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Roger Craig "Consoles" Smith new voice of Sonic & The God Damn Batman!

Badnik Mechanic

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Edit: 15th July 2010

We now bring you news that Jason is no longer the voice of Sonic he along with the main cast have had a re-shuffle.

Sonic will now be voiced by Roger Craig Smith. Known better for his role as Chris in Resident Evil 5.

Tails will be voiced by Kate Higgins, known better for her roles in Madworld and Valkyria Chronicles.

Eggman will be voiced by ME! No... Mike Pollock remains to voice sonics arch nemesis.

Edit: 14th July 2010.

We interupt the normal topic to bring you this report. Jason Griffith is believed to be leaving his role as Sonic.

We now return you to how this original topic went down.


So based on Shadz's status update,, during AAUK's radio show today the following was said "Sonic colours news Monday and franchise changing news Thursday."

Unfortunately for me, a lot of AAUK's show was kinda garbled due to my poor connection so I missed this, did anyone else hear this? And if so, what could it be?

We've already got a lot of games in development right now and Sonic 3DS rumoured to be in development too so I can't see this being a new game announcement. But if it's franchise changing, its got to be something big, like a direction change or some kind of design change.

Owww exciting.

Edit: when it is announced, this post will be updated.

Sonic colours news was a new alien thing.

Edited by Hogfather
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I'm hoping for a Sonic 4 release date ,that Sonic 3DS title being announced or Sonic's 20th Anniversary game for next year that my guesses XD

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"Franchise changing" are some pretty strong words there. The things I imagine fitting that bill are things like more internal restructuring, the return of some key players, a complete foregoing of 2D or 3D Sonic, a narrative reboot, remakes, handing Sonic off to another company, or theatrical forays. I'm excited yet anxious at the same time, and now I have to live with that until Thursday-- four long days of agonizing anticipation.

Curse AAUK's ambiguity. ='(

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I'm hoping for a Sonic 4 release date ,that Sonic 3DS title being announced or Sonic's 20th Anniversary game for next year that my guesses XD

An S4 release date is hardly franchise changing news...

But yeah, something to do with a specific a game (announced or not)? That's all I can think of right now. Something to shake things up for the big two zero.

Edited by Blue Blood
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Sorry for the delayed response, me and the wife had to pop out.

AAUK said towards the end of Radio Redux that there will be Sonic Colours news on Monday and franchise changing news on Thursday, the only details he added to the latter was that it's nothing particularly about the games, it's nothing to do with SoS and that it will be revealed exclusively on the Sonic City Blognik.

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If the LAST "big" announcement is anything to go by it's probably gonna be the unveiling of the SEGA president's new trousers! *shot*

Honestly, I'm more worried than excited, this could either be really good, or REALLY bad.

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I think I'm worried.


Edited by Blue Blood
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I think I'm worried.


Owwh feck that would be terrible what about they made him fat and round again *Sigh* that won't be good now will it

Edited by Winston Smith
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The only thing scarier than change is big change. Considering the state of the franchise, I think I've got more reason to worry than to be excited...but, who knows.

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I'm just hearing this now? I am wondering what it is... Maybe Sonic is getting a remod-*shot*

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I think I'm worried.



But seriously, this announcement isn't necessarily about the games? Well, hype-meter dipping; What in the world could you possibly do that's "franchise-changing" but doesn't really affect the core of the actual franchise? Seems like an exaggerated choice of words now, and not something I'd particularly be worried about.

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*points to avatar*

Make it happen, SEGA.

Although, if this has nothing to do with the games... then what on earth could they be referring to? The comics? A new television program?


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Zomg. A movie for his 20th anniversary? Because that'd be a first. A movie and a game, maybe? MAYBE A NEW SEGA CONSOLE

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I hope its a really cool new TV show if it has nothing to do with the games. But I doubt that would be franchise changing, unless its a movie and finally they're getting their super awesome CG team to make one xD!

But even then that isn't really franchise changing....HMMmmMMm. I can't wait!

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I won't be able to concentrate all week and I have Work Experience...


At least we'll have some Sonic Colours news on Monday to Passify us.

If the "Franchise changing news" involves Yuji Naka returning to program (Instead of watching from a distance) I will be pretty shocked. Or Sonic games will now be made in co-operation with Prope.

OR, Yuji Naka will be returning temporatily to do the programming for Sonic 4. That would be franchise changing news because every fans head would probably explode.

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Whatever it is, you can rest assured that it will be bad. *end of constructive contribution*

Thank you sir for just crushing our hopes and dreams :'(

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"Franchise-changing," eh?

I know Black Spy was kidding in his post, but he's right.

Last time they promised us "huge news", Sega gave us a simple delay for Sonic 4. And before that, it was a picture of a palm tree.

I'm not getting my hopes up after all of Sega's misleading hyperbole in the past.

Edited by PC the Hedgehog
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Franchise-changing eh? Could it be that $ega could be selling Sonic to another company or developer like Nintendo or Capcom? *Shot and bricked

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Oh god, the word choice of "franchise-changing" makes me feel really uncomfortable. I honestly have no idea what this could be. Guess I'll have to wait and see what Thursday brings...

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On TSS, AAUK sez:

I did say “franchise changing” kind of all overdramatically – Its not THAT big, though it does alter some things… you’ll just have to see what I mean. Incidentally those who’ve so far guessed are all wrong. “Sonic 4 is delayed” peeps included.

If it's nothing already predicted before that comment that means no movie, redesigns, Sonic Unleashed 2 (w/ 100% moar werehog), Sonic Team being sold, 20th birthday game, or TV show. Colour me stumped! :/

His comment cooled down my worried hype machine a little, although I'm still anxious to hear the news. Curse you, secrets!

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On TSS, AAUK sez:

I did say “franchise changing” kind of all overdramatically – Its not THAT big, though it does alter some things… you’ll just have to see what I mean. Incidentally those who’ve so far guessed are all wrong. “Sonic 4 is delayed” peeps included.

By the way he worded it, they may just have hired a new designer or something, nothing of great interest. :rolleyes:

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