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Why are people so judgmental about Sonic, but not towards other series?


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*pokes topic title*

I can't understand :blink:

I think, almost ALL series had their ups & downs

mario is great, spyro is awesome and final fantasy is adorable and so one...

but none of this series are perfect. ALL of them had their ups & downs.

But honestly, I can't read anything bad about this series (at least not so much as it is with sonic)

This is making my head spinning!

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Because Sonic has been pretty shit lately, besides Sonic Unleashed and some of the handheld titles.

Also, what are you talking about, no one likes Spyro anymore.

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This series has gone from one of the greatest platforming series in existence to a complete mess. It ignores the gameplay that it came from, it can't settle on any consistent style, it continues to introduce gameplay that no one asked for, and a lot of the games are just poorly made in general.

Every series has its ups and downs, yes. Sonic's ups were his early years, and his downs are now (and also the 3D Blast beta, hur hur hur).

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They're all tsundere for him.

Lol no. It's because Sonic makes three or four new games every year, so people see more of him. Of course, Mario makes even more, but most people don't pay as much attention to his spinoffs.

Another thing to keep in mind is that people will act like assholes if they think it's amusing. Go to 4Chan and you'll see what I mean. (Warning: Do NOT go to 4chan.) Finally, a quote.

'...The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.'Terry Prattchet, 1997

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No one cares about Spyro because his forced 'tude on a cute character dates him, he's an artifact of the nineties. Sonic's new design also has this problem, but Spyro doesn't have anything like Sonic's old (timeless) design, and he's also missing the potential that Sonic has.

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This series has gone from one of the greatest platforming series in existence to a complete mess. It ignores the gameplay that it came from, it can't settle on any consistent style, it continues to introduce gameplay that no one asked for, and a lot of the games are just poorly made in general.

This answer right here hit the nail right on the head. Sonic was a loved and respected icon because his games were high quality stuff. Sonic Unleashed was pretty good but it was still a far cry from his classic days. People are harder on Sonic because they expect more from him. His older games are just that good.

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See, that's the thing in regard to Mario spinoffs versus 'proper' Mario games.

It might just be me, but the way I see it- yes, the 'proper' Mario games are better than the Sonic games. But personally, I get more enjoyment overall from the collective Sonic games that come out within a certain period of time than I do from any given Mario game.

I mean, Mario has one proper game every what, five to six years? In that time, Sonic's had around two to three, more if you count spinoffs (since, unlike most of the Mario ones, I actually play the Sonic spinoffs since they're not Mario Party 100 or shoehorning the character into yet another sport). The enjoyment I'll get from those titles combined is more than I'll get from the one Mario game. After all, there's only so much replay value any one game can have.

Maybe I'm making it seem like a quality over quantity argument here, but personally I haven't found any recent Sonic games to be awful, or even 'bad'. Okay, I was disappointed with the Wii version of Unleashed, but still. The way I see it, the Sonic to Mario ratio is generally three to four 'good' Sonic games for every 'great' Mario game. But again, a great game still gets boring after you've played it to death.

Anyway, I feel like I'm bordering on repeating myself here, so I'll stop. =X

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This series has gone from one of the greatest platforming series in existence to a complete mess. It ignores the gameplay that it came from, it can't settle on any consistent style, it continues to introduce gameplay that no one asked for, and a lot of the games are just poorly made in general.


The series went downhill after introducing Sonic into 3D and fall of the DC/Sega hardware. The classics were great because of the core gameplay and how it was straightforward with speed with little story involved and just plain action/playing through and through. SA1 and Sa2 were good games and nice Sonic gameplay, but did have flaws as cameras and other mandatory playable chars with varied gameplay yet weren't nearly as good as Sonic's. Though games after that, Sega just messed up and tried alot of other gameplay styles, but lacked proper execution and felt slapped on at the last moment.

Sega pretty much relies on gimmicks, graphics, and glam more than anything else as of late.

