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Marketing Video Someone Else Found

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Yeah, SpaceCowboyKenny of the SoA forums came across this video of the British SEGA Schools Marketing Project. I haven't seen it before, so I thought you might have not.

Part 1;

Part 2;

You can tell when it was made without the title, given the mentions of Sonic and Knuckles along with the 32X coming out at christmas!

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lol oh god!

I was a member of the Sega Lifeguard thing! They did it at my Primary School (for a single day) and they also did it at the life saving club I went to. I actually had the Sega Log Book and the video at one point, however the guy running the course asked if he could have a look at it one week and never gave it back... bastard.

I might just have to do a topic on that thing since it was a really strange thing that Sega did. Especially when the Baywatch stars and Chris Evans would pop up on the screen and constantly remind you that "Water is dangerous because it stops us from breathing! Even Ecco needs to take a breath!"

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Sonic 3 used to sell for £59.99 over here!? Jesus that's expensive.

And wow, I didn't realise there was so much english Sonic food back in the day! I know of the Sonic Ketchup but not of the easter egg, HP spaghetti, sweets or carton of milk.

I liked it how they used Wacky Workbench Present's music in the radio competition in video 2 and lol! They even used Metallic Madness Bad Future music near the end of video 2 because the guy didn't answer the phone as Sonic the Hedgehog. That's so awesome.

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Nice find!

OMG, I remember those Sonic crisps. I loved those. BRING THOSE BACK!!!

Sonic 3 used to sell for £59.99 over here!? Jesus that's expensive.

And wow, I didn't realise there was so much english Sonic food back in the day! I know of the Sonic Ketchup but not of the easter egg, HP spaghetti, sweets or carton of milk.

I liked it how they used Wacky Workbench Present's music in the radio competition in video 2 and lol! They even used Metallic Madness Bad Future music near the end of video 2 because the guy didn't answer the phone as Sonic the Hedgehog. That's so awesome.

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Sonic 3 used to sell for £59.99 over here!? Jesus that's expensive.

And wow, I didn't realise there was so much english Sonic food back in the day! I know of the Sonic Ketchup but not of the easter egg, HP spaghetti, sweets or carton of milk.

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Thanks to this video I've now been able to make a topic I've wanted to for a great many years.

That Sega Life Saving segment, it was actually a pretty huge campaign that I took part in, if you want to know more... Big thanks for posting this video as I could never have done this topic without some kind of reference material.

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  • 5 years later...


Almost a month ago, i bought the "Sega Invades Your Schoolwork" VHS, after winning a bid on eBay.

Last friday, i finally got the VHS and i decided to digitize it and upload it to YouTube.

So, here you have this VHS made as part of their School Marketing Project for 1993/94 season, featuring Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and Sega Pirate TV commercials, among other things.



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"Kids, enter this competition and you can come along and pitch your marketing idea to Sega!" 

So basically, Segagaga was inspired by real life?


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What the hell, they were trying to teach Marketing Mix to primary school kids? I didn't need to know that crap until I studied GCSE Business Studies!

Also, as it's a British video, that advert was actually giving us the bird at 4:46.

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Well for one Sonic Underground was a joint US/French effort, the UK doesn't come into it.

Second, it says multiple times that the product was for 1994. Not that it says what, for all we know the winners were made to pitch a marketing idea for some shovelware sports title. 

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38 minutes ago, VEDJ-F said:

What the hell, they were trying to teach Marketing Mix to primary school kids? I didn't need to know that crap until I studied GCSE Business Studies!

Also, as it's a British video, that advert was actually giving us the bird at 4:46.

In my view, I think this was for secondary school students.

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