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What you expect/expected from Sonic 4


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I've seen this brought up a couple of times since the release of the announcement trailer. Some of us feel that this is a rehash. Some of us don't. Quite honestly I can't tell if the criticisms are toward the trailer (what we've seen thus far) or the game itself (yet to be released).

I know that we've all had our idea of what Sonic 4 should be, but seriously, what did we really expect? Given the retro hype of going back to Genesis gameplay, I'm curious.

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I don't get why so many folks expected this to be retail. It's been advertised from the start as a barebones 2D Sonic game, no adventure fields, werehog, aquatic vehicles, etc. to pad out the game's length. You're looking at 2-3 hours max for your first playthrough, not nearly enough to to be worth a $50 - $60 disc.

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I was hoping for something actually decidedly like the original games. I expected, on the other hand, not a damn thing more than a Sonic Rush rehash with some classic "elements" thrown in as a triviality. So it so far looks like I'm batting a thousand.

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I didn't really have expectations. Between being burned by the games and beaten by the fanbase, I found it better just to wait and see how it goes than to let my hopes go wild (in which case they'd surely be broken) or to try and predict what they're doing based on fragments of evidence (I really admire how some people can tear apart a trailer and find all sorts of little bits, but when they start trying to draw big conclusions based on it...).

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Yea i expected real classic stuff like a geneis model and classic physics. From the 3 seconds i couldnt really see how the physics worked but the animation and model were a letdown for me.

I woke up and thought it was going to be a great day, but got dissapointed after watching it.

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I expected a more general positive reaction to the gameplay, but it seems that I was being naïve.

Otherwise, I wasn't expecting the homing attack to make an appearance, and I'm hoping the mechanics for it will be akin to Sonic Advance 2 (only working when close to an enemy)

I was also hoping for the insta-shield, however I can certainly live without it.

That's all I can think of for now...

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I was expecting something abit more classical. Like it's been said before, this just looks like Sonic Rush 3 but named something else.

As much as I want to wank over everything that a Sonic 4 is coming, I'm remaining very sceptical of this game.

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I expected it to look a tad more Genesisy art style wise, but if the gameplay retains the old style of momentum based gameplay I won't complain, there's too little to judge at this point however.

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Silver. B)

Aside from the game being good, I'm not expecting anything else. Wait...there is new arrangements of some old-school songs, but that's it.

I expected people to take this game as a good sign...well I think we know how that turned out. It's like Shadow the Hedgehog all over again with the complaining. Gotta love fan drama. :lol:

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I'm kinda hoping they throw in Tails and Knuckles in there somewhere, they haven't been playable in a 2D game in a while.

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I wasn't expecting the Homing Attack, but so far everything else is pretty much what I expected. I was HOPING for Super Peel-out and Insta-shield to return, but I wasn't really expecting them to be in.

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I expected the GameSpot reveal to actually bring forth a decent amount of information about the game. Needless to say, I was disappointed.

Honestly, we know jack shit and I'm annoyed with all of the idiotic assumptions I've been seeing around here.

As of now, I am completely neutral to the game because there's absolutely nothing we know that should sway anyone.

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I expect every level to be reminding me of previous levels, the article said something along those lines - like how Water Palace vaguely reminds me of Hydrocity, and how the new level in this reminds me of both Emerald Hill AND Leaf Storm.

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Well I wasn't expecting the homing attack that's for sure.

I can't say anything about gameplay expectations until I see more stuff

I was expecting Classic Sonic. Really this is the only thing I wanted.

I expected badniks, the checkered dirt and grass etc etc. At least that's there.

I really can't garner anything from that trailer. So my expectations remain safely at a low zone until some decent info comes along.

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I was and still am expecting a good, straightforward game.

I couldn't care any less over how much classic they decided to go.

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I expect it to have good gameplay, nothing or nothing less. Though I was expecting a retail game, but sadly, it is DLC since I hardly use it.

I did kinda expect a more classic model for Sonic, but I kinda agree that it looks like Rush 3, but eh.

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I have low and I mean, really low expectations. Having been on this forum in the past for the other hype threads for other main console games (Sonic '06, Sonic Unleashed) I've seen what happens and I expect nothing more than a game that may just beat Sonic Unleashed. And, that is a low expectation because really, SU isn't hard to beat. What would be hard to beat is S3&K, because that is like my favorite Sonic game of all time (well okay I also love SA2B but that's beside the point). I don't even know why anyone should be giving Sega/Sonic Team so much hype with such little known or seen. You can assume as much as you like just by how things are looking but, all of that was done with '06 and SU as well and look at how disappointed most people were with the former and were at least satisfied with the latter.

As for what exactly I expected? A 2D platformer harkening back to Sonic's old styled gameplay. Annd... that's essentially what the trailer shows us. However, I don't think it's good enough ground to generate hype around...

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I was pretty much expecting what we have now, only I wasn't expecting the game to be called "Sonic 4" or to have such a direct connection to Sonic 3. I also was not expecting the episodic format.

As for what I am expecting...I think that the Episode 1 will be roughly the size Sonic 3 is before it's connected to Sonic and Knuckles. I'm pretty sure that once you get all the Chaos Emeralds in that episode, you'll be able to change into Super Sonic during levels.

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What I expected was a 2-D thing like Megaman 9 and 10, and I'm not that big on the running animation for some reason. I'll admit that the homing attack was unexpected, but it's fine by me. I'm hoping for a Metal Sonic return, and maybe, even a reference to "SnooPING AS usual I see." lol

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I honestly never expected Sonic 4 to even BE.

But I've always looked at S&K and Chaotix as sort of what Sonic 4 might have been like.

Once Needlemouse was unveiled, I was either thinking we'd get what we got, or that we'd get a game that looked exactly like Sonic 1-3. I'm glad we got the former. :)

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I'm expecting gameplay that is built primarily around the classic formula. So far, it looks like it's building up to be just that, with the badniks, classic logo and such.

While I wasn't expecting the Homing Attack, and wouldn't have missed it if it was excluded from the game, I do appreciate the fact that they appear to also be taking a few ques from the modern games. I just hope that it stays at "a few".

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For some reason I'm expecting a retro version of this game for people who bitch about how it looks. I mean i'm expecting a 16bit mode where instead of the modern 2.5D style you see, you get the full retro old school sonic for all the old school fans. Not even gonna lie but that would shut a lot of people up. :)

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