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Sonic Sports Games

Doctor MK

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NOTE: I am not suggesting there should ever be a Sonic sports game in the future, this thread is merely for discussing possible ideas that might work.


Sports games. They're becoming more and more popular, what with annual releases (here in the UK at least) of FIFA, Pro Evolution Soccer, Tiger Woods PGA Tour, WWE... the list is endless.

It's also no secret that companies like to make spin-offs such as sports games and slap their mascot's face on it to make it sell - especially in the case of Mario. But that doesn't mean it's a bad game, in fact, some of the mascot branded sports games have been some of the most fun to date - especially in the case of Mario (Golf and Tennis, that is).

So, if SEGA were ever to make a Sonic sports game, what sport would you want it to be and how would it play?

Sonic's already done the Olympics and tennis so let's try to keep away from those ideas if we can.

Personally I could see Sonic working in a golf game... but it wouldn't just be a normal golf game, it'd have to be something like... er... Sonic Speed Golf or something, where Sonic's trademark speed is incorporated into thwacking the balls into the hole.

I'm not sure of exactly how it would work, but I had thoughts about maybe being able to have some control of your ball after it's been hit into the air - you would direct it towards springs, dash pads, and the like to ricochet your ball around the course and give it extra speed. It'd be like a watered down version of Sonic Unleashed's day stages, in a sense - just with a ball instead of Sonic. Plus each character could have different special abilities, like Sonic's shots have greater speed but Tails and Knuckles' shots could stay airborne for longer.

I guess they could also include a story mode with an RPG element similar to that of Mario Golf... but I guess reviewers would just rip it apart and deem it "unnecessary" and "too slow". :P

The only reason I'd want a story mode is to see Super Sonic firing asteroids at Dr Eggman in space by hitting them with a golf club. Now THAT would be epic.


So, what ideas (if any) for Sonic sports games do you have?

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I think Sonic would fit well with Soccer due to its connection with running. I don't recommend this game to be made, but I can guessing that it will sometime in the future.

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Soccer, definitely. It could work well with the character's athletic capabilities.

Or maybe they could play some football. Not that I like football games, it's just a thought.

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I've always thought a Sonic football game would be great. Mario Strikers was fun, the same engine but with Sonic characters would be fine.

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I've never been a big fan of sports or sports games, so I really don't have much interest in a Sonic sports game. Besides, I think Mario's got a pretty tight stranglehold on the whole mascot sports game thing, so there's not much to be gained from Sonic doing it unless they come up with something really brilliant.

But if you consider racing a sport, I could get behind that. No hoverboards, tho'.

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I'd like to see Sonic and company tackle a wrestling game myself, just as long as it's marketed as a faster alternative to other games on the market. You could incorporate beat 'em up gameplay with a bit of grappling along with things like spin dashing, chaos control and other such cartoony attacks. More than anything it also gives ST a big opportunity to gimmick everything up, have lots of spotlights and signature theme music, throw a few characters in masks and colorful attire, you could even bring the werehog back as some kind of super-heavyweight monster. :PHistory has shown that this usually doesn't produce great games, but I'm sure it would be entertaining at the very least.

I've always been quite keen on seeing Sonic play a bit of football as well, but I believe he technically already has in one of the Virtua Striker games. Maybe a detailed fishing game starring Big The Cat is what the world needs, just as long as it's much longer than his Sonic Adventure story. ^_^

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Aftere seeing a clip of FC Sonic in Virtua Striker 3, I'm sure football (soccer) would work very well for Sonic, if he ever needed a sports game. Not realistic football but with power ups and the works, just like Mario Strikers.

But really, Sonic and co are doing fine without these sports games. I really don't want them going in the same direction of Mario.

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Sonic Croquet! Sonic and the gang are having a quaint little gathering, sipping tea and nibbling crumpets and scones, when that riffraff Dr. Eggman comes along and challenges them all to a game of croquet. :D You know it'd be awesome, if only to see Eggman in a bowler hat and monicle. You know you want to see it!

Or, how about Sonic Aquatic Games? Hee, any excuse for Sonic to be wearing that adorable little life-jacket ♥. Also, M&SatOG made me quite curious about the rest of the casts' swimming styles - like learning that Shadow could swim for instance, or that Miss Fire-Kitty had a similar swimming style to Knuckles, one of the better swimmers of the gang. Not to mention Vector's unique swimming style. I wonder what the other characters that weren't playable would be like... Silver? Cream? Marine? Espio? Charmy? Big? And so on and so forth.

Orrr... Sonic Sky-Diving/Bungee Jumping! Free-falling and pulling all kinds of tricks and stunts on the way down. If you succeed or get a high enough score or as such, it all goes smoothly, if you fail, you end up face-planting or somehow landing somewhere undesirable, like the ocean or a dumpster. Blaze would be wearing a life-jacket/crash helmet/parachute pack in this game :D and some characters could so cheat *cough*alltheflyingtypeones*cough*.

I'm having too much fun here. XD

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Aftere seeing a clip of FC Sonic in Virtua Striker 3, I'm sure football (soccer) would work very well for Sonic, if he ever needed a sports game. Not realistic football but with power ups and the works, just like Mario Strikers.

"Knuckles got a Yellow Card"

Orrr... Sonic Sky-Diving/Bungee Jumping! Free-falling and pulling all kinds of tricks and stunts on the way down. If you succeed or get a high enough score or as such, it all goes smoothly, if you fail, you end up face-planting or somehow landing somewhere undesirable, like the ocean or a dumpster. Blaze would be wearing a life-jacket/crash helmet/parachute pack in this game :D and some characters could so cheat *cough*alltheflyingtypeones*cough*.

