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Knight? Paladin? Cavalier?


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Playing through Black Knight as you are probably well aware, I recently unlocked the extra styles; Paladin and Cavalier. Since then I continued using Knight, but I was wondering if any of you have played around with the different syles very much? I would choose Cavalier in an instant but I'm too worried about potentially becoming much weaker and enemies taking even more hits to defeat...

So, which style do you use, why, and do you have any advice for those wondering which styles to use? I'll just start off by asking if choosing Cavalier or Paladin has any noticable negative effects on power and speed respectively.

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I tried this before... Yes there is a BIG difference between the styles... Used mostly paladin and enemies dropped like flies...

Knight is pretty ok. But with Cavalier you can power run through most of the level. But paladin is fun since it's plain powerful... I don't like it's speed though...

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No that's definitely what I'm worried about. If there's one thing about this game I don't like, it's stopping to fight too often. I was hopnig Cavalier may make the bits in between more enjoyable while not sacraficing your power. Most enemies die in one hit which is definitely a good thing.

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Well you know whats good if you like to play this game long enough?

Know what happens if you max lvl both paladin or cavalier style?

Ever wondered what happens if you get ALOT of followers?

Wanna know how to make the game faster and make battles simpler?

The answers are:

After maxing out paladin and cavalier mode and after getting a certain number of folowers... you unlock an awesome skill for:

Paladin.... CREST OF FIRE wich enables you to attack while running wich means no mini jump when you waggle the wii remote, he just runs and swings the sword with a large area blade attack wich is perfect to keep up the speed and you won't be forced to use the Sonic Spinsaw attack thing... whatever you wanna call it.

*WARNING* Must be used in large area where you can see where your running *WARNING*

As for Cavalier style, he unlocks the WIND CREST wich consumes 1 ring at every unknown time to break up the usual top speed wich is already damn fast to go even faster at each ring consumed.

So yeah... till now I got 8713 followers so instead of 5 star every missions in a deep frustration, i'll simply do all the stage and get the max followers in each of em to unlock more skills.

Edited by Unholy Sonic
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Do those abilities mentioned above work with the characters besides Sonic as well?

As for my answer to this topic, well, I stick with Knight style. First, it's the default, so it's still the highest level for me. Though I hope to change that, I don't like to run through too fast, or it gets dull, but it also gets dull if I have to battle every single enemy. So with Knight style, I can take a few, and I can skip a few.

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Do those abilities mentioned above work with the characters besides Sonic as well?

As for my answer to this topic, well, I stick with Knight style. First, it's the default, so it's still the highest level for me. Though I hope to change that, I don't like to run through too fast, or it gets dull, but it also gets dull if I have to battle every single enemy. So with Knight style, I can take a few, and I can skip a few.

No it isn't applied to the other characters tho the better the weapon, the more abilities they get.

Till now I got:

Shadow: Agility

When attaking in place, he uses the same technique as his second boss encounter, he shoots Chaos daggers wich can go pretty far.

Blaze: Crest of Heart

When moving the controler forward and moving the Wii remote forward too, she doesn her ability.... the flame arrow wich pierce anything and keeps on going compare to shadow's chaos dagger who disapears after hitting an enemy and it goes further then him.

Knuckles: [N/A]

His ability is on a side useful yet on the other side difficult to use wich makes it a little useless.

All you have to do is stand still and.... waggle the wii remote fast enough as long as you can and he will keep attacking, it has also a mid range attack so its good when a horde of spear-one's is charging at you and good to defeat the giant-one's.

But lol I'm not even sure if thats a special ability....

So yeah, I don't have their final weapons but surely it will give us a second special ability. (I hope)

So now that I got the data to make their final weapons i'll make them and give the info about them. I will give all their abilities and status on them.

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I mainly use Knight style, but I did use the other two briefly just so I could get them to the max proficiency level. Personally, I feel Cavalier style is way too fast. Paladin style's actually pretty adjustable but I still feel it's best to use Knight when going for five star rankings.

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I mainly use Knight style, but I did use the other two briefly just so I could get them to the max proficiency level. Personally, I feel Cavalier style is way too fast. Paladin style's actually pretty adjustable but I still feel it's best to use Knight when going for five star rankings.

Yes Cavalier style is fast enough as it is but when you unlock wind crest.... its not calavier style anymore... its unleashed style as long as you have rings....

Paladin style unleash your against bosses or that you unlock the fire crest will make people feel a bit... to slow compare to knight style. Tho after getting the fire crest you will prefer staying like that since you can attack while running without making mini jumps.


Contains Spoilers so don't read if you wanna do the job yourself and see the results after.

Now then for the final swords...


Ddraig Goch (yeah... written like that)


Quick step +1, Speed-up +2, Land Dash +3, Quick air +1, Turbo Jump +1,

Charger +3, Soul assimilator, Soul Barrier, Ring Bonus, Gauge Bonus +4,

Lunge advance +2, Aegis lunge +1, Aegis areial +1, Multiple aerial +2, Slow gauge +1,

Surge rescue +1, Ring rescue +1, Quick return +2, Lunge attack, Aerial attack,

Lunge spread, Aerial spread +1, Attack spread, Air attack spread, Perfect guard,

Attack step, Soul surge , Easy perfect guard +1,

Special abilities:

Knight of Chaos & Agility

So in short:

- You will have an awesome control when using him.

