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Sonic 4: This game is being overhyped


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I've been wanting to express my thoughts about this game ever since it was announced. Now, I got the chance so here we go.

Please note that I have no intention of trolling. It's always nice to see a Sonic game hyped. But the almost fact is, this game is just being OVERHYPED.

My personal thought is that this game is being overhyped. And I am noticing that most of its hype is coming from (not here) multiple people who haven't really paid attention to the franchise lately. This game, contrary to popular belief, can't be considered a comeback. How can you consider this Virtual Marketplace game to be that? If it is, then what about Sonic Rush? Rush Adventure? Because this should be as notable as those games. The thing that makes it extra noteworthy is the fact that it's called Sonic The Hedgehog 4... which is slightly overly random for its own good.

How can you consider this game to be Sonic's comeback? It's a Virtual Marketplace game, thus making it more of a spin-off for a mainstream game. Furthermore, it's 2D. A mainstream 2D game would be fine every now and then... but 2D is NOT the future of Sonic? Sonic's already made his jump to 3D in 1999 with Sonic Adventure which was met with great praise and success. That was all before the rapidly changing opinions about the Sonic franchise? The jump to 3D did good for Sonic. What also should be noted is how the multiple gaming styles were HARDLY a problem with gamers up until Sonic Unleashed and Sonic and the Black Knight. Shadow The Hedgehog's gunplay was also met with unfair criticism as well; it was just a mechanic and optional to use. The Sonic Adventure games were ABOUT unique gameplay genres.

Really, this game is being overhyped. If it's the "comeback", then what about the Rush games?

I am just stating a personal opinion. My thoughts against this game are good; it's looking better and better to me.

Edited by Eternal_Dreamer
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Here we go.

The hype of this game stems from the fact that it's the prodigical Sonic 4. Something every kid within 1990 to now wanted and kept making fan games about. Rush,being a well recieved solid game, had it's issues that many people are going to point out. Shadow, Sonic 06, Sonic Unleashed, and Black Knight are considered a derailment of the series(Not my opinion. I loved one of them.) So think of it as this. Sonic fanboy/girl dream of the idea of a Sonic 4+the title of the game= hype.

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I've been wanting to express my thoughts about this game ever since it was announced. Now, I got the chance so here we go.

Please note that I have no intention of trolling. It's always nice to see a Sonic game hyped. But the almost fact is, this game is just being OVERHYPED.

My personal thought is that this game is being overhyped. And I am noticing that most of its hype is coming from (not here) multiple people who haven't really paid attention to the franchise lately. This game, contrary to popular belief, can't be considered a comeback. How can you consider this Virtual Marketplace game to be that? If it is, then what about Sonic Rush? Rush Adventure? Because this should be as notable as those games. The thing that makes it extra noteworthy is the fact that it's called Sonic The Hedgehog 4... which is slightly overly random for its own good.

How can you consider this game to be Sonic's comeback? It's a Virtual Marketplace game, thus making it more of a spin-off for a mainstream game. Furthermore, it's 2D. A mainstream 2D game would be fine every now and then... but 2D is NOT the future of Sonic? Sonic's already made his jump to 3D in 1999 with Sonic Adventure which was met with great praise and success. That was all before the rapidly changing opinions about the Sonic franchise? The jump to 3D did good for Sonic. What also should be noted is how the multiple gaming styles were HARDLY a problem with gamers up until Sonic Unleashed and Sonic and the Black Knight. Shadow The Hedgehog's gunplay was also met with unfair criticism as well; it was just a mechanic and optional to use. The Sonic Adventure games were ABOUT unique gameplay genres.

Really, this game is being overhyped. If it's the "comeback", then what about the Rush games?

I am just stating a personal opinion. My thoughts against this game are good; it's looking better and better to me.

Overhyped is the opposite reaction I get when seeing people talk about this game.

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Here we go.

The hype of this game stems from the fact that it's the prodigical Sonic 4. Something every kid within 1990 to now wanted and kept making fan games about. Rush,being a well recieved solid game, had it's issues that many people are going to point out. Shadow, Sonic 06, Sonic Unleashed, and Black Knight are considered a derailment of the series(Not my opinion. I loved one of them.) So think of it as this. Sonic fanboy/girl dream of the idea of a Sonic 4+the title of the game= hype.

I could understand the criticism of Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) and Sonic and the Black Knight, but I never understood the criticism of Shadow and Unleashed. And particularly Unleashed. Really, Sonic Games are met with unfair bias.

And other than the fact that is Sonic 4, it's as notable as a Rush game.

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Overhyped is the opposite reaction I get when seeing people talk about this game.

This. The way I see it, those who are remotely excited for it are few and far in between compared to those who are neutral or pessimistic, and their number was subsequently halved when the name 'Sonic 4' became official. This game is falling in line with most other Sonic titles and getting its preemptive pounding. xP

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I'm seeing a lot less hype and more pessimism and bitching from those this game is aimed to.

Right when the visuals of the game were shown, people went on a rampage over Sonic's modern design instead of them using the older one. I can understand how people thought the old design would come back because I thought the same thing, but when they saw the new design people were turned off on the game that they said they wouldn't buy it simply because the modern Sonic design is in it. This attitude has left those on the other end of the fanbase see those complaining about the design basing failures on the design alone.

That's not to say everyone thought that way, I've seen some who thought that the newer designs didn't mesh well with the retro look of the game, yet they weren't turned off to the same extent. It was just awkward to them.

When we got some gameplay footage, some of the same people blew things way out of proportion over the gameplay. Now I can understand how some people felt that this game needed work, although I do think that the claim that it will play as a Sonic Rush 3 were a little over the top and too early to judge based on one level. Then again, I was on the side that thought this game would likely be a rehash of old games instead of an addition to them, so I'm not innocent in that regard.

