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Sonic Jump

Badnik Zero

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So I wanted to bring this game to people's attention, because I'm not sure we all know of it. I was amazed to find out about it myself. I guess it's a cellphone game from a few years ago, and it looks like a vertical Sonic Advance or Rush.

Basically, Sonic auto-jumps over a bottomless screen up many platforms, until he makes it to the top of the level. Your job is to guide him, and double jump him through obstacles, collecting rings and using springs and all good things Sonical. There's a basic story involved, with text dialogue, and bosses too.

Is Sonic Jump considered a lost game? As far as I can tell, it's made by Sega. Pretty impressive for a mini-game. I could even imagine this being a special stage mode from one of the old sidescrollers. It reminds me of Sonic Chaos and Triple Trouble.

Ignore the fan character at the beginning of the vid and the playthrough starts, with about 8 minutes to get through the whole game. Am I just really outta the loop on this game? There's also a link to a demo in his description of the vid. Edited by Badnikz
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It's not a lost game, it's just that no one cares about it. I remember it getting noticed elsewhere a while back, I think someone actually ripped the graphics, but then people stopped talking about it 'cause there wasn't anything else to say.

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Huh. Seems like a nifty little app, but probably not something I'd spend more than a few dollars on. Lol at Knuckles in the ending.

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If something in the franchise is little known, I believe that there is good reason for it. Sounds like I wasn't far off the mark for this one.

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I have Sonic Jump, and there is Sonic Jump 2 as well. Got them both on mobile. =3

Edited by Spicylicious
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Seems like I nice little timewaster, but I wouldn't spend my money on it. There are plenty of free browser flash games all over the internet with the same idea.

Edited by SuperStingray
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I used to have the first one on my phone before it went ape shit and died. It was an okay diversion but nothing spectacular.

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looks pretty cool for a mobile game.

I know when i play mobile games i want them to be simple and enjoyable. This game is perfect

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I've got Sonic Jump 2 on my phone. It's pretty fun, surprisingly. The music's also pretty catchy- it kind of reminds me of Mega Man.

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Yeah I still have it on my phone and trying to collect the chaos emeralds!And guess Eggman is the main villian! :P

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I bought it on my phone during my Denmark trip. It works as boredom therapy during trips or other stuff when there's nothing else you can do, but it's nothing I'd willingly play through during my free time if I had the choice. Same goes for Sonic the Hedgehog Mobile and Sonic Dash. One of my issues with the game along with the Sonic 1 Mobile game is the fact that you cant stream sound effects while playing music or vice versa which kinda tears off the enjoyment of it by slight, granted that the seperate sound methods cant work on their own. Shitty MIDI music in favor of lack of good sound effects and an empty and gloomy atmosphere without the Shitty MIDI music but with sound effects added onto that.

The fully perfect thing about the game is the plot. Like the fact that its more of a quirky plot than the usual Sonic stuff. Not often you see Eggman actually be the one pulling the strings throughout and a mindwashing machine sounds like something you'd see out of 90's cartoons.

Edited by Carbo
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This reminds me of that jungle level from Sonic 1 (GG). That level was great :). But playing with the mobile...it´s a bit difficult isn´t it?.

And LOL Knuckles´ face at the end :lol:

Edited by Blue Kirby
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Heard of it!? I own it, and have all seven chaos emeralds.

Meh, its nothing spectacular, less then worth much of a mention. At best its a little time waster to play while out waiting to meet friends.

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Never played Sonic Jump, but I have the much superior Sonic Jump 2 on my cell-phone right now. Great, simple game with tons of replay value. 7 zones, three acts each (the third act housing a boss fight as well), with chaos Emerald Pieces to collect by completing the act with 50 rings. It reminds me of the old "Bomberman Jump" mini-game from "Pocket Bomberman" for GBC.

Overall, it's a really fun game that any Sonic fan would be proud to have on their phone. It's pretty old now though, so I don't think you'd be able to find it anymore.

Controversy Time! Sonic Jump 2 has better gameplay than the daytime stages in Sonic Unleashed for the PS3. IMO!

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Okay, I'm a bit confused here. I didn't know there was a Sonic Jump 2, but when I looked into it, it looks exactly the same as the Sonic Jump I have, bar the title screen. What's the deal?

And while I'm here, I may as well mention Sonic Golf and Sonic at the Olympic Games, too.

EDIT: Looking into it, it appears what I have IS 'Sonic Jump 2' labelled as Sonic Jump. Did they just replace the first one with the second or something?

Edited by Mahzes
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I had it on my old phone about 3 years, nothing special really. The only really noteworthy part of the game is the amazing GHZ background sprites.

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I got Sonic Jump on my phone.

For free.

A friend sent it to me through bluetooth. Not sure how, so don't ask.

It's kinda fun, but there's no plot, and once you get all emeralds...

nothing happens.

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I can't remember, but don't you at least get a different ending or an extra stage for all emeralds? I could've sworn you got something. I think it depends on the model of your phone, since the game differs slightly for different phones.

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Yeah, I was really bored, because I had been waiting in a doctor's office for like an hour, so my mom got the game on her cell phone so that I could play it and not get bored. It's pretty good, the controls work well, and my only complaint would be that once the screen scrolls up, it won't scroll back down, so if you miss a platform, you die.

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Mine's a Sony Ericcson w810i.

I know it's old, but it's an amazing phone. My mum regretted giving it to me (It was once hers) until she got a w595.

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I've got it on my Samsung Soul, its not bad although I wish I could control how he jumps instead of it being constant. I've got stuck on Mechanical Zone seeing as I'm not great at double jumps and I need to get from a crumbly platform to a moving platform! >.< It's quite fun and I didn't want to download the other mobile Sonic games available to me, seeing as they were just Sonic 1 but REALLY REALLY tiny! :D

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