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Sonic Adventure re(x5)leased for Zeebo

Fox Gungrave

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Yes, it's true. This awesome Sonic game will be once again released for a brand new console developed by Zeebo and called... Zeebo.

The brand new Videogame company, Zeebo, plans to launch a low-powered console in developing world markets. For a price of $200, folks over in Brazil can pick up their Zeebo game console.

The machine will utilize existing cell phone infrastructure to allow for older games to be digitally distributed cheaply, without a need for expensive physical product. The hope is that piracy will decline, which will attract wide developer support to reach new audiences stuck in what amounts to the gaming stone age.

Games for Zeebo will be sold by major publishers such as Activision-Blizzard, THQ, and EA and will cost about $10. Double Dragon, Resident Evil 4, Tekken, Quake, and Sonic Adventure will all be available for the new platform at some point.

Zeebo’s goal is to target the growing middle class in South America, Eastern Europe, China and India, a market potentially as large as the North America, Western Europe, Japan oriented videogame market.

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Why would Sega put their money on these guys...?

Well, it's good to hear that a Sonic game was ported to an obscure console that isn't Sonic 1.

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Why would somebody spend $200 for a low powered console with outdated games?

Sure, the games are like 10 bucks, but with all the price cuts to the PS3/360 and the Wii being cheap as it is, why would anyone pony up for a zeebo?

If someone was that needy for gaming goodness, than a DS or PSP would be a cheaper, and probably better alternative.

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I think SEGA are keen to support the up and coming. They did it with the crappy N-Gage, and the also crappy iPod/iPhone. iPod may not be that unpopular but it's still crappy =D

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Guys, this console is for the Brazilian and South American market, all three of the current generation consoles are far too exspensive to be widely accepted in this region and as such the region relies on consoles such as this (systems with built in classic games/online distribution systems etc.) to get it's gaming fix, much like China. This is both due the rediculously overpriced nature of the current gen systems in the area (Wiis cost a considerable amount more than 360s and PS3s do in other regions, for a bit of perspective) and the high piracy rate.

This isn't intended for North America or indeed any country that has the current gen systems widely available, just an affordable and difficult to pirate alternative to those less fortunate than us.

Edited by FeathersMcGraw
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To continue off what FeathersMcGraw said, and to answer Indigo Rush's question, SEGA is still very popular in Brazil. I mean, look at all the new Master System and Genesis re-releases over there! And these are all pretty recent too:





EA even recently released new games for these consoles in Brazil.

NOTE: "Tectoy" is the company that distributes SEGA's products in Brazil. It's also the same company that's behind this Zeebo thing.

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I think they should do it for PSP instead since we've already seen some Dreamcast classics remade for the PSP already with their original Dreamcast graphics. But I think SA2 needs to be remade for Zeebo or PSP because that one is better, SA1 was good but I hated the adventure fields.

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To continue off what FeathersMcGraw said, and to answer Indigo Rush's question, SEGA is still very popular in Brazil. I mean, look at all the new Master System and Genesis re-releases over there! And these are all pretty recent too:





EA even recently released new games for these consoles in Brazil.

NOTE: "Tectoy" is the company that distributes SEGA's products in Brazil. It's also the same company that's behind this Zeebo thing.

...holy crap... *Pisses pants*

TeH nEw SeGa ShIt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck me sideways (apologies for the swearing, I just can't believe my eyes). Does Amazon do shipping from Brazil?

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Jesus christ awesome! However, Genny controllers? The Master System had like, 2 buttons.

Though I do have to wonder: Why does something that apparently has the power of a Dreamcast cost the same as the Dreamcast's launch price 10 years after the Dreamcast's launch?

Also, I want my Sonic Adventure PSP port, dammit!

Edited by Tornado
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Well, color me surprised. I heard of the Zeebo sometime earlier than this, and I DID have some kind of high hopes for it, but I didn't really think it would gather this kind of developer attention. As if SA wasn't enough, there's RE4, Tekken and Quake thrown out there too. That's a pretty sweet mix, even if most of those games are from completely different eras.

I mean, fuck, I was expecting the Zeebo to live off indie support for the most part, so it comes as a surprise that the bigger devs are actually supporting the console.

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People complaining about the price:

The Wii is the equivalent of about 1000 US dollars according to people I know there.

That's the appeal of the Zeebo.

In any case, I'm glad a new generation of gamers will get to experience Sonic Adventure.

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iPod may not be that unpopular but it's still crappy =D

100% agree there.

Hmm I think it's quite sweet that they are doing that for Brazillians and South America, obviously things don't convert well when they go down there and they don't see the point in investing in things we do. I can understand the appeal of Zeebo and I think it is awesome what they are doing.

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Call me a buzzkill or whatever you think is called for, but I honestly don't think it will last long (and I don't care if i'm prooven wrong). Maybe it'll last as long as the Phantom lol (okay, maybe i'm being a little too harsh)

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iPod may not be that unpopular but it's still crappy =D

Hugely disagree with that statement. I love my iPod Touch. <3

And I also noticed they are selling Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 3D game which is (well 'was' now) a iPod Touch exclusive... o.o

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