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What Will You Do if Needlemouse Is Terrible?

Legendary Emerald

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Like many of you, I'm pretty excited about Needlemouse, especially since they released the concept art for the new Crabmeat type badnick. That said, we know jack-shit about the game besides what we were told in the trailer. And even if what we've been told is correct (and there's no evidence to say it isn't), there is still the distinct possibility of this game failing miserably.

Of course, quality is a relative term. But I'm just going by the same standard that Sonic 2006, Sonic & The Black Knight, and Unleashed (to a lesser extent) were hated upon by both the media and the fanbase at large. 4/10 reviews, Sonic fans up in arms, shouts of "I'll never play Sonic again!"... you know the stuff. We've gone through it every year now, it seems. Still, many people rest their hopes on this game, in the hopes that it'll be a true return to form. If I was a religious man, I would pray for that.

My question to you all is how you will react if Needlemouse turns out to be nothing but another failure? Will you rage-quit the fandom? Insult the game and it's players at every opportunity? Scream and shout at the game reviewers and call them unprofessional? This seems to be about par for the course right now. But individually, how do you think you will feel and act if the game is just so bad you cannot stand to play it? Will you take it like a man, or a fan?

Edited by Legendary Emerald
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I'll go 'Well that was disappointing...' and go right back to playing S1-3K, SA2 and Unleashed :P. I won't be quitting the fandom anytime soon, because the entire plot of the series interests me far too much to give up, along with the character designs, the music, the environments etc.

Most of me thinks this will turn out pretty well, but there's that bit inside me that just keeps asking 'Deja Vu on the way?'

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I'll say, "What a shame." and move on to the next Sonic game. That's it- short and sweet.

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If you don't have high expectations, you won't be disapointed if the game doesn't deliver. Judging from the concept art and trailer, it seems this game is really trying to emulate what made the classics what they are. If it doesn't play like the classics, so what? We've got a Sonic game with no werehogs, swords etc that, if anything, will play like the Advance series. Sonic 06 and Black Knight did get poor ratings, but who played them anyway? I did, and as poor as they are, I got some enjoyment out of them.

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I'd be fairly disappointed, and I'd prepare myself for people getting ready to say something to the effect "SONIC CAN'T EVEN WORK IN 2D ANYMORE KILL HIM NOW".

It wouldn't particular bother me provided I don't get ridiculously hyped in the lead-up, and I'd likely just wait for the Unleashed sequel since I enjoyed the first game very much, and life would go on.

There's presumably quite a lot of time before the game comes out though, and in saying that; lots of further hype to be generated. I can't know exactly how I'll feel until I know more about the game, but unless they suddenly take a drastic change in the 3D games too; I'll manage alright.

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Nah not really. I'm one of those who can enjoy a game regardless of the fact its epic fail. I enjoyed '06 for what it was and what it was trying to do, which, if it was accomplished properly, I could have seen saving Sonic. But eh, que sara sara? (sp? XD)

I just enjoy the game and move on to the next. I don't really get disappointed.

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I'd be fairly disappointed, and I'd prepare myself for people getting ready to say something to the effect "SONIC CAN'T EVEN WORK IN 2D ANYMORE KILL HIM NOW"

I don't think I'll have the strenght to diss this off if it happens... :(

I want it to win, to bring back the shiny glory days. Yet I don't want the 3D to die (I know it won't, but Sonic can work in 2D and not 3D will start, again). I love Adventure. Unleashed HD day gameplay with physics, badniks and multiple paths and everything that made the classics and Adventure beautiful. The beauty of 2D and 3D Sonic in one game.

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 I'll do the same thing that I've been doing if  any game I played that I deemed sucked:

Grab some popcorn and watch a majority of the "fan" base/reviewers overreact with their obsessiveness...again and then I'll go and play something else or take an hour long trip to visit a friend of mine. 

Edited by Jetronic
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I will keep with my life and wait for the next game, seriously, it's not like it's the first time we are (hypotetically) going to be disapointed so I don't see how this should surprise me or be shocked or angry at this hypotetical failure =/.

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I'll be more disappointed than usual, but bad games haven't defeated me yet, and at this point they probably won't ever. I doubt it's possible that Needlemouse could be as bad as '06 - they seem to be trying with it, at least, and I'm sure there'll at least be plenty of polish to appreciate if nothing else. It's of greater concern to me that it'll just be okay: bland and easily forgotten like Advance 1, but with the weight of hype turned against it.

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If its reaalllyyy terrible. Ill give up being a fan.

If they cant do that right, then there really is no reason to be a fan of such talentless developers

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I'll continue on. I mean I thought Unleashed and Heroes where let downs but did I give up then? Nope. Playing on my friends Wii, Secret Rings seems to be a bit of a let down too. Why do I seem to not like all the popular ones yet love the hated ones?

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Forgot to mention what my own reaction will be, he he.

If it really is that bad, I'll be one of those people that complains about the game at every single opportunity, and is easily angered when someone tries to say that it is better than a Sonic game that I genuinely like. I'll end up defending my arguments until the end of time, or until the next game comes out. Because I'm just loud and obnoxious like that.

