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Sonic X animation styles


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Okay, if this topic is going to turn into an image dump, it's pretty clear that it's outlived it's stay and it isn't serving much more of a purpose, so knock it off.

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Not only does Amy's dress sometimes appears longer or shorter than normal, but so does her tail.

And it's not just Sonic X that does that, it's seen in official art and in the comics also.

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Sonic in that second pic above me looks ridiculously thin, and the way his spikes are protruding are just creeping me out.

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Okay, if this topic is going to turn into an image dump, it's pretty clear that it's outlived it's stay and it isn't serving much more of a purpose, so knock it off.

But I don't understand, isn't the point of this topic to show the fundamental flaws in Sonic X's animation? Explaining them would be much more harder to understand then showing the images.

Or are you just saying to explain whats wrong with said image while hes posting images?

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But I don't understand, isn't the point of this topic to show the fundamental flaws in Sonic X's animation? Explaining them would be much more harder to understand then showing the images.

Or are you just saying to explain whats wrong with said image while hes posting images?

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How did they slip this past FCC? "Hey kids! Unprotected(*cough* rape) sex is A-OK!" Oh wait, it's 4-kids. They get the disabled treatment.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Allright, this time I'll actually explain why the animators screwed up with the animaton instead of just dumping images here. Hopefully this is OK with you mods.

For example, the animators really screwed up here with Sonic's body proportions in this batch of pictures:






...which is made most evident in this last picture:


I can't help but think that Sonic's body in these pictures resembles a duck or a boat. Anyone else think so?

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Looks like they were trying to go for classic and modern at the same time. what episode is that from?

I was just watching 64 the other day and I noticed they had a whole Big headed syndrome that was going on with that whole episode, what animation style would that fall under?

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The Sonic at the top image actually reminds me of AoSTH.

Really when I look at this, it just makes me not want a new Sonic anime all the more. (At least one funded by Japan.) It's such a shame too, because TMS is a pretty good company.

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Looks like they were trying to go for classic and modern at the same time. what episode is that from?

I was just watching 64 the other day and I noticed they had a whole Big headed syndrome that was going on with that whole episode, what animation style would that fall under?

I think that's the "big mouth and big tongue without teeth" style.

Some more:


Wow, this one is just awful. I think we have a "sketched and colored in MS Paint" animation style to add to the list.


I guess when Eggman's shocked by some news or discovery, all of the color in his nose is drained out.


I'm not 100% sure to make of this one. Tails looks somewhat out of proportion, and the lower body porportions of Rouge and Amy look quite similar.


Someone forgot to add a body to Tails, and Cheese's legs looks a bit out opf proportion.

And from what I heard, there's a scene from this episode in the (Japanese) writers had a scene in which Amy's expressing her concern that she's got marks on her butt left over from when they were being tossed in a net earlier (which doesn't make a lot of sense, considering that they have fur, not skin, but whatever), and Cream is assuring her that she's just a little bit red (I couldn't tell if the poster was making a joke or not about the image, but I doubt it.).

Hence why the viewers were provided with a scene in which it looks like Cream is admiring Amy's new pair of panties.

Here's a different pic of that same scene which gives us a better look at bodyless Tails:


And before I go, I leave you with this:


Amy looks like she stuffed a fistful of cake in her cheeks...and looks a bit derpish here...

Edited by Le Quack
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That scene is when Amy was asking Cream if she got a mark on her butt and Cream was reassuring her that it was okay, they were all ignoring Sonic and Knuckles fighting when Cosmo was concerned about them.

Heres the scene script comparison:

> French/Japanese Amy: All the nets hurt my butt, Do I have any marks?

> Japanese Cream: It looks okay...

> Dub Amy: Do these boots make my legs look skinny?

> Dub Cream: They look just fine Amy...

The english version is funny though because they didn't edit Cheese whos embarrassed at looking at amy's upskirt.

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  • 1 month later...


- Amy went through a growth spurt in her legs and dress

- Something's off with the professor's face, I think his hairdo is kinda off as well

- Cheese is bigger than normal

- Cream's quite close to a derp expression

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Made this because it reminded me of it.


Get a worm-eyed view of Sonic's face and it's gold.

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Apparently the animators just didn't care about eyelid consistency. Most notable when Sonic's just sleeping/napping/not giving a damn about what's going on with that Botox-applied smug look on his face (which I he does 81.5% of the time he's on the show).


In this one one the eyelids just said "screw this, I don't care" and decided to stay the same color of Sonic's muzzle. And Amy either got a hunchback or butt implants.



^ So Sonic wears eyeliner now?


^ Y'know, just because I pointed out you wear eyeliner didn't mean you had to rip your eyelids off.


^ Since when did Cream get a growth spurt and Cheese turned into a doll? Also, Sonic's head looks like it's about to roll off his head.

You can see some more images of Sonic the Lazyhog here in the Sega Forums thread of the same topic: http://forums.sega.c...n-Thread/page20

Edited by Zinos
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And here's something interesting from the Archie version of Sonic X:


Amy the flying hedgehog. Maybe she found a way to put a jetpack in the same invisble place behind her back where she takes all her hammers from.

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Yeah, I was never a fan of how Sonic X was drawn. None of the animation studios could get Sonic or Shadow's quills drawn correctly. And after half of the first season, the animation quality went into the shitter until the last few episodes of the series.

But then again, I wasn't that big on Sonic X at all :V. Archie Sonic X was alright though.

Edited by Lobotomy
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A few things annoyed me about Sonic X which stops me from enjoying it. The animation is one of them, but what the hell is up with Sonic being lazy all the time?! That just doesn't make any sense and seems totally OOC. Or is that just me? >_>

The Sonic at the top image actually reminds me of AoSTH.

Really when I look at this, it just makes me not want a new Sonic anime all the more. (At least one funded by Japan.) It's such a shame too, because TMS is a pretty good company.

Naw, I'm pretty sure a company like BONES, KyoAni, Madhouse and especially Production I.G. (they did the Sonic Riders opening!) can do a much better job at animating a Sonc anime than TMS. No offence to them of course. =P

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It's really sad considering that apparently they animated the opening and ending to Sonic CD.

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It's really sad considering that apparently they animated the opening and ending to Sonic CD.

Woah, that's news to me.

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It's really sad considering that apparently they animated the opening and ending to Sonic CD.

I thought it was that TMS helped out with animating AoSTH and that it was Toei Animation that animated the Sonic CD stuff?

Edited by Inferno
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