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New Trailer, Boxart and EU/NA Release Dates!

Blue Blood

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NA release date: Nov 16th

EU release date: Nov 12th (teeheehee!)

And the Wisps on each version (according to that boxart)

Wii: Cyan, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Pink, Green, Purple

DS: Cyan, Yellow, Orange, Red, Violet

Edited by Blue Blood
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why Sonic, what big teeth you have.

besides the somewhat jarring smile, i like it :D a lot

Gonna watch the trailer now...

EDIT: Gameplay looks as awesome as ever! Isn't that a new act in Tropical Resort Zone? I never saw some of those sections at E3, more than 2 acts confirmed?

I am also ADORING all those CGI segments, cannot wait to see that in full motion. Looking forward to playing this at SoS tomorrow! Thanks for the update Blue Blood

1:06-New desktop ahoy should we get a more HD version.

Edited by ENVY16
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EDIT: Gameplay looks as awesome as ever! Isn't that a new act in Tropical Resort Zone? I never saw some of those sections at E3, more than 2 acts confirmed?

That's what I want thinking. It's the part with the zipline- that wasn't there are E3. Either it's different act, or further through act 1/2 because they were apparently shortened for demo purposes.

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Holy shit, that box art is fucking awesome! Trailer was awesome too, though I'm not sure how I feel about the song yet.

Edited by speedfreak
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You know I was hoping that that old picture of Sonic running through Planet Wisp would be the boxart. But holy moly, I'm more than okay with this! It's even better.

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OK...wow. I didn't excpect the boxart to be that brilliant. I love it! The trailer is also excellent, gameplay looks like a blast.

I still hate that song though.

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Damn, I was worried this game would just be the daytime stages from Unleashed, but it looks a bit slower. Which is really good! This might just be my favorite 3D Sonic game since SA2.

And you get to see Tails and Curly following you again. I hope Tails really follows you around in the game after you save him.

Boxart is really nice.

Man, I really want this now D:

Also, I like the song.

Edited by MarcelloF
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Oh man, I don't think I've been this genuinely, unreservedly excited for a Sonic game in a while. Trailer looks great, boxart looks great, game looks great.

Also, hey, new wisp on the DS boxart. Looks like it's got something to do with Sonic's spin attack.

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:42, badniks?

And the theme song continues to suck even more! ^_^

And DS version confirmed for FABULOUS edition. (look above the logo)

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Also, hey, new wisp on the DS boxart. Looks like it's got something to do with Sonic's spin attack.

What? Where?

:42, badniks?

We've known this ;)

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So Europe gets a Sonic game before the Ameircans WUT wow that pretty rare a Sonic game coming out in Europe first lol =), the trailer just made this game even more awesome really, the boxart is totally amazing and I really like the song even more time to make the Song longer now lol. Really can't wait to get it now =)

Edited by Shaddix
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So Europe gets a Sonic game before the Ameircans WUT wow that pretty rare a Sonic game coming out in Europe first lol =), the trailer just made this game even more awesome really, the boxart is totally amazing and I really like the song even more time to make the Song longer now lol. Really can't wait to get it now =)

Not really. It seems to happen more and more regularly.

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I love the trailer. I love the theme song. I love the boxart (best Sonic boxart I've seen in a long time). I also love that Europe gets the game earlier :P

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C'mon Lazer!!!!!!

Oh man, I'm freaking psyched! That box art is sexy as all hell, the gameplay looks fabulous, and the song... well ...uh it's not a winner, but who cares!

For a game that came way out of left field, this turned out to look awesome! I must go pre-order it! Now to find some cash....

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November 16...same day as LBP2. Joy.

Too bad the the theme song has to suck on the level of a Sonic Heroes song, because everything else looks good. Gameplay, graphic, and even the boxart.

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Really loving the cover art. Definitely better than Unleashed in every way.

Also, trailer song, for those who want it. I'm liking it more now I've had more to listen to, but it still isn't exactly my cup of tea.

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November 16...same day as LBP2. Joy.

As well as Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, and Quantum Theory.

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I am trying my absolute hardest NOT to have a fangasm right now & stay neutral on my stance for this game until I play it. But as awesome as things are looking so far, I can't help but squeal in excitement a bit!

One thing I don't get, though, is why everyone seems to hate this game's theme song? I'll admit; it's not the "Crush 40 Epicness" that we all expect the Sonic 3D games to have in one form or another, but to say it's as bad as the Heroes theme? That's a bit overkill if ya ask me. I'd say it'd be more on par with "Endless Possibilities" from Sonic Unleashed; it's good, but it's not great.

Personally I like it a lot, but that's just me.

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As well as Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, and Quantum Theory.

If all these game were being release in the middle of Spring on the same day then there'd be a problem. But seeing as the release is in the Christmas period, I wouldn't worry.

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None of thos games matter as much as Sonic Colors to me. AC:B comes close, though.

Still, I want the 3DS for Christmas. Luckily my birthday is a month before that, so I'll have some money from my friends =D

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