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From modern to classic

Thirsty Pocket

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So for the most part, we all love the classic style gameplay, yeah? We didn't mind the two extra characters we could play as in S3&K because 1. They were 100% optional, and B. They weren't radically different from Sonic's gameplay, but were just different enough to offer a new way to play the game. Depending on your definition of Classic style gameplay, we haven't been able to play in the classic style in a new way since Amy in SAdv1 or Cream in SAdv2 ( Or Blaze, but I'd not count that. ) Sonic has a massive Supporting cast, and yet only a handful of said cast has been playable in the classic format.

Are there any Characters, Modern or Classics who were never playable, that you'd like to play as in a classic styled Sonic game, and how do you assume they would function?

I obviously had Sonic 4 in mind when making this topic, but this situation can be applied to future releases too ( Considering any post S3&K characters won't be in S4 ) And fangames.

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I'd like to play as Robotnik in the classic games and build my own Death Egg.

I'd like to play as Robotnik just like Sonic. With Spin dash and stuff. It would be hilarious xD. His special thing would be a stomach bounce...

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It'd be faster to list the characters that I don't want to see playable with classic gameplay. Which is pretty much just the humans...none of the important ones have the right shape for it.

As for specifics...I'd like to see what they'd do with Marine, since she was shown to have some sort of powers but wasn't playable at all. Silver might be interesting in a Wii game, using the pointer to control his telekinesis as he's running through the levels. And although they aren't "modern" characters, it'd be fun to see Metal Sonic, Fang, Bark, and Bean playable in a 2D Sonic.

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I'd like to play as Robotnik in the classic games and build my own Death Egg.

It would be pretty cool if they added some puzzle mode or some Mini-games to build the Death Egg, but that's just me. Actually no, scrap that, that was a silly idea. :P

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I support the old idea of Shadow in 2D classic. I'd like him to have one or two powerful moves that cost 1-5 rings to use. I dunno how that'd balance out though. He could teleport through walls like Nightcrawler in the old X-men game. Except his skating animation always looks terrible in fangames, you'd have to fix that.

I like to put Blaze on this list even though Rush wasn't classic. The way the stages complements her moves compared to Sonic's is exactly the way it should be.

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I wouldn't mind being Silver Sonic, as he only appeared once in the series as a boss in Sonic 2.

Functioning the same as normal Sonic, but can eject his spikes to hit enemies at the cost of 15 rings (while spindashing). I could just imagine him tearing up the level with his robotic armour and spikes :P

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Believe or not, I would actually like Silver as a playable character on a 2D Sonic game, and I would defiantly like Fang/Nack in the mix as well. I'd say Mighty, but he's already appeared as a playable character(On not one, but two games I haven't got, and might never get...D:)

Super :lol: Lombax

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Now this is what I'm talking about. This is a real topic. :D

I can see Blaze in classic Sonic stuff just fine. She basically would look and play just like every other character in classic Sonic (run, jump, roll (or the Espio-esque pirouette for her)). Plus, I really liked Blaze's homing-hovering-air-zoom thing from Sonic Nextgen; and they should put that as her main air attack/movement, except add a swirl of flames around her as she does it.

Shadow I could see having gameplay basically like Gamma does, but instead with rolling and a Spindash. What I mean is that he has the ability to hover (his rocket shoes), and maybe can have the blasting action of Gamma's arm-missle thing, but instead with machine guns his Chaos Spear move.

Silver could basically be like Amy from Advance (going without rolling and Spindashing abilities), but instead having a hover-flight thing that works sort of like a slower, less useful version of Tails' flying, and with his psychokinesis abilities to pick up objects and throw them with your miiiiinnnnddd, which could be done by a little cursor that is on the screen with Silver that you can move to highlight over an object, and holding X. The controls would be done with a mouse (PC) or the stylus (DS), or the Sixaxis (PS3, although that'd be frustrating I assume), or the Wiimote (I wonder what that would be used for). Or heck, on a controller like the 360's or the PS3's, you could just use the Right Stick.

And Big the freakin Cat. I'm sure you have no idea how much potential he has. Lemme post what I wrote at Retro:

Don't you guys know Big could equal up as nearly the fastest Sonic character ever, if used correctly?

Take note that this is basing his gameplay as being a traditional 2D ball-physics-based Sonic game:

The World's Heaviest Pinball: Big isn't that fast on foot (and he also is very clumsy), so if he comes in contact with a slope he automatically trips and starts to roll sideways on his belly down it. However, since he's so big and heavy, his weight pushes him down at a blistering pace! This makes it where his weight pushes him downward at speeds even Sonic himself can't comprehend!

Not Just For Fishing: Since Big is also so slow on foot that it's impossible for him to go up slopes (and that he can't jump high), Big can use his fishing pole as a grappling hook. Yes, his fishing pole. Big can grip the line's hook onto a high-up ledge or the top of a slope to pull himself up somewhere, and even when gripped to the right things (like a tree or floating object) Big can swing from it like Spiderman (except cooler and no emo). Big can also use the hook as a weapon that allows a move similar to Ristar, which pulls in enemies or objects and upon letting go, dropkicks it. And that's not all; you can chain grappling manuevers and even use it while mobile, which allows you to swing and roll in a heavy ball across the stage at the same time, allowing you to keep ultimate momentum.

You know you'd love to play as him. Admit it.

Edited by Azukara
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Of the newer characters I can think of, Shadow and Rouge would probably be the easiest ones to do justice. Blaze and Cream both sort of count, I guess, but the principles from their 2D debuts could be pretty easily be translated into the classic formula without significant changes... Blaze would probably be slower but more acrobatic in a vaguely Luigi-esque fashion, for instance.

Shadow would probably require some kind of gimmick gauge to do his chaos powers justice, but otherwise he could behave almost exactly like Sonic with few complaints. Rouge could likewise behave like Knuckles, although making her significantly slower and granting her both Knuckles' climbing ability and Tails' true flight (she's got wings, after all) might be a more unique strategy. Either way, these two wouldn't be hard at all to implement because of their similarities to existing characters. It might not be original, but it's doable.

Silver and Fang would be tough, though, with their highly specialized powers. Giving Shadow a bit of Chaos Control action with a special meter wouldn't be too bad, but when a character's entire gimmick is moving objects or shooting things in a speed-based 2D platformer... it really wouldn't do them much justice to water that down. Most of the bigger characters are right out, too, if the game was supposed to be playable with multiple characters in more or less the same levels a la 3&K. Sorry, Omega.

What I really want to see is the Chaotix (Vector, Espio and Charmy, anyway) in a 2D platformer with variations on their Knuckles' Chaotix abilities, since we haven't seen most of those outside of the rubber-band format. Maybe it's just that I want to see Vector's wheel-dash again, I dunno.

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Believe or not, I would actually like Silver as a playable character on a 2D Sonic game, and I would defiantly like Fang/Nack in the mix as well. I'd say Mighty, but he's already appeared as a playable character(On not one, but two games I haven't got, and might never get...D:)

Super :lol: Lombax

Mighty appeared in two games, but I heard that one of them was more like Sonic 3D Blast than a classic. Also, Mighty never went solo before. I'd like to see him with a few new powers. I heard right, Mighty is just Sonic with a wall kick and no spin dash.

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