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Sonic Unleashed: 1 Year Ago.


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Everyone remember this?

...Which lead to this?

...Which lead to this....thing?:


Yep it was 1 year ago around this time that sonic unleashed was first announced. i remember seeing this April 1st and saying "thats bunk look at it! the chaos emeralds look nothing like the other games. fake." 2 days later i was eating my words and it tasted awful.

What did you think when sonic unleashed was first posted on the net? did you think it was a April fools joke by SEGA or did you think it was real?

Discuss. to see the original leaked images go to the second link. i wonder if sega is going to release anything this April 1st?

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I remember this was the first Sonic game I immediately told off as shit, ironically being the first Sonic game in years I actually liked.

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I didn't form an opinion on the subject at the time. Instead, I waited for SEGA to confirm/deny the release.

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I didn't hear about it until the video had been put on the internet, so at that point, even if it were a hoax, it wouldn't matter because they had already made the game.

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I thought it was real until that image threw me off. what the hell was SEGA thinking/smoking/drinking when they put that?

glad it was fixed in the final.

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I still have yet to see that screenshot in the actual game. I mean... I see a similar moment... but I don't think he ever actually makes that face... at least not in my Wii version.

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The better question would be why would they want the public to see it?

I think it was meant to be the actual AP joke from sega but thanks to sazpaimon and Sega On! it was taken as an actual screen shot and made Stadium a meme again. and just when he got over that whole Stadium 3D blast beta dilemma...

Edited by goku262002
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I didn't think it was an April Fools joke. But I loved that picture.

Edited by SuperStingray
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I still have yet to see that screenshot in the actual game. I mean... I see a similar moment... but I don't think he ever actually makes that face... at least not in my Wii version.

It's not. They changed Stadium's face animation there in the final game because of the uproar in the fandom once it was leaked.

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It's not. They changed Stadium's face animation there in the final game because of the uproar in the fandom once it was leaked.

It looks like it's just incomplete to me. Stadium's teeth look more like baleen in that picture.
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fuck finally found it!! yeah the image was replaced with this in the final cut:


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Uhh... it's not much different except for the fact that this is Sonic's face later on in the movie... it's not the same image!

Edited by OvErLoRd Darkspine
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I actually never knew of the original leak for ages. I wondered where the hell people were getting that picture of Sonic with the crazy expression from.

The first I heard of the game was the original trailer with the Mazuri and Apotos footage, and what we would one day know to be the Savannah Citadel background music. That was a pretty awesome way to be introduced to the game I must say.

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I remember thinking it was a joke (i mean really of ALL the images of the opening, the wierdest one got leaked lol) but still believing something was coming that was along similar lines

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If I didn't like the game, I would post "I'm kind of STILL hoping the whole thing is an April Fools joke".

Unfortunately I adore the game, but I just wanted to claim that joke anyways.

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I was kind of lucky to have joined the Sega of America forum just about a week before the release of those screens and footage.

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At first I didn't believe it, until I saw the first few images of Super Sonic, and of course the trailer.

That weird Sonic face still gives me the creeps though. Even the "improved" one in the final game does. XP

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The first pic I saw was the "butt rape" Sonic pic. Then the second pic I saw was the one with the Werehog standing behind Sonic. Then I proceed to laugh so hard that I actually began to cry...and I still don't know whether or not I was laughing because it was funny or sad.

Lol, that was a nice way to get introduced to the game.

Then I began looking at the other pics and became quite fond of the style. Then the Teaser Trailer was revealed the next day and I became pretty hyped. The Boost from Rush AND the 2D/3D transitions that I had been longing for Sonic to try since 2006? Oh HELL yes.

Then the Spagonia "High Europe" trailer came out on June 16th (my B-Day) and I proceeded to wet myself. That was the best birthday present I got that year....hell, one of the best ones ever.

*awaits snarky comment*

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When I saw that image, I just laughed and laughed for hours, saying that Sonic's gone crazy and I needed to buy this game. On the subject of games and such that Sega plans to release, what about Project RINGO? Was that just a joke like that 'shakey mushrooms' thing I keep hearing about?

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Ringo is just Puyo Puyo 7. The "Mushroom" game is "Pole's Big Adventure". It's a parody game that makes fun of 8-bit games... and makes a bunch of dick jokes.

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Uhh... it's not much different except for the fact that this is Sonic's face later on in the movie... it's not the same image!

Actually, yes it is. If you look closely at the Chaos Emeralds at the old image, it looks poorly done. On the final cut, they enhanced the graphics and changed Sonic's face. DX

Edited by Spicylicious
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I still have yet to see that screenshot in the actual game. I mean... I see a similar moment... but I don't think he ever actually makes that face... at least not in my Wii version.

It was a beta screenshot I think.

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I remember how much nostalgia and excitement I got from the pictures, screens and trailer :P I loved everything about it and I never believed it to be an April Fool, it was way too much for a joke. To this day Savannah Citadel's BGM is my favourite track, and I partly blame that on the original trailers and all the exctiment going on at the time.

I also remember having such high hopes for the game, and then my heart sank when I saw the Werehog, I started to actually become scared of what SEGA had done, and when I got over that I ended up having mixed feelings, I remember typing a post in the original topic with something like:

'I want it to happen and I can't wait :( but at the same time I don't want it to happen and I'm terrified of it.'

Then I started to warm up to the Werehog when we saw more of it, and now I'd happily play a Werehog stage as much as I would a Sonic stage.

I also happen to think the 'improvement' of the 'BUTT RAPE' picture is actually worse. The first one to me shows much more emotion and distress, Sonic actually looks like he's being deformed, which techically is what is happening. The new one isn't bad, but it's now more of just a blank OPEN MY MOUTH face rather than a HOLY FUCK MY DNA IS BEING FUCKED ABOUT WITH BY SOME LAZER type of face.

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