcement doesn't get delayed to the week after the next, S0L. Because if you do, not only may many people including myself be angry, but I would be expecting an angry mob knocking at your door waiting to0 beat you up the day after (and if) you make such a delay for teasing us. (note: I'm just playing around with ya there)

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New preview in upcoming issue of Nintendo Power says preview scans


If anyone in the U.S. is getting the new issue, please scan :)

I shall!

...oh dear science, there's also a villain profile for Dr. Eggman featured in this issue.

Dr. Robotnik

Anyone who turns adorable woodland creatures into murderous robots is grade-A villain material - though you can hardly blame him when so-called heroes make fun of his body shape by calling him "Eggman".

Ugh. Only two sentences of information regarding the Doctor and they've managed to taint it with canonical inaccuracies. Somebody didn't do their research here. Oh well, I've seen worse.

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I shall!

...oh dear science, there's also a villain profile for Dr. Eggman featured in this issue.

Ugh. Only two sentences of information regarding the Doctor and they've managed to taint it with canonical inaccuracies. Somebody didn't do their research here. Oh well, I've seen worse.

Yeah, I was just about to juxtapose that with and mention that ONM article for inaccuracies. Sure I give ONM major brownie points for actually finding a Sonic character to admire ( Robotnik to boot) but ONM just needed to do much more research for one. Psssh, they should had gave me or Dr. Mechano a ring; but if they did, they would have had a whole encyclopaedia instead of an article. What was that saying again? Give someone an inch and they'll take a foot. XD

Besides Hunter TSF, there are three inaccuracies in that article: the two you mentioned and Robotnik not coming in at #1. :lol:

( Oh, I jest.)

Edited by Kintobor
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I apologize for double posting, but I just noticed this after looking at an old screenshot of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing.



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Gah, bad pun.

(unless I am blind and am missing something - in which case I retract my statement :P)

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Gah, bad pun.

(unless I am blind and am missing something - in which case I retract my statement :P)


Nightopians are the little residents of Nightopia in NiGHTS into Dreams.

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Nightopians are the little residents of Nightopia in NiGHTS into Dreams.

Whoo, glad I put that disclaimer in there or I would be feeling stupid at the moment.

I know that my Nights IQ is kinda low though, thanks for straitening me out.

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Hunter, I do not see what you're seeing in that image.


Me neither. Hunter, care to give us some more pointers about what you're seeing in that picture, please?

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I don't see what they're talking about either but I did see SOMETHING ELSE:

EDIT: I was kidding just for a bit, spare me. XD

Edited by Dusk the Christmas Keeper
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Me neither. Hunter, care to give us some more pointers about what you're seeing in that picture, please?

Nightopians are the cute lil' inhabitants of Nightopia featured in the NiGHTS series. A Nightopian's head appears in the reflection of the golden structures above Sonic, Beat, and Alex.


A picture for reference. (Image of Nightopian on the left, SASASR screenshot on the right.)

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Sorry, I have to be a jerk...

Can you draw a circle on that original image or something?


I drew two. >_>

Ah! I forgot to specify - the image on the right in my previous image is a cropped part of that screen from SASASR.

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Are me and HunterTSF the only ones here with good eyesight? If your monitor is on a slight back tilt like mine you'll need to stand up to see them properly. You can clearly see two Nightopians heads reflected in the gold.

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I think everyones seeing things. Seriously? Why would there be nightopians in Bingo Highway?

Perhaps the image in the news article wasn't the best at pointing them out, but...


That appears to be a Nightopian's head on the right. The oogly-eyes, cone-shaped head and pointy ears are all there! NiGHTS and the Nightopians made cameo appearances in Casinopolis in Sonic Adventure, so this isn't all that far fetched as it may seem.

EDIT: More obvious version uploaded.

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While I see it and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, for all we know, those could really be poyos or chao or something.

EDIT: Just noticed, I don't think the nightopians in the reflection have the halos around their cone-heads. Or is it just me?

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Um, yeah... that's Bingo Highway? It looks nothing like Bingo Highway at all. I did see the Bingo Highway screenshots before, but that isn't one of them.

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While I see it and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, for all we know, those could really be poyos or chao or something.

Chao are already confirmed to be in Seaside Hill, and they don't often appear in any color besides their traditional aqua blue - not to mention their faces don't have those proportions. None of the Puyos have that face, either.

Um, yeah... that's Bingo Highway? It looks nothing like Bingo Highway at all. I did see the Bingo Highway screenshots before, but that isn't one of them.

Although admittedly this scene looks little to nothing like Casino Park, the glaring neon FIREBALL sign in the upper-right hand part of the picture is a dead giveaway.

(That sign appeared in the original Casino Park, near Team Rose's goal ring.)

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It does seem a bit odd that you can't see a halo but there's not much space round the head that you can see in the reflections. Plus that screenshot is from a very early version of the game so even if the halo's not on them they can fix it in the final version.

They don't really look like Puyo's to me and if they were Chao I think there's enough space above the head on the one reflection that you'd se the emotion ball(or whatever its called) on its head and Chao are in the Seasise Hill track as HunterTSF said.

The track could be part of Casino Park or maybe even a NiGHTS city course. In the video interview I posted here earlier today Will from Sumo Digital said they had to completely revamp the Casino Park stage compared to its Sonic Heroes counterpart.

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Chao are already confirmed to be in Seaside Hill, and they don't often appear in any color besides their traditional aqua blue - not to mention their faces don't have those proportions. None of the Puyos have that face, either.

In the picture you posted of a Nightopian, they didn't have that face either. their eyes were smaller and farther apart and the irises werent green. But hey, who knowns, I might be wrong.

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