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Hey, Paisanos! Guess what Iizuka said today?


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Sonic Team producer Takashi Iizuka on the physics of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Ep. 1...

In this title, we have not done a straight port of the gameplay [from the Genesis games], but rather updated it with actions which could not be done in the previous titles, like ceiling-running. These changes probably made for a different feel to the longtime Sonic fans. We’re happy for feedback like this, and we’ll make sure we can improve the quality even further in upcoming titles.


Now that I got that laughter of my system..

I don't know whether to think that he's just trying to defend the engine so sales don't drop and he will honestly take the physics fixes to heart like it says below that sentence, or if he really is that insane and thinks that's an improvement. I would say it's the first one since he made us the grand Sonic Colors, but since he also led us to Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog, I don't know whether to trust him or not.

Edited by Azukara
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You can run on the ceiling in the classics. I do it all the time in Carnival Night Zone in Sonic 3/&K :lol:

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You can run on the ceiling in the classics. I do it all the time in Carnival Night Zone in Sonic 3/&K :lol:

I know. That's the funniest part. XD

But really, I'm more upset because it almost seems like he's intending that they've "improved" the physics and there's no need for changing them.

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I imagine this will end up the same as every other, "Look at how fucking retarded Iizuka is!" topic and incite flaming, arguing, and bitterness, and in that knowledge, I would rather we just ignore whatever he or any other official has to say about the game.

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You can run on the ceiling in the classics. I do it all the time in Carnival Night Zone in Sonic 3/&K :lol:

Perhaps he means walking and not running? :P

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I'm sure he means standing actually.


The man is an idiot and the game is soulless piece of shit as a result.

Edited by Blue Blood
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Is English his first language?

If not, and he's trying to give these interviews in English it might explain why.

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I know. That's the funniest part. XD

But really, I'm more upset because it almost seems like he's intending that they've "improved" the physics and there's no need for changing them.

Yeah, he does seem to be implying that the game's physics are improved over the originals. I really hope that is not the case and we see physics akin to the classics in Episode 2.

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I imagine this will end up the same as every other, "Look at how fucking retarded Iizuka is!" topic and incite flaming, arguing, and bitterness, and in that knowledge, I would rather we just ignore whatever he or any other official has to say about the game.

Well, sometimes you gotta give credit where credit is due. eng101.png

Is English his first language?

If not, and he's trying to give these interviews in English it might explain why.

Could be, but it also could be genuinely true. I guess it could be the case of "innocent until proven guilty", but still, we've fallen for this schtick too many times. I mean, on one hand I can trust him because of how Sonic Colors solved a lot of problems. On the other... this is Iizuka, and this is Dimps.

Edited by Azukara
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Is English his first language?

If not, and he's trying to give these interviews in English it might explain why.

Didn't think about that. I hope it is a translation error.

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There's only so many translation errors that can happen in a row.

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Oh my god guys leave the poor man alone. He's already done a damn sight more for the series' reputation than derp derp Heroes/Shadow/2006 holy grail Yuji Naka did.

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Didn't think about that. I hope it is a translation error.

They're using Tails' translator device for these interviews, aren't they? :lol:

Next we'll have Iizuka telling us that rabid Sonic fanboys come from a faraway soda. It's the only explanation.

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There's only so many translation errors that can happen in a row.

Even so. Why do people get their knickers in a twist over every little thing someone on the dev team says? Who really pays attention to half of these interviews anyway, most of them turn out to be complete and utter bollocks in the long run anyway.

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Well, sometimes you gotta give credit where credit is due. eng101.png

Pah, I still don't see why this topic is here for beyond further stroking the general group-think that this man has no redeeming qualities. And it's not like we don't already have five billion other topics that seem to exist just to say this same exact thing. At this point in the controversy's lifespan, bringing it up yet again seems like negativity for negativity's sake, just to get in another potshot or something, and it's wholly immature.

And it's not like I particularly like the game myself either, but Jesus Christ, are we done reaming this man through yet? Seriously, why do the people who hate this man's guts the most give half a shit about whatever he has to say?

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Oh I also don't get this obsession the internet has with "lol look at them trying to defend their shit game". What kind of PR team tells their staff "hey in interviews you should be totally honest about the game! Tell people bits of it were shit! That'll make it sell just great!".

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Even so. Why do people get their knickers in a twist over every little thing someone on the dev team says? Who really pays attention to half of these interviews anyway, most of them turn out to be complete and utter bollocks in the long run anyway.

Since its being said by the game's producer, it kinda represents what changes will be done to the game. With that being what he said, it leaves the hope for better physics rather bleak.

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Why does Iizuka speak for the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise? Why not someone with a substancial effort and with a true reason to keep the franchise alive?


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Even so. Why do people get their knickers in a twist over every little thing someone on the dev team says? Who really pays attention to half of these interviews anyway, most of them turn out to be complete and utter bollocks in the long run anyway.

Because he's the big name in Sonic Team, essentially "the guy in charge of all things hedgehog" nowadays so what he says really matters. It doesn't matter is what he says turns out to be bollocks when he's representing the franchise and rest of the dev team. Who else should we listen to?

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I don't see what's wrong with some people wanting to discuss the game's producer's comments. If people want to discuss them, then let them discuss. If you don't like these topics, then ignore them and don't comment. I respect everyone here and their opinions, but as Azukara said, this guy's views represent what could be happening with Episode 2, since he's the man in charge of Sonic Team.

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I thought we've long since come to the conclusion that the PR efforts of SEGA on behalf of the Sonic franchise are shit anyways and that the proof of the pudding comes from the quality of the game being marketed at the end of the day, which continues to raise the question on why people who froth at the mouth over this guy feel obligated to give him attention beyond simply having the chance to take shots at him.

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Since its being said by the game's producer, it kinda represents what changes will be done to the game.

No it doesn't, not by a long shot, since when does the original idea ever turn out exactly as stated, development often changes what the original intentions are by a great deal.

With that being what he said, it leaves the hope for better physics rather bleak.

You lot still think you're going to get different physics?

It isn't happening, Episode 1 has sold in such huge numbers and has already set the rules for how Sonic 4 as a whole product will be played, you think they're going to change that for the second part? Not likely to happen at all. It's the same vain as the homing attack removal argument, isn't likely to happen, why remove a feature from part 2 when it was so heavilly used in part 1? It's like taking a step backwards from what you had on offer in the first part regardless as to how many people can't get ove it and move on.

Or to put it another way, it's like playing the main game for something like oh I dunno, Fallout 3, then when the expansion packs are released, you change the gameplay to such a degree that it requires a re-learning of the gameplay in order to complete it.

Who else should we listen to?

Bugger all until the final product comes out. I've found that with a lot of games these days, if you don't read every single interview or every single comment and just play the game fresh, you'll be a lot happier.

Sonic 4 as a final product is supposed to play on like one full game, with the exception of pleasing the moaners it doesn't make any sense for them to change much of the core gameplay at all unless they drop the 4 and replace it with a 5 at the end of the word Sonic.

Edited by Gnasher
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The fact is you should always take what developers say about criticised aspects with a pinch of salt.

Any sensible person is never going to say ANYTHING bad about thier game. If anything, the mere fact that he's acknowledging the outcry against physics, even if his response is basically saying "it's fine, here's why you think that", is probably the best response you CAN get.

He's not going to say "yes we'll try harder next time", because that's speaking negatively against a game that he and the rest of SEGA want people to buy.

It's common sense. Honestly the only company cool enough to criticise themselves is Valve and until further notice you should not expect any such coolness from any other company.

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