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Sonic Showcase Rules (Updated 28/10/11)


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Right since I can't find my txt doc with the rules in, I'll go over the quick and obvious.

1) When replying please give some thought to your posts. "lol tis good" is never a good response. Please give some comments about what you like/dislike in the given media.

2) You may have one Music topic, one Video topic, one Voice Acting topic and one Game topic per user, with each artform clearly stated with ROLE-PLAY:, MUSIC:, FICTION:, VIDEO: or GAME:

Voice acting should be shortened to VA:

All Visual (still) art including Pixel and Sprite art should be placed into the main board until (assuming it will) the gallery returns.

3) With Fan Fiction and Role Plays, make sure your story is written in a novel format. Script writing is not allowed, as it often is confusing and done just to be shorter to write. Also try and make sure the grammar, spelling and punctuation is right.

4) Make sure everything you post is your own work! We will delete and strike anyone who posts other's work claiming it as their own.

Since I'm short on time, the current members will show you the way. Please follow their format (as close as possible) to their topics.

Music Thirteen & Blur

Games Soma Cruz

Voice Acting MK

For the next month or so we'll give slight slap hands if we find some of the not so obvious rules from the previous forum broken, but we're also trying to make this one a bit more lax.

Any questions, PM me.


Edited by Roareye Black
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  • 1 year later...

The topic description says "Temp Draft"...

Does this mean that a full, more expanded rule set will be published soon, or should we take these commands as all the rules that we need?

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  • 10 months later...

Hello SSMB creatives!

With the success of the minor rule change we decided to trial a month or so ago, I think it's about time to condense the four or five pinned content-related rule topics in to one simple post, and this is it. With love to Rory who no longer lurks around these parts but crafted the original set of rules, all of which remain withstanding with minor tweaks and additions ♥

Sonic Showcase Rules (Updated 28/10/11)

What goes where?

As you will be aware, there are two subforum areas in the Sonic Showcase. The simple way to distinguish between the two is "Is this a visual art piece or is it multimedia or written work?"

Sonic Showcase: Drawings, paintings, digital art, sculpture, oekaki, tutorials and the like.

Miscellaneous: Video, music, fiction, poetry, fan games and everything else that isn't a visual static art piece.

If you're unsure where to post, ask a moderator.

Presenting your topic

It's simple really. Tell us who you are and what type of work you do.

E.g. 'DerpMcDerp's Derpy Sketches Topic' or '[MUSIC] TotallyRadGuy's Wicked Remixes'

It doesn't really matter how you present it, as long as you've used keywords to let us know, generally, what we're going to be looking at if we click on your topic.

How many topics can I have? Can I bump my topic?

Generally, it's preferred that you keep all of your creative work in one place, where possible. If you do different types of work that belong in different places, it's fine to have a topic in the Showcase and a topic in Miscellaneous. Exceptions for additional topics may be granted in certain cases, such as if you are doing a comic which updates regularly and wish to devote a thread to that (or a similar ongoing project). As ever, if you are unsure, please ask a staffer.

Please do NOT bump your topics unnecessarily. This is unfair to people with new content who are scrolled down the list by people bumping old content for extra views. You may of course 'bump' your own topic with new content, and if you were the last person to post, we will permit double-posting if it has been three days since your last update. If it has been less than that, you will have to edit your post instead.

Comments and Critique

Please be thoughtful in your commenting, whether you are praising or critiquing a piece. Bear in mind that civil and rational critique is allowed. If you post in the Showcase/Misc forum, you are agreeing not to get butthurt if helpful suggestions are made with the aim of helping you to improve. Having said that, there is a strict NO FLAMING policy in place here. No one wants to be made to feel like crap, and so any mean-spirited or deliberately hurtful comments will warrant a strike. For good balance, try to comment on both what you enjoyed about a piece and where it could stand to be improved. Artists, feel free to ask for more detailed critique on a particular piece if you want it (:

Be friendly and civil in your commenting, as I hope you would be on the rest of the forum, and all will be fine.

Art/media theft and posting other people's work

This is a no-no. Posting another art/creator's work and attempting to pass it off as your own will result in an immediate strike and potentially a ban, depending on how deliberate it was deemed to be.

You also may not post other people's work even with permission or as an attempt to get them more views. The Showcase is for YOUR work only

DeviantArt and other portfolio sites

Please do not make a topic and then simply link to an outside site. Topics like this count as advertising rather than as content and will be locked on sight. DA etc links go in your sig or on your profile page. Post examples of your work directly to the topic, please (:

Recent Rule Revision

The above rules attempt mainly to consolidate information that exists currently across a number of topics in the Showcase. Additionally, the recently trialled rule change regarding Let's Plays and other work using existing Sonic media is now in place permanently. To remind you:

Up to now, most work that uses official material in any capacity (video, official character art, etc) has not been permitted. On a trial basis, you'll now be able to post things such as - but not limited to - Let's Plays, humorous videos, avatar/banner/signature art, buttons, animations and the like which use official material.

However, the relaxation of the Showcase rules is not an excuse for spam and lack of effort. Posts such as sprite recolours, minor edits, or tracings of official art will still be locked on sight. All submissions must show effort and creativity, with it obvious that you have spent time to do something different with the official material being used.

Aaand that's it, really! The list of rules may look daunting at a glance, but it's really quite straightforward and I think it's good to have it all in one place and free up some of the clutter.

So, get to it! And if you have any questions, please ask.

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