I'm having too much fun here. XD

Hehe, NiGHTS would unbeatable.

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I'm really liking all the talk of Sonic Golf... Especially if Sonic was the ball. I'm sure they could come up with some half-baked plot in which Tails makes a giant mecha golf club to propel Sonic through some dastardly golf-course like maze Eggman has concocted.

For a unique suggestion though... how about "Sonic Air Sports"? It'd be like, skydiving, hang gliding (wouldn't be the first time he'd done that), jet packs, etc etc. Kind of like an "EXTREME TO THE MAX" (as is Sonic's style) version of Pilotwings 64.

Of course then we'd have the problem of all the reviewtards (yes, new group of "somethingtards"!) saying "Sonic should be running, not flying D= D= D=" but it'd be fun as a spin-off.

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"Knuckles got a Yellow Card"

I saw it, but I ignored it. XP Naw, it made me chuckle. Trust Knuckles to get a Yellow Card. A Red Card wouldn't be suprising either!

Ahhh, I like Summer's ideas. Especially the Water Games one. Heehee, so cute~ ^-^

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The one reason I like Sonic better than Mario is that he DOESNT do sports games. He sticks to what I loved him for in the first place: platforming.

BUT I guess if I were to want sonic in a sports game, I think Sega should do what Nintendon't. Pro Wrestling.

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Sonic Basketball, in which Sonic would be the ball, and everyone would have to wear really thick gloves in order to keep their hands from being spindashed apart. There would be no net in the baskets, either, in case that gets torn off.

Soccer works, too.

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New Sonic R-like game, with the Unleashed daytime engine, and alot of other playable characters and places.

Add an online play, and muliplayer, and some other items and powerups, and I'd be satisfied.

..and please no Sonic Riders 3. <_<

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I put this up in a thread on the old forum and mentioned it in the new games topic, it's a Sonic b-ball game styled like NBA Jam.

I'm quoting myself from the other thread.

It's a Sonic sports game inspired by NBA Jam. Basketball, because I think it's more fast paced than other sports, and no other character mascot has claimed it yet. Basically, it's b-ball with signature moves and Sonic flair. Elevated hoops, unique courts, ramps and tricking for more height on your jump, and all that good stuff.

I was thinking about how NBA Jam used small teams and less rules, with turbo and fire shots to make it more than just a regular sports game, and how Sonic would fit that pretty well. Make the game a little faster, a little more extravagant than usual. Like a court would have ramps for Sonic to dash 50 feet up and dunk (I think of the flashes from the audience in NBA Jam here) but then Tails could take the ball from him in midair. Certain courts could have themes like Sonic levels, to slightly change the game. Reduced gravity, Mystic Ruins themes like Aztec handball, street courts, slippery floors. Anything you can think of.

Add some tricks for turbo, and typical Sonic character moves, and it gets really crazy. Rings could play a part, but I haven't thought of how yet. I know sports spinoffs aren't really ideal for a series unless they're great, but I think this idea is made for Sonic.

^^ I think BL mentioned Rollerball in the old thread as well, because of the similarities. Yea or Nay? I loved NBA Jam.

Edited by Badnikz
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I put this up in a thread on the old forum and mentioned it in the new games topic, it's a Sonic b-ball game styled like NBA Jam.

I'm quoting myself from the other thread.

^^ I think BL mentioned Rollerball in the old thread as well, because of the similarities. Yea or Nay? I loved NBA Jam.

Heh, that would be hot!

Sonic could do some, between the legs, super spindash, jump dunk thing... :lol:

Mario did basketball twice though, on DS and GC, but Sonic could probably do better.

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I'm none too fond of sports games. If I wanted to play football, I'd go outside. I do like Mario sports games though because I wouldn't be able to do half that stuff in reality. I think whatever sport Sonic does, if he does one, it should have stylized environments and have elements that make it not completely realistic like with Mario sport games, i.e. power ups.

Edited by SuperStingray
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I'm none too fond of sports games. If I wanted to play football, I'd go outside. I do like Mario sports games though because I wouldn't be able to do half that stuff in reality. I think whatever sport Sonic does, if he does one, it should have stylized environments and have elements that make it not completely realistic like with Mario sport games, i.e. power ups.

It could also be a chance to distinguish Sonic from his competition; he could have power-ups, albeit ones that aren't as game-breaking such as the "Super Ability" or a "Mega Strike" from Mario Strikers Charged.

Edited by OvErLoRd Darkspine
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I think Sonic would fit well with Soccer due to its connection with running. I don't recommend this game to be made, but I can guessing that it will sometime in the future.

Actually, Sonic DID made an appereance in a soccer name, I don

Edited by Cany the hedge
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How about something like that gladiator show? Or ultimate ninja... you know... obstacle courses?

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Hmm, the ideas I have for now are Sonic Dodgeball, Sonic Snowboarding, Sonic Soccer (which already mentioned), and Sonic at the X-Games.

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Sonic appeared in Virtua Striker I'm pretty sure and he's currently in a tennis game, Virtua Tennis possibly?

Mario sports games have the right idea of being unrealistic. Just looking at the Mario and Sonic at the Olympics though makes me cringe, and yet it sold so well and they're making a winter olypmics now!! It's something that could probably be done well, but I don't think it was.

Definitely unrealistic gameplay with power ups and even unrealistic environments - make awesome backgrounds with bright colours and vivid animations so you feel like you're in some alien Sonic World on Mobius. Just chucking him in a plain Stadium makes it boring and hardly stands out from the other sports games.

A game needs to be unique to stand out - in more ways than just having a blue hedgehog being the one holding the bat in a baseball game.

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