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UK: Resistance has high-res Genesis Art


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This is back from 2006 mind you, but still

Someone only went and 'came through' with the goods. We now have, sitting here in a MAXIMUM SECURITY PASSWORD PROTECTED ZIPPED FILE on our PC (backed up on two independently located memory sticks in case of hard drive failure), the world's greatest collection of hi-res, Mega Drive era Sonic The Hedgehog artwork.







Did we miss this the first time around? I've only just stumbled upon it by sheer accident, from the images they released this is rare, really rare stuff, the only one of these I've actually seen before is the underwater Sonic and Tails image, and even then it was a low quality scan of the uber-rare Sonic 2 calender.

It seems they released another image from the Sonic 2 calender recently this year but again, it went unreported:


So its apparant this art pack they have obviously contains some classic Sonic images the public haven't seen before (or if they have its on some fucking rare merch). They're obviously not under an embargo if they can release images from it whenever they feel like, they're just hoarding it, so what say we try and get it off of them somehow?

drx come here plz

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I've always loved how hideous their drawings of Tails were, and Robotnik's definitely weren't that bad, but the eye-holes are leaving me a little preturbed..

Still, that picture of Sonic and Tails and the Tornado is awesome. I might just be avving that. =P

EDIT: And... it's now my avatar. With fixed Tails eyes. And stuff.

Edited by Azukara
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That "jungle art" is from the cover of one of those old choose your own adventure Sonic books from way back in the day. It was one of two that I used to own.

On a side note, I seem to remember -depending on the path you chose- getting captured by a pack of dingos, a race portrayed as being badguys...possibly the inspiration for the Archie series maybe?

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I've actually seen all of these before, except for the Crabmeat badnik one.

Most of them are either old book covers, or were used in various other Sonic books back in the day. I recognise a lot of them from the old UK Sonic sticker album, actually.

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OMG I haven't seen those pics in ages. I used to have them in an old Sonic sticker book when I was young, some I had on the adventure books and some I had in poster form from Sonic The Comic. I really wish my Mom didn't get rid of all my Sonic The Comic's in one of her random clearouts when I reached my teens.

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I'm sure I've seen all this art before. ... *checks* Yep, I have a calendar that has this art in it, which I bought for around 50p a couple of years ago. Rare, huh? O_o

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How rare exactly is this calendar? Only because I definately had it, may still own it. Most of these images are definately in there. I recognise the robotnik one especially, in fact it may have been a pin up in an old issue of Sonic the Comic.

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Back in 1993 it probably wasn't rare, nowadays I don't think there are many in existence.

But, still, they're rare enough that if you weren't specifically looking for it (or something similar that'd lead you to it) you'd likely never see it.

The fact the images have never been released in high quality or even seen in any collections is intriguing though, I wander what else was in the art pack? If they call it the ultimate classic art collection there's obviously alot of HQ stuff in there.

Hence why I said we should try and obtain it.

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Haha, I wasn't even looking for it and I stumbled upon it for cheap, and this was only a couple of years ago. Maybe I just got lucky? I pick up all sorts of Sonic junk from the early 90's at local boot sales... ^^;

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Very awesome! I like get-you-this-time-cunt.jpg the most! :D

I love that one and the Sonic-only one with the rings. I would kill to have that on a shirt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the calender back in the day, those all look familiar.

I took the picture of Sonic jumping the road block like a hurdle in the city and got it framed.

I had another but I gave it away or something... it was either the jungle one or the underwater one... it was almost 17 years ago..

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Wow, I've never seen these before. I'm not a huge fan of that particular style, but it's really cool to see all this obscure art that's not available in the mainstream.

For all of you who say you have the calenders and books or whatnot that these came from, do you mind scanning them at an insane resolution? It'd be nice to have them available somewhere for the sake of posterity.

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