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RELEASED! Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games - iPhone

Barry the Nomad

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Sega has just revealed that the popular Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games will be hitting the iPhone, but there's a catch! It seems Sonic pulled a Tonya Harding and shattered Mario's kneecaps, causing him to sit this one out (Olympic reference, though the real Tonya Harding failed to take out her competition). The game will feature zero Mario, with the title simply being Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games.

The reason for the lack of Mario is, of course, because the iPhone is a direct competitor in the world of online gaming with the Nintendo DS. No worries, the game looks to be packed full of Sonic characters, ten are available with two of them locked, and four events are featured: curling, figure skating, snowboard cross and something called skeleton. Rings, chaos and old school animal friends are littered throughout the stadiums and the graphics seem on par with the DS release. Of course, this isn't the full game, but at the presumed $9.99 price tag it looks to be worth it.



Edited by Doctor Eggman
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During the Snowboarding part of the video... Is that the Fire Sheild that Eggman picks up? :o

From whats shown in the video it looks ok, although the snowboarding looks a little difficult to control, but its nice to see that they beefed up the graphics a bit.

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No Mario characters, items or arenas? Why is it that iPhone gamers always get the better deal nowadays? It's almost like SEGA's deliberately giving us DS owners less for more money; the lack of Mario on the iPhone makes me jealous that Apple's customers are treated better than we are...

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No Mario characters, items or arenas? Why is it that iPhone gamers always get the better deal nowadays? It's almost like SEGA's deliberately giving us DS owners less for more money; the lack of Mario on the iPhone makes me jealous that Apple's customers are treated better than we are...

You do realize that the lack of the mustachioed turtle stomper means this game will probably sell less right?

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ign also has a preview: http://wireless.ign.com/articles/105/1056120p1.html

Fire shields, ring multipliers and invincibility are confirmed for the snowboarding section. :)

I'm not getting my hopes up for a iPhone killer app, but the game still looks to be a fun game for the occasional pick up and play. Also, a 3D Sonic game on the iPhone gets my hopes up for more Sonic iPhone games.

I wonder who the two unlockables are...?

Roster looks to be:

Sonic, Amy, Eggman, Knuckles, Metal Sonic (locked), Blaze, Tails, Shadow, Silver (locked, this is a guess) and Vector.


Edited by Doctor Eggman
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You do realize that the lack of the mustachioed turtle stomper means this game will probably sell less right?

No, it wont sell less; the millions of people who own an iPhone wont give two shits about whether or not some fat, geriatric plumber makes it on to their console; most of them don't even care about Nintendo, and the ones who do probably own a Wii and will get both versions. Additionally, the iPhone iteration is cheaper, so it will appeal not only to Sonic fans, but also to those who are a little skint on cash.

There was a game for the first that lacked Mario characters too, it's nothing new.

That's true.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that there's no reason why SEGA hasn't ported the Sonic-only versions to the PS3 and Xbox 360; they'll have the market pretty much all to themselves!

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You do realize the entire selling point of that game was that Mario was in it...? If Mario's not in it, most people will think of it as another attempt for Sonic to have a halfway decent spinoff title.

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Nah, I'm pretty sure iPhone users are wise enough to get why Nintendo isn't represented. Even then, the novelty of Sonic & Mario in a game together has worn out. We have, what, like three games already with them together (four is SASAR has a Mario exclusive for the Wii)?

If the price is right, enough iPhoners will pick it up simply for the Sonic and/or Olympic aspect.

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No Mario characters, items or arenas? Why is it that iPhone gamers always get the better deal nowadays? It's almost like SEGA's deliberately giving us DS owners less for more money; the lack of Mario on the iPhone makes me jealous that Apple's customers are treated better than we are...

I may sound like an asshole, but did you think when you typed that? So having more characters, items and arenas makes it have less? What?

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Sonic at the Olympics with no Mario? Understandable since it is on the iPhone, but Mario was one of the huge selling points of the Olympic titles so it'll probably go either way with this one. People will buy because it has Sonic in it or the Olympics involved.

Off-topicish: Though the Olympic/mini-game/sports aspect is wearing down a bit IMO,but there is still room for M&S to grow and improve. I mean many of the fans would like a Paper M&S RPG, platformer, or genre that fits both with a story that can tie both chars and their worlds, something that should have been done long ago at least after the 1st Olympics. Though we may have about 3 games with M&S together doesn't mean novelty is wearing off or at least, maybe wait a couple of years before releasing a new M&S game that what most of the fans want.

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So, according to the "character selection" screen, Amy will have her classic outfit, instead of the winter one.

But I would really like to see Eggman in a winter outfit, Santa's hat and all that stuff.

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Sonic at the Olympics with no Mario? Understandable since it is on the iPhone, but Mario was one of the huge selling points of the Olympic titles so it'll probably go either way with this one. People will buy because it has Sonic in it or the Olympics involved.

Off-topicish: Though the Olympic/mini-game/sports aspect is wearing down a bit IMO,but there is still room for M&S to grow and improve. I mean many of the fans would like a Paper M&S RPG, platformer, or genre that fits both with a story that can tie both chars and their worlds, something that should have been done long ago at least after the 1st Olympics. Though we may have about 3 games with M&S together doesn't mean novelty is wearing off or at least, maybe wait a couple of years before releasing a new M&S game that what most of the fans want.

