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Sonic X animation styles


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Why are the Jetix pics still floating about? thought 53-78 had dvd releases in all regions by now?

Because nobody feels up to getting screenshots for a series that ended years ago I pressume? If I had the ability i'd be more than happy to update the season 3 screenshots myself but I only have episodes 53-78 from the english dvd's I got many years back. Using the english version to update the season 3 screenshots wouldn't be the ideal choice due to scenes being removed and you can only get the Japanese version of season 3 through bootleg last time I heard.

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What about the french edition DVDs? arn't those the same japanese version raw video with french dubbing? or what about the Hulu editions?

Edited by goku262002
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Wasn't aware of the French ones and Hulu is only in America so nothing I can do there.

Edited by BlueTidalGamer21
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Ahh... Amy's eyes are a few centimeters off of being derptastic

So I did the honors


Going to the right though, her eyes were a few centimeters off of looking normal too... I say it's a good thing these scenes hardly lasted more than a few seconds hehe

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Here's a funny scene, nicely summed up what the heck is wrong with it by CHAnga at the Sega Forums below.


Hey Tails!...Tails, wake up! A giant robot's gonna crush your plane!


Good, you're already out of your seatbelt! Now just bust open the windshield and...


...Uh, Tails, I could be wrong, but isn't putting your seatbelt back on and cowering kind of a step backward? I mean, yeah, the ground is a stock cornfield photo, your hands are pawlike, and one of your knees is shorter than the other, but I don't think that's worth getting yourself killed over.


...Not that you'd die from this anyway. I mean, his foot isn't anywhere near the cockpi-wait (Looks at previous picture). I guess the foot instantaneously moved over the cockpit between frames, didn't it?

...Bye Tails.

Oh, and this is also from CHAnga too:


Oh yeah, just run into that cafe and put the patrons in danger, why don'tcha. Our hero, ladies and gentlemen.

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Oh, and this is also from CHAnga too:


Oh yeah, just run into that cafe and put the patrons in danger, why don'tcha. Our hero, ladies and gentlemen.

Who would have thought the show would have been way better if they didn't add the human?? The animation would have still sucked in places but still...

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They were really rubbish DVD's with only 2 episodes on each. They used the Japanese episode names for some reason even though it was the 4Kids dub. After those the UK never had any more DVD releases of the show. Considering how popular it was on the network it's pretty bad that only 4 volumes were released. That was back in the day when UK usally never released every episode of a series on DVD. They stopped half way and left it at that. Not sure if they still do that now.

Edited by BlueTidalGamer21
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Another batch of pics:







That last one is just so hilarious because of how off-model the characters look. It's like the animators didn't get their fix of daily coffee in time before they started working or they accidentally drew their Lego-based chibi doodles of the cast in this scene.

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Well, not many Brits are able to buy these French ones you're talking about (I've never heard of them, either), the Hulu release is unavailable to us, and thus we only have the first 8 episodes available on DVD officially.

Yeah, that's right, we've only had eight episodes released onto DVD here.

Wow, that just blows dude sorry to hear that. 4kids at least followed through releasing all the seasons i would suggest importing if you don't mind a shit dub with no option to switch over to JP W/ Eng. Subs. The original 1-52 JP dvds are still about if you want to spend $50+ for each one.

As for Hulu, Free Proxies are your best friend. Those damned chinese can't keep me out if i want to go view a website that they blocked US citizens out of. Hear me China, you can't touch me!!

Who would have thought the show would have been way better if they didn't add the human?? The animation would have still sucked in places but still...

Wtf are you on? the show would been 10x better without humans!! for one thing, no fucking chris!!! another is without basing around being a human world they could've stayed on Sonic's World and maybe we could've seen some game references outside of the adventure arcs.

Another batch of pics:


Really? No one has made a drug reference yet?...

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My God....it's as if he stepped right out of South Park.

Interesting to note is that on the very rare occasion, animation changes were made. For instance, Chris here was changed between the original Japanese airing of episode 31 and the DVD release.


And episode 78 has an absolute ton of animation changes between the French airing and the Japanese one that was never broadcast on Japanese TV.

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Really now? is there a place that list the changes that were made? can the japanese one still be found i like to compare it to the Hulu version (whihc most likely is the french version's video).

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TBH, these two videos show much worse animation then what I ever saw throughout 78 episodes of Sonic X. Not even episodes 18, 36 and 47 got anywhere near as bad as that in-motion 0_o;;

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Naruto has 2 different types of animation crews the "glamor shot" crew and the "action scenes" crew. that was the work of the AS crew they tone down on the flash and substance but bring fast paced action that scene was calling for. that was all funny battle filler anyways...

Edited by goku262002
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Yeah, you can always tell when they get the better animators in and up the budget for the action-heavy and important fight scenes.

The stupid thing is that they used them and did just that for that scene... but the art direction was terrible. So we have something that moves really fluid and smoothly, yet also looks absolutely retarded.

But yeah, they totally screwed up that fight in the anime to comical Tom & Jerry proportions.

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Wow, Tails really needs to lay off the cake! Surprised the ship didn't go down because of his weight. I better go tell him.

*walks in Tails's room*

Sonic: Hey Tails, I ne-



*walks out*

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Never noticed the Sparkle in Tails eye at this point. Its obviously his first time falling on a plant. Hasn't lost the innocence of youth before getting plant bits on him.

Oh dear, what am I saying...

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Never noticed the Sparkle in Tails eye at this point.

Neither have i. That look in his eye seem to indicate that the picture was taken just as the apex of the activity was being reached. Well, for Tails that is, most certainly not for Cosmo. From the looks of it, Cosmo is in fact doing the old "close your eyes and think of England"-thing.

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