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I think it's because sonic is an iconic character, so people are more aware and judgemental of his games.

Spyro has only been in 3 memorable games, so he's not that popular anymore. I disagree that sonic has nothing in common with his roots.

But if you want to look at a franchise which no longer has anything remotely in common with its roots, look at Spyro the Dragon. Everything about those Legend of Spryo games is in such a different game design document. That is an example of completely alienating a fanbase, which I don't believe sonic games do.

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I disagree that sonic has nothing in common with his roots.

Yeah, but he's getting very close.

That is an example of completely alienating a fanbase, which I don't believe sonic games do.

Oh, he alienates his fanbase. One of them at least.

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This series has gone from one of the greatest platforming series in existence to a complete mess. It ignores the gameplay that it came from, it can't settle on any consistent style, it continues to introduce gameplay that no one asked for, and a lot of the games are just poorly made in general.


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Also, what are you talking about, no one likes Spyro anymore.

Really? There's a whole bunch of people that like the Legend of Spyro games, including me. Heck, I don't like the PS1 Spyro games, and the old Spyro fans either loved or hated the new style. At least the new cames are consistent with their own gameplay, unlike Sonic...

But really, Sonic's "troubles" come from mostly because of bad games, full stop.

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Heck, I don't like the PS1 Spyro games, and the old Spyro fans either loved or hated the new style.

Sonic faces the same issue. While the classics are really what made the series great, most fans who were introduced later, normally around the time of the Sonic Adventure games, hold it to those standards.

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Sonic faces the same issue. While the classics are really what made the series great, most fans who were introduced later, normally around the time of the Sonic Adventure games, hold it to those standards.

Therefore, at the very least, it is impossible to please everybody.

I honestly cannot tell what the deal is, because a large part of it is inconsistency. People want a change in this particular thing, they get it, then whine about it because they are not comfortable with the implementation. That is what I have seen and heard plenty of since Sonic Heroes. I bet if Sega does what the dominant opinion is right now and makes something like a Sonic Unleashed without the Werehog, there would still be those who find plenty to complain about.

Edited by BaronSFel001
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Therefore, at the very least, it is impossible to please everybody.

I honestly cannot tell what the deal is, because a large part of it is inconsistency. People want a change in this particular thing, they get it, then whine about it because they are not comfortable with the implementation. That is what I have seen and heard plenty of since Sonic Heroes. I bet if Sega does what the dominant opinion is right now and makes something like a Sonic Unleashed without the Werehog, there would still be those who find plenty to complain about.

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure: which is: Try to please everybody.
I can't say Sonic Team doesn't put effort into their games. I just think they put most of the effort into the wrong places. Edited by SuperStingray
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I think a pretty big reason for slagging off the series is to annoy you lot, personally. The Sonic fandom as a whole is very easy to upset, and when you're not involved it can be fun to watch.

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Looking at Sonic's track record his games have gone downhill. There is like maybe 1 good game after 3 bad ones, though Sonic Heroes technically isn't really horrible but still needs work. It's as if Sonic Team cannot stick with one idea and work on it until it's perfected. I don't want to see a perfected werehog, but a perfected Daytime Sonic level with less spamming of the boost button would be good. But meh, when it comes to dropping money on Sonic games one has to be careful nowadays.

Edit: And Roarey has a point it is funny seeing Sonic fans go on a rampage with youtube rants, and 5 page essays on why Sonic rocks and *insert reviewer, website, etc... here* sucks. I've never really understood it but hey.

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I think a pretty big reason for slagging off the series is to annoy you lot, personally. The Sonic fandom as a whole is very easy to upset, and when you're not involved it can be fun to watch.

There's no denying that some of them are trolls and blind haters, but I still think the lot of them have justified criticisms. I'm just against the ones who rub it in.

Edited by SuperStingray
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I don't believe that the games are poorly made.

