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Die-Hards Take Sonic 4 Petitioning to the Next Level


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The irony. A day after I post an article about how miserable "fans" should shut their mealy mouths, here comes the Sonic Furry Brigade to ruin everybody's day. In what is perhaps one of the most pathetic fanboy petitions I've ever seen, a group is urging people to buy the original Sonic the Hedgehog on the day of Sonic 4's release, as a show of protest against Sega's franchise reboot.

The group, having only seen several seconds of leaked, unfinished gameplay, have declared that Sonic 4 is not exactly what they want out of a game, and are buying Sonic 1 in a bid to show Sega that they basically just want a remake and not a new game at all. At least, that's the message they'll definitely be sending. Here's their ridiculous statement:

" Fans of the sonic series are like most sega fans, we want their old games brought back to the glory days when sega was pretty much the power in video games. Seeing the gameplay of sonic 4 has made many of us realize what we already knew, Sonic 4 will simply not be anywhere near as good as the original sonic games. Either way, We will decide to finally show sega what the fans truly want. A real sonic 4, as long as sonic 4 stays the way it is, we will not buy it, we will in fact buy sonic 1 on release in protest of sonic 4, till we end up with a re tool, or change, we want sonic in hd, not sonic RUSH HD. We will not buy a future sonic game, till we get a true successor to sonic 1/2."

The gameplay released so far does not make Sonic 4 look like Sonic Rush at all. It looks closer to Sonic Advance than Sonic Rush in terms of pacing and that game was, in my mind, a true successor to the old school games. I've seen nothing in the leaked footage or screens so far to tell me that this game will be anything like rush. As always, self-proclaimed fans of a series display that they know dick-all about the thing they claim to love. These people should hang up their furry costumes in shame.


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As long as Sega makes money either way they're bound to not care. lol

Now I wish these guys would try the game once because basing on 30 seconds of a person (not a good Sonic player I might add) playing the game doesn't make you like or hate it. It's quite true.

I wonder where common sense goes sometimes...

Edited by Brendan
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I'm confused. I thought the problem with Sonic 4 was that it was a Sonic 1 rehash, so isn't buying the original Sonic 1 again in some ways counterproductive to their cause?

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As long as Sega makes money either way they're bound to not care. lol

Now I wish these guys would try the game once because basing on 30 seconds of a person (not a good Sonic player I might add) playing the game doesn't make you like or hate it. It's quite true.

I wonder where common sense goes sometimes...

Does sega even make Sonic 1 Megadrive cartridges anymore?

What are they gonna do, buy megacollection?

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Yup NOTHING... I totally washed my hands after reading that nonsence.

Does sega even make Sonic 1 Megadrive cartridges anymore?

What are they gonna do, buy megacollection?

lol totally agreed. Like SEGA won't be getting any money from those games.

Smooth moves.

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That's... er. That's a pretty strange plan, innit? I mean, the pointlessness of this sort of protest aside, the basic idea is just baffling.

I've seen plenty of arrogance and stupidity from all corners on the subject of this game, but this goes well beyond that. It's not just insulting or unreasonable, it's wacky. Madcap. This isn't a protest, it's a caper.

About the only thing that could make this better is if they all decided to buy a game that SEGA's still producing.

EDIT: That's right, digital versions! Hah! I figured they'd be tracking down used cartridges, but if they're actually planning to give SEGA money as a form of protest... hyuk hyuk.

Edited by Octarine
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Sonic 4 is only $5.00. If they planned on buying Sonic 1 through one of the countless collections they're putting more money in Sega's pockets anyway. Petition FAIL.

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I find it funny how they won't buy Sonic 4 until they get a "true" successor to Sonic 1 and 2... what happened to 3 and Knuckles?

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I love that article. It shows how demented our fanbase truly is. As for me, once I get a Wii I'm gonna buy Sonic 4 for four dollars and enjoy it, then I'll get parts 2 and 3, and however many are there. It'll probably wind up better than Sonic 1, anyway, which is actually my LEAST favored of all the classic games (except CD... I LOATHE CD). S3K is the best, though I also like Sonic 2 to a lesser extent.

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We don't suck as bad as the Team Fortress fanbase. They got so bad that at one point, the devlopers did this.


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It's not the fanbase, it's just some sad individuals who think that they're got some kind of mission and crusade, yet only about 4 people back them fully. They pop up every few months or so, anyone remember that Save Sonic shit?

My advice, tell them to get a life.

Tell them to pay close attention to what Sonic says at the end.
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Guest Jordan4K6

Lol how pathetic, they only seen a small leaked gameplay clip in it's verrry early alpha stages and from screenshots we seen several things from Sonic 1. And besides, it's just a video game and and if it's no good then wait till the next Sonic game. Idiots

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Yet more insane and inane rantings of delusional SegaSonic extremist bigots...

How magnificent!

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Guess they took our advice when we said "if you don't like the new games, go play the old ones."

The new game didn't have to be 2D and called Sonic 4 for this to happen. This has been going on since people found their "bad Sonic game."

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These people are idiots if you don't like how Sonic 4 plays after seeing less then 5 minutes pettitioning to have hard working people go back and change small details such as Sonic's eyes and look you obviously are'nt real Sonic fans, just some obsessed wannabe fans obsessed with the past.

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I am, quite frankly, sick and tired of these retro zealots stomping over everybody else's fun; it's fine that you don't like the look of Sonic 4, but that doesn't mean that everyone else should boycott it too...

I'd personally like to AT LEAST play a demo before I judge how good/ bad Sonic 4 is, but it's really not worth getting mad over less than a minute of illegally filmed footage and trying to bring everyone else down with you; that's just pathetic and downright obnoxious.

Additionally, the idiotic statement that these moronic dogmatists published was, in a sense of quality of writing, completely inadequate; these people view themselves as "real" and "hardcore" fans of the franchise, yet they seem to be unable to start Sonic's name with a capital S - it's impossible to take these stupid fools seriously.

Edited by Extaticus
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They don't even need insulting. They insult themselves by saying this:

Seeing the gameplay of sonic 4 has made many of us realize what we already knew, Sonic 4 will simply not be anywhere near as good as the original sonic games.

We will not buy a future sonic game, till we get a true successor to sonic 1/2."
Edited by Black Spy
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It's gonna be even more funny when this game actually ends up being liked by those who buy it. And if it doesn't, them buying Sonic 1 at an even higher price is sure to make Sega happy.

Either way they lose, but they've somehow convinced themselves that they'll win somehow. Sad, but funny.

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So, buying a SEGA product is these kids' way of sticking it to SEGA? Hahahahaha...

Really awful and hypocritical petition. I don't even know why Jim Sterling even reported on it. He's only perpetuating a cycle of "complaining"->"complaining about complaining"->"rinse repeat."

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