I'm still skeptical of this game. I'm looking forward to it, but not as much as I usually would. But this game is not exactly one that I would call overhyped.

And the comment about 2D not being Sonic's future is absolutely silly. Now I do not believe that being 3D is a problem for Sonic, but taking a potshot at 2D seems low to me.

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I still see a lot of hype for this game. Dunno what you're typing about.

Umm, I think we're looking at two very different situations here. Have you even seen the amount of complaints the game has been getting? I think you need to go to the Sonic 4 forum on the Sega forums, cause I doubt you have seen all the complaints it's been getting. Fans have complained that the game is using 2.5d graphics and not 16-bit 2d, that the game is using the modern designs (and the fact that Sonic has green eyes and not black) and not the classic designs from the Genesis games, and that the game is using rehashed badnik designs fromt he previous games.

So the question is, what are YOU typing about? What you're saying is opposite from the facts. Have you heard of AKnotholeResident by any chance?

Edited by vgmaster
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Have you heard of AKnotholeResident by any chance?

And what about him exactly? I've seen him around on the boards, but what significance does he have that makes him stand that far out?

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Umm, I think we're looking at two very different situations here. Have you even seen the amount of complaints the game has been getting? I think you need to go to the Sonic 4 forum on the Sega forums, cause I doubt you have seen all the complaints it's been getting. Fans have complained that the game is using 2.5d graphics and not 16-bit 2d, that the game is using the modern designs (and the fact that Sonic has green eyes and not black) and not the classic designs from the Genesis games, and that the game is using rehashed badnik designs fromt he previous games.

So the question is, what are YOU typing about? What you're saying is opposite from the facts. Have you heard of AKnotholeResident by any chance?

Already been there. Not seeing much criticism. Also, in general, the game is getting is getting a good reception thus far... IN GENERAL.

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Um, yeah. Please tell me that is staged?

Fuck no, this is 100% real. He even made two apologies after making it (the first one was taken down). After he deleted some of the videos of the game, he made this nice little comment: "I removed the string of rant videos because the current Sonic generation is devoid of intelligence and would rather drink the Sega Kool Aid than think for themselves.". He got a shitload of angry rant reactions because of this.

Edited by vgmaster
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Fuck no, it's 100% real. He even made two apologies after making it (the first one was taken down). After he deleted some of the videos of the game, he made this nice little comment: "I removed the string of rant videos because the current Sonic generation is devoid of intelligence and would rather drink the Sega Kool Aid than think for themselves.". He got a shitload of any rant reactions because of this.

Really? Wow...:blink:

Well that really made my day. And to think that people couldn't have been any sillier over the green eyes. :lol:

And he tried to make himself seem better than the people who thought he blew it out of proportions. People are so silly.

I do think we're giving this way too much attention tho.

Edited by ChaosSupremeSonic
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If by hyped you mean it receives a lot of attention, then yes. If by hyped you mean met by an unusually positive reaction, I still daresay yes. This drama shows that Sonic fans care, and aren't just turning away and ignoring it like you would expect a bitter gamer who has been given poor games time and time again.

Unfounded pessimism and praise? Yeah, let's pretend that Sonic's the only creature that's ever been subjected to that...

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I'm noticing a lot negative bias actually. A lot more than positive. Whenever news comes out about it on some other gaming website its almost constantly filled with people who say theres no way it'll be good since its a post Sonic and Knuckles game.

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Compared to Unleashed and Sonic 06, this game is not getting the hype I was expecting. I'm hyped just because it's another sonic I WILL BE BUYING and it looks fun. Unleashed, I got that because I knew it was gonna be CRAZY fast and blah so I...like many other fans HYPED that game to the heavens and back. (which to this day stands as my 3rd favorite sonic game) In other words I disagree with the topic creator, and agree with some of the other people. This game isn't getting very much hype, especially with the title "SONIC the Hedgehog 4".

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Its getting a lot of hype, but its getting a lot of hate, too. Actually, I think that most people have a "cautious optimism." They're optimistic about the prospects of the game, but are taking it carefully. The rest are plain hating on it for the style of the game because it doesn't "look" classic and because they "think" it looks like its based more on Rush than the classics, gameplay-wise.

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Its more notable than the Rushes because SEGA said so. This is part of the main series, while Rush wasn't...

I also see more people complaining about he game, instead of getting excited about it. I'm still excited, but my excitement has been dampened, after seeing everything being from the first 2 Sonic games. Only very slightly, but still.

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I'm hyped because I think it'll be a lot of fun, and there's plenty of classic throwbacks which have kept me happy. I half expect the game to play like the older titles (just because of the name) but then I don't mind if it really is like Sonic Advance 2.

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Most of the people are confusing hype with reception. Sega is hyping the shit out of this, to the extent that some of the leaks almost seem intentional. That people aren't buying it for the most part just means that the hype won't exceed the already out of control levels that Sega have started.

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Overhyped is the opposite reaction I get when seeing people talk about this game.

Nothing more needs to be said.

So the question is, what are YOU typing about? What you're saying is opposite from the facts. Have you heard of AKnotholeResident by any chance?

Are we still giving this guy attention? I'm still waiting for his black-eyed classic Sonic in his SatAM film.

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Even if it's not just hype, people just keep saying that this is SONICTEAM's last chance... when it obviously isn't.

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Even if it's not just hype, people just keep saying that this is SONICTEAM's last chance... when it obviously isn't.

Does this look like hype to you?

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Overhyped?...Where? On Sonic forums? Maybe. Because i don't see the hype anywhere else.

GTA IV and Avatar <-- Those where overhyped, or even overoverhyped. And in the end Overrated. Big time.

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