What I think is that it does not remain faithful to what people expect from a Sonic game. The games are still fun, but I think reviewers happen to see more bad than good because they're expecting it to be bad rather than good, since it's not the Sonic they're used to.

If this is the case, you'd think a bunch of reviewers who are clamoring for new games from EA rather than the same old sports sims would like some new types of Sonic games rather than the same old 2D Sonic. The games are good, but they've got nothing new going for them.

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Why are people so judgmental about Stadium? First, let me impart you with a few questions you should ask yourself each time a new Stadium game comes out.

Is it worth buying?

Is it worth playing?

Is it worth defending?

If you answered no for all three, then chances are it's not worth judging the entire series off of. So why do people still do it anyway? It's very simple really. It's because people are drama queens and they love complaining about things they have practically zero involvement in. It makes them feel like they have an opinion, even if they no nothing about the subject they're dealing with.

Roarey's answer is good too.

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Why are people so judgmental about Stadium? First, let me impart you with a few questions you should ask yourself each time a new Stadium game comes out.

Is it worth buying?

Is it worth playing?

Is it worth defending?

If you answered no for all three, then chances are it's not worth judging the entire series off of. So why do people still do it anyway? It's very simple really. It's because people are drama queens and they love complaining about things they have practically zero involvement in. It makes them feel like they have an opinion, even if they no nothing about the subject they're dealing with.

Roarey's answer is good too.

It's funny because I ask myself those same questions whenever a new Stadium game is announced. Stadium fans and trolls are drama queens, but I suppose it's the law of nature.

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Why are people so judgmental about Stadium? First, let me impart you with a few questions you should ask yourself each time a new Stadium game comes out.

Is it worth buying?

Is it worth playing?

Is it worth defending?

If you answered no for all three, then chances are it's not worth judging the entire series off of. So why do people still do it anyway? It's very simple really. It's because people are drama queens and they love complaining about things they have practically zero involvement in. It makes them feel like they have an opinion, even if they no nothing about the subject they're dealing with.

Roarey's answer is good too.

Some people are just drama queens, but it frustrates me when I see early previews for a game I might enjoy, only for it to quickly turn out that there's something massively wrong with it. The reason why Stadium gets it from so many people, though, is that he's in his own sort of sub genre, and any attempt to make a game along the same lines would inevitably be a bit of a ripoff, so he's basically the only show in town when it comes to his type of game.
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Lol no. It's because Stadium makes three or four new games every year, so people see more of him. Of course, Mario makes even more, but most people don't pay as much attention to his spinoffs.

Or his spinoffs are good and don't merit complaints. Even if kart-racing, golf, and tennis aren't what Mario is best known for, those games are generally well-made and fun, which is what matters.

Spinoffs aside, there's still plenty of platformers, RPGs, and other story-intensive Mario games that are released on a fairly regular basis, which are consistently high quality.

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Without trying to generalize too much there are two types of Sonic fans IMO:

1. Old School

2. New School

The diehard old school fans are displeased with all the new characters and the change from 2D to 3D as they feel Sonic's straying from his roots e.g. giving him a sword, the addition of so many new playable characters, his speed.

The new school (if that's even a term, I don't really know lol) fans are displeased at the awkward and everchanging gameplay as well as the storylines which range from weak to strong.

I think most of the hate is fuelled by the reviewers who instantly think any new Sonic game will suck. Giving the games such low ratings doesn't do much for the fan's reactions or the sale of the game. I often find critics are quite harsh when it comes to ongoing franchises.

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*pokes topic title*

I can't understand :blink:

I think, almost ALL series had their ups & downs

mario is great, spyro is awesome and final fantasy is adorable and so one...

but none of this series are perfect. ALL of them had their ups & downs.

But honestly, I can't read anything bad about this series (at least not so much as it is with sonic)

This is making my head spinning!

Maybe because all games you mentioned > Sonic? Not sure for Spyro (didn't played that since PSX) but other 2 are better.

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