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What Will You Do if Needlemouse Is Amazing?

Legendary Emerald

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Noticed some people complaining about the overall negative and apathetic attitude this board is experiencing. Now, some of that is probably due to my two recent topics, so I thought I'd try to change things up a bit. What better way than to turn a previous topic on its head?

So how will you react if Needlemouse actually turns out be a great Sonic game, that you personally enjoy, and is also a darling of the critics? Will you be overjoyed? Stunned? Or upset that the 2D fans get something nice for once? Once again, anything goes as long as it is true to your feelings.

You know how my topics work. Now let the speculation commence.

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It's a genuine possibility

No it isn't. Why would you try to get my hopes up like that?

You all know the Cycle, people. You all know it NEVER lies. So don't entertain such optimistic speculation. You know it's for naught.

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If Amazing I'll probs play it all day and all night probs stop me from sleeping if so amazing lol

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If Needlemouse is amazing I will personaly drive around my city throwing rings and chillydogs at people telling them to "Rejoice, for the promised game is upon us" and start a choir of singing fans at the nearest gamestop. Just kidding.

I'll probably do what I did for every other Sonic game I enjoyed:

Buy it, Play it, compliment it, get a bit frustrated, then come here to talk about it.

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I will be happy for sega and then wait for the next episode to be released. I will also suggest it to everyone I know who loved Sonic 1-3 but never bought the 3d games for obvious reasons. Nothing crazy though, the game can only be fun for so long till you need a new one. :P

Edited by Bubonic Bunny
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No it isn't. Why would you try to get my hopes up like that?

You all know the Cycle, people. You all know it NEVER lies. So don't entertain such optimistic speculation. You know it's for naught.

.... I'll ignore this post except to say I greatly enjoyed Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Rush, Sonic 2006, Sonic & The Secret Rings, and Sonic & The Black Knight. Not everyone has the same opinions as you. Anyways, when is that latest fanfiction of your going to be completed? I've been waiting ages now, lol.

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I'd be kind of pissed off that I can't play it, since I only own a Wii (as chances are there won't be a Wii version).

Also I'd be preparing for the inevitable deluge of "I told you so"s from the stubborn oldschool fans, and an even harsher attitude towards modern Sonic and new ideas. Yeah, even a spectacular game isn't going to fix this fanbase...

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if it's amazing I'll probably say "That was fun" and then ponder what other game I'll play... are we supposed to do something else?

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Just have a cup of tea because I won't be able to play it anyways. :/ And I'm not gonna put a sign saying "will sell soul for Needlemouse" because it won't work.

But if I do play and like it then I'm gonna like rant and rave about it for at least a day or at least until someone says "shut the f*** up noob" at me. lol

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I'll play it either way, it'll be a game. And it'll get completed and I'll move on to the NEXT game in my collection.. like I did for EVERY game I have ever played. If it's good then it's goo,d if it's not it's not. Nothing much to think about./

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WOw... I would be very happy and at the same time surprised. I mean too many bad sonic games have come out so it would be a weird thing being satisfied after all those years of dissapointment. I can imagine myself laughing out of hapiness playing a good sonic game.

Also i will be hoping for the next 3d sonic game to use the same classic style after it. Or in other words i hope that sega/sonicteam will remember why the classic style was unique for sonic.

I will look like a little child playing my old genesis. I shouldnt be too optimistic though, but im really liking what i read and hear about the game.

I really hope the music's going to be good, very important for replayability. I always do ice cap when i feel like hearing the song

Edited by Jaouad
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Regardless of whether the game is the savior of the franchise or it ends up being the final nail in Sonic's coffin, I will do with it the same thing I do with every game I've ever owned: play it until I beat it 100%, then put it on the shelf and move on to another game until I get the feeing to go back and play it again.

...Still, it would be nice to hear a DECENT review from the proffesional reviewers for once, instead of this mindless Sonic bashing that we've been getting a lot of lately; not that I'm holding my breath or anything...

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Regardless of whether the game is the savior of the franchise or it ends up being the final nail in Sonic's coffin, I will do with it the same thing I do with every game I've ever owned: play it until I beat it 100%, then put it on the shelf and move on to another game until I get the feeing to go back and play it again.

...Still, it would be nice to hear a DECENT review from the proffesional reviewers for once, instead of this mindless Sonic bashing that we've been getting a lot of lately; not that I'm holding my breath or anything...


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Also I'd be preparing for the inevitable deluge of "I told you so"s from the stubborn oldschool fans, and an even harsher attitude towards modern Sonic and new ideas. Yeah, even a spectacular game isn't going to fix this fanbase...

I'll say I told you so to all the modern fans.


Anyway, if it's amazing, I'll just play it and enjoy it. Like I do with every other game I think is good/amazing.

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.... I'll ignore this post except to say I greatly enjoyed Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Rush, Sonic 2006, Sonic & The Secret Rings, and Sonic & The Black Knight. Not everyone has the same opinions as you. Anyways, when is that latest fanfiction of your going to be completed? I've been waiting ages now, lol.


But complaining is so much easier than creating!! :P

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If it's great, it'll be nice. But it wouldn't really matter, cause I only really care about playing a great 3d game. It's been 8 damn years since they made one. God I hope they don't make sonic unleashed 2.

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Nothing, its just a videogame. Just like before- although I can't say that I wouldn't be pleased if it was good. I just don't have some big huge reaction planned for a videogame lawl.

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Well I'll likely do the opposite of my post in the "if it's terrible" topic; I'll rush out and buy it ASAP then sit down and play it till my hands cramp up.

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