It's a toss up whether I'm going to like a new Sonic game or not though, it seems. I had hopes for both Unleashed and Black Knight. I ended up liking Black Knight even more than the excellent Secret Rings, but Unleashed became the only 3D Sonic game I've ever hated (not counting Rider 2). Even games that others hate, I love (like Sonic 2006). So my opinion on the game when it is released will likely be far removed from everyone else.

I only include that last bit because everyone seems to be saying what they'd think of the game even if everyone said it was bad. The question was if the game was just THAT bad, so that even YOU would not play it, how would you react. Maybe I should have specified; I'll edit my first post.

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If it turns out bad, I probably won't bother getting a 360 in order to play it (and 360 Unleashed, Sonic 06, but still).

Or, if there does turn out to be a Wii version and it's bad, I'll either a) enjoy it anyway or B), as others have said, simply be disappointed but not too bothered.

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If I enjoyed it, then alright with it but sigh as I know I'm going to be hearing all about it for a while.

If I personally hate it, then wait to see SEGA's next move. As long as it catches my interest, OK. Then go and play better things in the mean time.

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If Needlemouse fails to deliver, I'll have to climb down into my bunker until the war subsides. I'm serious, I believe that this game alone holds almost as much weight as the past decade combined. Retro fans were easy to dismiss the past several years, because it was predictable that these games were going to suck. Now that Sega is going out of their way to specifically please them, they'll never let it go if it disappoints. Metaphorically, this is Sega's way of extending an olive branch to them, but if that olive branch is covered in shit, I can only imagine that they really won't have any reason to think that Sega ever will deliver.

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I'll laugh. Because, finally, for once, I'll be able to tell the stubborn oldschool elitists to blow it out their collective asses.

And then of course I'll be disappointed that, yet again, a game that could've been great ended up as a failure, that Sonic's reputation is further tarnished, that the series still hasn't managed to turn itself around, that even the classic gameplay (assuming that is what they try) isn't safe, etc etc.

But still. Asses, and blowing out of.

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If the game is recieved badly, I'm going to be really cold-hearted and laugh at EVERYONE who said that Sonic only works into 2D, Sonic should go back to his roots, and all the old-school drama made by the more vocal parts of the Classic fans. The elitist bunch of the fans will finally get what was coming to them.

That's not to say I won't be disappointed, as I really don't want this game to fail given the recent string of bad outings for him. But if it does, it'll be a much bigger stain that the previous games before it since even the classic formula has failed them.

I'm not one to think that a formula that fails once will always fail, but if this game does fail it'll hopefully open a lot of people's minds. Unfortunately, given how a lot of people both in AND outside the fandom act when something doesn't live up to the grade, that's probably expecting too much, and those outside the fandom will be thinking more that Sonic doesn't even work in 2D and would rather the series accept death.

Ah, the simple minded folk. :lol:

Edited by ChaosSupremeSonic
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I'll laugh. Because, finally, for once, I'll be able to tell the stubborn oldschool elitists to blow it out their collective asses.

This part doesnt even make sense.

Why are you pointing at the elitist, i mean even for the modern fans it should be clear that if sonicteam cant deliver a better 2d game in 2010, they suck.

Not only will a lot get upset but I speculate a lot will accept it. As a clear message being "we are not what we used to, this is all we can deliver". At least i will definetly.

Also it would show that the new fans were not the cause of all the mediocre games.

But then again it doesnt really matter. Mario galaxy 2 should comfort me

Edited by Jaouad
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I'll put on a diaper, grab a bib and bitch for a consecutive amount of months! Anything said that opposes my opinion will be misunderstood or ignored and redirect right at you! I'll also draw pictures and make mile long rants about nothing! Then if some dude or lady comes and completely owns my opinion, which I say is fact, I'll go into hiding, after claiming that I'm leaving for good, then come back to bitch some more. Why? Because my opinion is absolute! All who disagree will be destroyed! Not worthy of my Hedgehog love shrine!

.... Okay, Now To explain what I will actually do! :D There are three possibilities...

1. If it does disappoint... I'll grab a big bag of popcorn, schedule a couple hours for the internet, and read all the crazy angry comments, reviews and rants. Not those of people who were disappointed and actually decided to move on with there lives, but the ones who... fit my joke in the first paragraph. XP

2. I'll laugh. I'll admit, at first, the amount of Sonic anger insanity used to bother me. (I made a couple of rants against it and I still make a few whenever it's a douchebag screaming his/hers head off.) Now, I can't help but say it's almost humorous to how some people go apeshit about this. Also, to all of those aggressive fans, the Classic ones at least, it'll shut a good chunk of them up... However, then they'll probably just preach that there's no nope for the franchise at all.

Oh well, I'll live and some more Sonic games. Because seriously... 2D isn't the mystical resolvent. Actually, it seems more like a safeguard these days than anything. Sure, you shouldn't forget all the good that a franchise has done in the past, but everything else shouldn't get nailed to the ground just because it wasn't there. Take what you know, improve and go forward. That's my opinion on that!

3. RUN! RUN! Get off the internet while you still can! QUARANTINE! QUARANTINE!!!... Eh, just kidding. Since I'll probably still enjoy the game, I'll the shrug and move on. Even it's a disappointment... Just shrug and move on.

Edited by YoshiUnity
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