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Prototype Sonic and Shadow the Hedgehog cutscene model renders and whatnot


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Many a month ago I stumbled upon the portfolio of Cemre Ozkurt, a digital artist who worked on the CGI cutscenes of both Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog. He has some über-sexy model renders, artwork, and movies pertaining to those games hosted there, but I've been incredibly lazy in the time that has passed since then and forgot to share it with you guys.

So, without further adieu, check out these awesome works of art!




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Kind of weird for Sonic to have a furry stomach and ears, but hairless arms and mouth.

I wonder if that's official, or just a test?

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I like how the fur looks on Sonic. It doesn't make him look shiny like he appears in Heroes. Could use a bit more work, and it could do better if his arms had fur too.

Silver's model would look better if it weren't so damn shiny. I understand his name is "Silver", but that doesn't mean his body should be made of silver. :lol:

Shadow has everything right...except for the smirk. The smirk he las would look way better on Sonic than him.

I like how the GUN White House looks. I'd really like to see more of the GUN locations. And the soldier just looks awesome.

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Yeah, he's just showing off a few shaders. Giving Sonic fur ruins an important part of his appearence, and has a few inherent problems, most significantly, he is now growing fur out of his quills, a problem that Sega didn't do a thing about when it came to the werehog. Ha, "Wherehog" is still a hillarious typo, it makes me imagine Sonic as a character from The Phantom Tollbooth.

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Furry Sonic is a bit odd since his arms doesn't seem to have fur and it is probably how they got the idea for the Werehog.

Shiny Silver is Shiny. Better without the shiny since it looks like he been dipped into wax at a car wash.

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LOL, Belly and inner ears fur. I can't say I like the fur texture on Sonic, it adds too much unsettling realism considering he's a weirdly proportioned and cartoony little hedgie. It may have something to do with the fact that I loathe the '06 Sonic model though because of it's lankiness and over serious bearing and the addition of (Realistic) fur on places that shouldn't have it just adds to my distaste for the model even more.

And where's Silver's black eye bands? His eyes look too wide, so I guess they would've been added to the model later on.

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As others have said, Sonic with fur looks bizarre and unfitting.

I'm really glad they decided against making Silver actually silver like in that model, because it just makes him look like some tacky piece of plastic.

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So this is the guy who modeled Shadow in his game. I always loved that model. I like the white house. I never got to see a clean look of it. His work on the Ark is also incredible.

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The Silver picture with the flames behind him is incredible. That is all.

EDIT: OH FUCK THE TECHNO IN THE SONIC 06 OPENING! And I thought the music they did use was awesome. You look at that cutscene and how well done it is (mostly) and wish they'd finished it. It would have been seriously epic.

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I actually like Sonic's furriness. It looks a lot more awesome than I would've expected. Silver is... ugly, but that's what I normally expect from him anyways. =P

And the trailers for ShTH and Nextgen have way better music than the final product.

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I agree, I really like the Sonic and Shadow the hedgehog temp music and sound effects, those were really neat to hear. On a sidenote, I was watching the two later trailers for the CGI in Shadow the Hedgehog (Not the intro one, but the two below it) and like, wow, If I'd just have seen those two trailers, I'd have been pretty excited about the game, actually. They really could've made the game so much better. xD then I watched the one for the intro and saw how corny it was, ruined the effect of awesomeness from the other two XDD. Silly guns.

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Is it bad I think New Sonic should look a tad furrier? Maybe not the way they did it in the model, but, I know he's supposed to be all cartoony/anime, but his quills just tend to make him look kind of... plasticy, if that's a good word for it. Also, Silver looks like he's made out of aluminum.

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Sonic, I kinda like..I don't mind the tummy and ears being furry... It's nice to see it, though, because I was always (Okay, since Star Fox Adventures) wondering how Sonic would look like with fur done that way.

But Silver looks like the return of Sonic Heroes, but worse...

Shadow, looks pretty much like always. You can't really see the fur like by Sonic. I like his smirk in the sideways view and the full frontal..


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Did anyone else recognize the music used in the Shadow video with him and Black Doom looking at the Ark? ;)

I'd say that the music was fit for a king!

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