- You will have a rather good speed without loosing control.

- After landing or hit a wall, you will regain your usual speed quickly.

- When using soul surge it will depleat slowly if you hit at the right time.

- Shadow's soul surge is special since when hitting an enemy, he uses the Chaos barrier wich will destroy any enemy around him for a good defence and offense.

- When using any kind of normal attacks, it has a wide offensive area to defeat multiple enemies at the same time

- When attacking still, he uses chaos dagger wich is a long range attack.

- The short jump attack is like an aerial spinning top using the sword attacking all around him.





Quick step +1, Land Dash +1, Quick air +1, Charger +1, Expand Surge attack +3,

Down cancel, Soul armor, Ring Bonus, Gauge Bonus +4, Lunge advance +2,

Aegis lunge +2, Aegis aerial +1, Slow gauge +1, Surge rescue +2, Lunge attack,

Aerial attack, Lunge spread +1, Aerial spread +1, Attack spread +1, Air attack spread +1,

Perfect guard, Attack step, Shield break +1, Soul surge, Easy perfect guard +2,

Special ability:

Knight of Stone

So in short:

- You will have the best controls when using him.

- When using soul surge it will depleat slowly if you hit at the right time.

- His short jump attack is like a mini version of the sonic spinning buzzsaw (GIVE IT THE NAME YOU WANT IT) attack.

- When using any kind of normal attacks, it has a wide offensive area to defeat multiple enemies at the same time and they are quick.

- When attacking still, as long as you waggle the wii remote he will kepp on attacking.

- When using the aerial attack, as long as there are enemies to be hit, he will keep killing them until he hits the ground and even then he will do a final attack wich spread on both side.





Quick step +3, Speed-up +3, Land Dash +2, Quick air +3, Turbo Jump +2,

Charger +2, All-rounder, Soul resurrection, Fairy collector +2, Ring Bonus,

Gauge Bonus +4, Aegis lunge +2, Aegis areial +1, Slow gauge +1, Ring present +2,

Surge rescue +1, Ring rescue +1, Quick return +1, Lunge attack, Aerial attack,

Lunge spread, Aerial spread, Attack spread, Air attack spread +1, Perfect guard,

Attack step, Soul surge,

Special abilities:

Knight of Flame & Crest of Heart

So in short:

- She has a good balance of speed compare to shadow.

- She recovers easily her lost speed since he can maintain top speed in any kind of terrain.

- The best to climb up wall since she littteraly run up the wall.

- When using soul surge it will depleat slowly if you hit at the right time.

- The short jump attack is a weaker version of her aerial attack.

- When using any kind of normal attacks, it has a wide offensive area to defeat multiple enemies at the same time.

- When attacking still, she home attack all nearby enemies and at the 4th attack she charges forward.

- Unfortunately her soul surge attack is the hardest to control but when mastered you can destroy anything in your path and on top of that evade the spiked cannon balls in certain stages while keeping the soul surge attack.

So that clears up the final weapons ability post, if I find anything new or someone else inform some of us who wanna know.

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How exactly do you use the special abilities? I have the Flamberge but I havn't noticed anything different with Gawain...

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Well knuckles doesn't really have any special move.

Its basically stand still and waggle the wii remote and everything that comes at you gets killed.

I'll say it more clearly:

Shadow's special abilities:

Knight of Chaos

- When he uses the soul surge and hits an opponent, a Chaos barrier will appear wich will destroy any enemy around him for a good defence and offense.


- When attacking still, he uses chaos dagger wich is a long range attack.


Blaze's special abilities:

Knight of Flame

- Her Soul surge attack will create and even bigger flame tornado to hit more enemies at the same time.

Crest of Heart

- When moving the control up and flick the wii remote forward, she will use her Flame spear wich kills anything in its path at a long range.


Knuckles' special ability:

Knight of Stone

- When standing still, the longer you waggle the wii remote, the longer he will keep on attacking without making any pause between the attacks.

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But I swear Knuckles did that anyway D: Maybe he can just do it for much longer now...

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In that case he doesn't have any special abilities unique to him....

Even when we fought him he didn't do anything special..... except having that kind of red flaming shield around him at a certain point but we can't do it when using him....

Unless there is a way to use it, I still haven't found yet.

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Right now I'm preffering Paladin style right now, mainly because it just makes it easier to wipe out most of the enemies. Still leveling it up though.

Still haven't tried out Cavalier, but I really don't want to give up power for speed.

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Well you could at least do cavalier style to unlock some stuff in the galleries.

And yeah, paladin style FTW mostly with crest of fire.

Get as much followers to unlock more skills for all the styles.

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IMO Knight style is kind of useless when you have the other styles leveled up all the way. Paladin for boss battle and missions with many enemies (mostly Rampage or Chain of Enemy missions) and Cavalier for everything else. I don't touch Knight style anymore...

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True for now, unless after unlocking all their skills for all styles, in knight style we can go on Excalibur style after 50 rings... that would be so bad ass!!

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Well, now that I have the game finally, I sort of prefer Paladin style since it helps me plow through enemies quickly, and makes the levels run smoothly.

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