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What's Your Stadium Adventure 3


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It's pretty obvious that there will never be a Stadium Adventure 3 title, but as a fan which of the games that have come out do you feel are worthy of being the a real true Stadium Adventure 3? Since everyone believes SA3 is supposed to a be a godsend I wonder if anyone believes it has arrived in a different title or has it still not arrived for you yet.

I suppose Stadium Unleashed would have to be my SA3, because despite the werehog it did bring back that fun factor that recent games have been lacking in. There was some creativity in the level design for once and overall it was just a fun game nothing more to say about it. The other Stadium games don't have that feeling of "oh shit I'm going somewhere" awesome like Stadium Unleashed did, in fact the only one that came close was heroes but a few design choices knocked that off the list...

Ha ha very funny changing my words into Stadium. Truthfully I just wanted to see if the word S-onic would chance to Stadium lol, this can get locked if it's not a good topic.

Edited by silencer226
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What now? Is this another SSBM prank? To replace the word Stadium with stadium?

EDIT: Clearly it is.

Edited by Lando The Bat
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Was Stadium Adventure released under a name I have yet to hear about?

EDIT: Man, this thing is devastating. Even more weird than the upside down thing. Jeez, what else is flipped today?

Edited by Sega DogTagz
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There is no Stadium S o n i c Adventure 3 for me. Instead, I'll wait until there's a real release of the game. Stadium S o n i c Unleashed came pretty close, though.

I beat the system! :D

Edited by OvErLoRd Darkspine
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Stadium 06 has all the features I'd expect out of a Stadium Adventure 3.

E: Seriously? Even code tags?

Edited by Phos
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There is no Stadium Adventure 3 for me. Instead, I'll wait until there's a real release of the game.

What word changes to SSMB? Put periods inbetween the letters so it doesn't change.

Edited by silencer226
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AHAHAHAHAHAHA best april fool's ever

If you ask me, we already had an SA3. It was called Stadium '06. People should really learn to let go of their attachement to specific game styles and just wish for a Stadium game that doesn't suck. Generally that works better, because that's practically the one request that Stadium Team can't twist into a shitty angle.


Edited by Blacklightning
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The Stadium Stadium, rocks for changing Stadium to Stadium, I mean it's genius considering this is a Stadium forum! I have a feeling this might get locked because we are so not talking about our Stadium Adventure 3, because Stadium is awesome!

I love teh Stadium!

And I'm not attached to the game styles, I want a good game just like the next guy. It's just that I haven't been able to get that feeling I get when I play SA1 or 2, it's just weird to me for some reason.

Edited by silencer226
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Im calling it. Stadium the hedgehog should be a new fan character.... NO. The mascot for SSBM.

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Sonic Adventure 3 is as much a nonsensical worthless wish as Sonic 4. First off, it's just a name; it doesn't actually mean anything. '06 is SA3, by any reasonable measure, and it's one of the worst games, and the biggest fuckup, this series has had. Second, it does nothing but limit ideas; by seeing it as "Sonic Adventure 3" rather than a game that takes elements from the Adventures, you narrow your view to include the limitations and failures of the Adventures as well. If I'm going to dream, I'm going to dream big; I'm not going to aspire to a model that is flawed, outdated, or could otherwise be improved. For example, one of the big markers of Adventure-styled, in my eyes at least, is giving each character their own gameplay type (or at least having a variety, I know SA2 had 3 types split between 6 characters). But I don't want that; I think characters should be built around a single core style with their own unique quirks added on. I can't build a Sonic Adventure 3 around that idea, because it would no longer be an "Adventure" game.

In other words, fuck Sonic Adventure 3.

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Stadium the Hedgehog in... Stadium Rush and Stadium Rush Adventure.

Edited by OvErLoRd Darkspine
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Im calling it. Stadium the hedgehog should be a new fan character.... NO. The mascot for SSBM.

He hails from Spring Stadium from S.onic 3D Blast.

Since SA1 and SA2 were different enough that there are actually very few common factors between them, all I really think an "SA3" needs is a Chao Garden.

Edited by SuperStingray
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Personally I think that Unleashed was much better than all the Adventure games. But as BL said, Stadium Adventure 3 was pretty much just Stadium 06. Same formula, it just is a bit dated by now :P

Can't wait to see what the next Stadium game will be, I hope it is Stadium and the April Fools.

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In case anyone wants to know:

Beat the "Stadium" filter by typing this: [size="2"]S[/size]onic. This is interpreted as and "S" followed by "onic", so the filter doesn't change it to "Stadium". Because size 2 is the default size for text on these boards, it leaves no trace of your fiddling, unlike [b]S[/b]onic, [i]S[/i]onic, or [u]S[/u]onic.

But anyway, I say Sonic Unleashed was my Sonic Adventure 3.

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2006 was the closest to an Adventure 3, but still not enough to satisfy me. For me when I say I want an Adventure 3, I really mean I want a game that is just like Adventure 2 in almost every aspect such as: gameplay, level design, music (some orchestral music would be a nice addition though), and a big story (although I would prefer to keep with just the Sonic and Shadow stages for gameplay). Basically I just want them to take Adventure 2, update the graphics and come up with new levels for it that our designed in a similar manor to Adventure 2 (like ones that only take five minutes to beat unlike 2006).

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Personally, I've loved every Sonic game that has come out since SA1, which came out when I was four (I loved that killer whale in the first stage).

So I don't really have an ideal Sonic Adventure 3, but Unleashed came close: I didn't care that Sonic wasn't fast enough or whatever, I was just having fun furiously shaking the Wiimote when the boost meter was full to rush to the end (and then laugh happily when I reached the goal). I didn't care when in the Werehog levels I would be outmatched 100 to 1, I would just activate the 'Earthshaker' move and watch them fly helplessly across the room. :lol:

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My sonic adventure 3 would expand on the sa2 formula, and get rid of all the unnecessary game design ideas, such as treasure hunting and mech stages. Sonic shouldn't be the only playable character. That would be boring. Instead, have playable character ideas that are actually enjoyable. I wouldn't mind seeing shooting segments to break up the speed. Not in a mech, but maybe some well programmed omega action.

And just because sonic is fast, does not mean all the other characters should be slow as molasses. Can't tell you how annoying that is. Come up with original gamplay ideas to make existing characters fun to play. It's 2009, it's time to expand on this.

It should also have a great, epic, interesting story, with enjoyable character interactions.

Music that doesn't rely on 90% computer use. Sonic heroes is guilty of this. Honestly, what helped make the stages in sa1 & sa2 stand out, was how detailed, diverse, and REAL the music felt. Real instruments (guitars, saxophone, etc.) mixed with electronic sounds on the computer. And some vocals would be cool. (not runblebee..... lol. I like them, but a lot of people say they get annoyed after hearing their voices in the secret rings game)

Polished, detailed music is the way to go. Even my sister, who doesn't play video games.... she loves to listen to my sa2 soundtrack. She listens to a lot of mainstream music, so I'm surprised she likes that games soundtrack.

You need a good multiplayer

Cool character models. Not cutesy, childish ones that fit the talking animal stereotype.

That's it. That's my formula for a sonic adventure 3 style game. However, the game itself shouldn't be called sonic adventure 3..... that's just stupid.

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You guys do know that they tried to make Adventure 3, and it eventually became Unleashed/World Adventure, right?

I would think that in itself should be enough to tell you we ain't getting Adventure 3.

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