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Sonic 4: Classic Sonic as an Extra?

Indigo Rush

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So it's apparent that there are a lot of fans out there who treasure the older visual style of Sonic, and still want him as opposed to the current design.

Well, think for a moment that he might be an alternate skin. For those that don't favor the old design, would you mind it being there? For those favoring the old design, would you be happy with it's inclusion, or would you rather have it take over altogether? Did you want a new design instead?

I'll be upfront and say that a small part of me still loves the old nostalgic Sonic, but I'm happy with the current design. If Retro Sonic was in as an extra skin or mode (along with Retro Robotnik B) ) I'd be happy with that.

It's not looking too likely at this point, however I've been seeing petitions fly around the web about it. There's also the successful "Don't Forget NiGHTS Campaign" from All Stars Racing. Would you feel up to sending SEGA emails asking them for an alternate Retro Skin for the game? Even if it has to be unlocked or downloaded as DLC? I'd certainly send them an email.

Discuss this... I'm interested in seeing what everyone thinks. If such zeal for Retro Sonic exists, we might have a chance to squeeze him in there. July is still several months away.

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Also worth noting... if we were to start said campaign, it'd either be us or Retro (or a team-up? :o ) that would be needed to get the campaign in motion. Half of the SEGA America forums don't know their lefts from their rights, and it's unlikely SEGAs going to really take them that seriously.

But anyway... that was just my idea for the "Don't Forget Retro Sonic Campaign."

Edited by Indigo Dude
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I expected classic Sonic for this title because of the initial teaser.

I wanted classic Sonic for this title because it's a classic style game.

I'm glad they used modern Sonic. He looks awesome.

Putting in classic Sonic as an alternate skin, DLC or otherwise, would be pretty awesome. However, I would actually rather he didn't replace OH-NO-GREEN-EYES-MY-LIFE-IS-OVER Sonic. That's what he is now and he looks brilliant. Sonic is Sonic.

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I expected classic Sonic for this title because of the initial teaser.

I wanted classic Sonic for this title because it's a classic style game.

I'm glad they used modern Sonic. He looks awesome.

Putting in classic Sonic as an alternate skin, DLC or otherwise, would be pretty awesome. However, I would actually rather he didn't replace OH-NO-GREEN-EYES-MY-LIFE-IS-OVER Sonic. That's what he is now and he looks brilliant. Sonic is Sonic.

^This. All this.

Modern Sonic is cool to me. I don't have a problem with him (especially the Unleashed-styled one). But my love for it cowers in fear for my BURNING PASSION OF A THOUSAND SUNS for classic Sonic. And although I highly prefer it, I still don't mind modern Sonic being used in it.

(Sega, don't get me wrong, it would be a good idea to put a classic Sonic skin as DLC >_>)

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Now not to let others get me wrong either, I'm gonna buy Sonic 4 anyways. My inner classic fanboy is already telling me to get it on Xbox Live, iPhone and Wiiware. =P

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I have yet to see a petition that was actually effective. Just saying.

That's why it's a "lol petition." Online petitions don't do anything. :lol:

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I signed it in hopes that it'll shut all those people up :( Don't hate me

It probably won't work, either way.

Edited by Mr. Needlemark
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I love classic Sonic. The one looking at the Sonic 1 PAL boxarts is perfect to me. It's the eyebrow ridge you see. I don't like it and that's my only complain about classic japanese Sonic model, otherwise is very perfect. The attitude, said in expressions rather in words, the whole package. It is quite nice in my eye as far as I'm concerned.

Modern Sonic is quite good (aka Unleashed / Channel model


Sonic 4's model has smaller hands than the Channel one, but Channel has fatter belly, without compromising the sleek look. The grin in Channel is very good, but the one in Sonic 4's logo is sloppy in my opinion. There's something about it I don't like. And then the eye ridge. I hate hit. And of course the quills, should've been sharper and shorter. I rather like green eyes. The black ones don't bother me, but I like the green eyes a bit more.

So would've I liked classic Sonic over modern Sonic in 4? Yes, I would. Or then the fixing modern Sonic to be perfect and I wouldn't be able to decide.

Throwing a shitstorm over a model is childish though. If it depends on me, aka signing that petition, so idiots frotting at the mouth over crap that doesn't matter jack for the game's fun, like GREEN EYES, RUINED FOREVER, then I won't sign it. I'm sorry, but I just won't. I will not be part of this travesty of classic fans. To me they're not classic fans. Classic fans don't cry about this endlessly.

