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Sonic 4: Your Ideal Platform

E.J. The DJ

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This game is so far confirmed to be released on the Wii, PS3, 360, and it is highly speculated to be released on the iphone. So, which system do you plan on buying this game for? Which system do you think is ideal for this game to be on?

Edited by streetballa
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As a 360/PS3/Wii owner, that's a tough call. I want this game to look as good as possible my first time through, so Wii is out (at first, anyway).

My gut reaction would be 360, but I have a very resentful relationship with that system's controller's D-Pad. I dunno'. SF4 got its very own special controller for that same reason, so maybe this will too... not that I'd be eager to shell out extra cash just for a game-specific D-Pad.

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Even if had the choice I'd still go with the PS3 version as it would have HD graphics and (hopefully optional) Motion controls. Plus I can plug this bad boy in for massive damage nostalgia wankery.

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Hmm, well I own both the Wii and 360. So, that's a tough call. I'd say the 360, since it has HD graphics and all that jazz. But, I have a feeling the Wii would have a friendly control scheme, and on top of that, it'd be easier for me to download the game there than the 360. Though, on the flip side, at the moment my Wii's pretty crowded in terms of memory. So...I'm not sure.

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I'm getting it for PS3 so I can play it in all its shiny, HD goodness.

And because, you know, I get all the other Sonic games that have come out recently for that.

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The Wii pisses me off, so that's out. Seriously, I can never me bothered to hold that awkward controller even if just to select the game on the menu before switching to the GC controller. Plus it's not HD.

And that then leaves the 360 version, since I don't have a PS3 or iPhone. Glorious HD graphics, zero chance of annoying motion control (some parts of the PS3 version will use 6-axis) and a comfortable controller. Yes, sounds perfect. All Sonic 4 downloads to the 360. Should there be an eventual retail compilation then I'll get that for PS3. I'll have one by then and like the look of PS3 cases more than 360 ones.

What? None of my reasoning is at all petty.

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I own both a Wii and a 360, but I think I might pull what I did in Unleashed and just snag the 360 version. While how a game looks isn't the most important thing, I'd love to feast my eyes on some of this visual retro candy!

Edited by BlazingTales
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360. I recently sold my Wii (FINALLY brought me happiness by paying for Bayonetta, AvP and Sonic & SEGA All-stars Racing), I don't have a PS3, and I don't have an iPhone (and based on my experience with my mother's, I NEVER want to hold one again). To me, the PS3 and 360 version just seem like the only reasonable platforms to get the game on, assuming you have one of those two systems. I mean, the 1080p presentation alone pretty much kills any idea in my mind that I will be missing out on anything.

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Screw the console versions. The iPhone's the TRUE way to play a classic Sonic game.

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Even if had the choice I'd still go with the PS3 version as it would have HD graphics and (hopefully optional) Motion controls. Plus I can plug this bad boy in for massive damage nostalgia wankery.

I really was about to get it for the wii but this just changed my mind completely. That cant be used on the wii at all?

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Since the wii version is confirmed to be using terrible motion controls and it won't be in HD, I can cross that off the list. And of course I am not getting the Iphone one so the 360 it is.

The only gripe right now with my 360 is that I need to call microsoft so I can get DLC again, they locked it up for some dumb piracy reason. I also need to get a controller that has a good D-Pad. If anyone remembers back when needlemouse was announced a madcatz inspired controller was also announced to be in development for the game. Looking forward to getting that since it sounds like it will be a genesis controller.

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I'm pretty sure the motion controls for the Wii and PS3 will be optional...

PS3 for me. It has a great D-Pad and is in HD. It would either be that or the Wii version for me, and I want my pretty graphics.

I always download everything off PSN anyway....

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Wii, cause I only have that at the moment (Still plan on getting PS3, though). I hope motion controls are either optional or not overused (if not optional).

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I've all four platforms Sonic 4 will be released on but the 360 is my console of choice and it's a no-brainer than the 360 will be the console I'll get this for. The joypad is the best for me and achievements kick ass. Bring it on!

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Oh, if I like the game I might end up getting it on the iPhone too just to play at work for a bit. I'm just worried how the iPhone version will control. Having imaginary buttons on the touch screen sucks balls and Sonic 1 is basically unplayable because of it.

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The 360 for sure! I already have the 360 versions of Heroes, Shadow, '06, Unleashed, Mega Collection, Ultimate Genesis, Superstars Tennis and (soon) All-Stars Racing.

And then the iPhone version because, well, click the link below.

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I can't use the Wii shop channel until I do a system update. And if I did a system update, I lose the homebrew channel, and if I lose the homebrew channel, I lose Sonic Megamix ( and more importantly, EarthBound and Mother 3 ). Also inferior power... So unless we find out that the Wii gets some amazing exclusive content (lol Mario) then It's my PS3 for sure.

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I just wanted it to be available for the PC some day :(

Even if SEGA doesn't officially release it for the PC, I'm sure It will be possible to get. What CANT you do on a computer now-a-days?

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