Edited by redmenace
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I actually love both models, modern Sonic is cool, classic Sonic is cute...

I would support this, the only bad thing is that some people might complain about classic Sonic being an unlockable or a DLC because they have to make an extra effort to play the game as they were supposed to play it by default...

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lol, if they were going to fit classic sonic in because of fan zeal, they'd have done it by now


I just don't understand why they touted this as "A game for retro Sonic fans" if they're leaving in the most egregious symbol of Sonic's modernity there is: scary-bright green eyes and a head full of flappy blue PINGASes. It's like "This is a game for all the loyal fans who loved the old style", and then the reveal trailer comes and it's essentially "Lol no, trolled, :P ". 'Cos the game looks like Sonic Rush. And there's nothing "retro" about that AT ALL.

BUT ALL THAT BEING SAID, it is a stone-cold truth that there are maybe 5 people in the world who would actually be put off from buying this just because it doesn't have Classic Sonic. The "BAWWW GREEN EYES BRIGADE" are both loud and burning with bitter raeg, but they're also not quite so doctrinnaire that they would deny themselves a 2D Sonic game just because it delivers less than it promised at inception. Whereas on the converse I'm sure there are much more than a handful of retarded 11-year-old kids who have never even SEEN Classic Sonic, and would think "Whu iz dis short-spinned gui? lol idk" if they saw him in S4 advertising. And their confusion would prevent them from hassling mommy to buy them the game.

SO it is the right decision for SEGA to make, I guess, given that they are at the most basic level a top-hat-and-monacle-wearing corporation. But I can very much understand the feeling of betrayal which a Classic fan expecting a Classic Sonic might be nurturing in his bosom after watching the trailer.

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It'd be cool to have a classic Sonic skin alongside his modern design.

But I wouldn't mind one bit if it doesn't happen. And with all the pissing and moaning about the designs, I'm not going to lift a finger to help.

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Can't we just do it the other way around? Having the modern Sonic model (and voice if they want) as DLC?

I think that would satisfy more people. xD

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Can't we just do it the other way around? Having the modern Sonic model (and voice if they want) as DLC?

I think that would satisfy more people. xD

I say you underestimate the retardation of 11-year-olds. :P

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I was thinking about Sonic Megamix's option to play "classic" mode, which replaces the homing attack with the insta shield, and does away with the peel out and light dash.

What if that became an option, and choosing that option gave Sonic and Eggman classic skins?

That said, the Modern look shares an equally dear place in my heart with the classic. So I don't mind a classic Sonic option as long as modern Sonic is still in.

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I say you underestimate the retardation of 11-year-olds. :P


I was thinking about Sonic Megamix's option to play "classic" mode, which replaces the homing attack with the insta shield, and does away with the peel out and light dash.

What if that became an option, and choosing that option gave Sonic and Eggman classic skins?

That said, the Modern look shares an equally dear place in my heart with the classic. So I don't mind a classic Sonic option as long as modern Sonic is still in.

I'm not quite sure if such minor gameplay changes would warrant actually asking for money in form of DLC for. >.>

Adding that from the start would be really nice, although it wouldn't really make sense if you add in a "Classic" mode for a game that's already supposed to be "Classic".

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I never said DLC. The game isn't out just yet. Also the game is supposed to be classic already, and classic mode is really only for raging nostalgic types ( or those who want the challenge of being without a homing attack )... but classic mode sounds better than "Insta shield instead" mode.

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This would be the ultimate unlockable. Selling it separately would be kinda cheap. But if you got him at the end of the game, I'd be all for that. If they've got any foresight they'll include this option. Maybe if we make enough of a fuss it'll be in a later episode? We should also petition for Nipples the Echidna.

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This would be the ultimate unlockable. Selling it separately would be kinda cheap. But if you got him at the end of the game, I'd be all for that. If they've got any foresight they'll include this option. Maybe if we make enough of a fuss it'll be in a later episode? We should also petition for Nipples the Echidna.

He's an Enchilada, silly.

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I would like this. I have never liked modern Sonic. :P Because...of the quills. Not the eyes, the quills. They're way too long, and it's bugged me ever since I was tiny.

That being said, I won't let my dislike of the modern design spoil the game for me. HOWEVER, I think it'd be nice if they at least included alternate skins for those who want the retro look.

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