And what about Mario and Sonic at the X-Games?

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No Mario characters, items or arenas? Why is it that iPhone gamers always get the better deal nowadays? It's almost like SEGA's deliberately giving us DS owners less for more money; the lack of Mario on the iPhone makes me jealous that Apple's customers are treated better than we are...

So, in your opinion, even if one enjoys the Mario franchise (Which is quite a bit of people, might I add), they would be getting a better deal by buying the iPhone version of the game, despite it lacking said Mario characters/items/levels? Just because you dislike Mario doesn't mean everyone else does too. People who dislike Banjo aren't getting a "worse deal" by buying the 360 version of Sonic & SEGA Racing, they're simply given the option to play as a character whom they might not want to play as, likewise those who dislike Mario who find themselves purchasing "Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games".

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No Mario characters, items or arenas? Why is it that iPhone gamers always get the better deal nowadays? It's almost like SEGA's deliberately giving us DS owners less for more money; the lack of Mario on the iPhone makes me jealous that Apple's customers are treated better than we are...

I could have just easily said the same thing but with Sonic in it, but, guess what? I know when not to act like an immature fanboy and I honestly respect other peoples characters.

Take your trolling to another forum.

Anyways, I see that the Big Egg has some new artwork. Even if it is similar to the past other stock poses but with a different hand posture. But still, new artwork!

But still. SEGA's lazy.

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You do realize the entire selling point of that game was that Mario was in it...? If Mario's not in it, most people will think of it as another attempt for Sonic to have a halfway decent spinoff title.
Not fully. One big advantage of the Wii is marketed as a family-friendly console. Mario & Sonic is a casual game, friendly for everyone. The 2007 game succeeded partially for this reason.

No Mario characters, items or arenas? Why is it that iPhone gamers always get the better deal nowadays? It's almost like SEGA's deliberately giving us DS owners less for more money; the lack of Mario on the iPhone makes me jealous that Apple's customers are treated better than we are...


I may not be a fan of the Mario "characters," but your lack of understanding copyright makes me want to smash my head through a wall.

If Mario wasn't a Nintendo-only character, then it's possible that Mario would've appeared on the iPhone. But due to copyright issues, only Sonic is available. But seriously, that is NOT a problem! One can enjoy the game just as much on an iPhone as they may on a DS. The only differnece is the lack of Mario characters. That's ALL!

I agree with Marcello Claus. Seriously, what the HELL were you thinking when you were typing that? Or are you just being a typical troll and typing crap on a keyboard just so we can deservingly neg-rep you?


Edited by Dark Qiviut
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  • 2 weeks later...

Doesn't anyone on this entire forum remember how to have a joke?

I pity the fools who ACTUALLY thought I was serious. Why is it that nobody can have a laugh any more?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Doesn't anyone on this entire forum remember how to have a joke?

I pity the fools who ACTUALLY thought I was serious. Why is it that nobody can have a laugh any more?

Yeah, leave my bro alone. And even if he was being serious, it's his opinion. No need to call him a troll; do that and you're personally attacking him, which IS a troll move.

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Depends on whether you consider cell phone games "games." iPhone's still a cell phone in my book.


A game is a game regardless what the heck its on, most cellphone users regard even Snake on the old cells a game. Its like saying Commedore 64 and ZX Spectrum only had "games" rather than real games due to inferior tech. If its interactive and wastes time its a game 9 times out of 10. Also the iPod Touch isnt a phone and this title runs on that too

Anyway quick review:

The game itself is kind of fun, think of the fully 3D stuff in the DS title like they ski shaloms and bobsledding and your pretty close to what this title is like. most make use of the tilt with some tapping. The only annoying thing is unlike the DS game this one throws pretty hard opponents at you from the get go. Theres at least one extra level per area to unlock and rings earn you extra music tracks and Silver + Metal Sonic. The game itself looks pretty nice, its a small step up from DS with smoother models and animations.

Not sure on length yet but it doesn't look like the longest iPhone title out there, it seems to be designed as a kind of title you occasionally have a stab at when stuck on a bus or something. In any case its nice to have a proper Sonic app on the app store other than Sonic 1.

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Yeah, length might not be a strong suit, but 4 different games with 10 different characters means 40 ways to play (add in the extra courses and you have even more). So that's a big positive. Overall it's a great amount of gaming for a $4.99 title, I would have paid $9.99 for it to be honest. The music and locations aren't too "Sonic-y", but then again I haven't played Mario & Sonic so it may be very similar to how the Wii version was handled. The rings, chao and animal friends from the Genesis days help maintain the Sonic-ness (the flame shield returns!). Also the custom music option is the best I've seen in an iPhone game. Basically you go through your library and check which songs you'd like to hear, then the game cycles through them. I recommend all the ice zone themes ;)

"Depends on whether you consider cell phone games 'games.' iPhone's still a cell phone in my book." is total bullcrap. jennytablina said it best.

There are more games rich with story, gameplay and graphics on the iPhone than any game in the Game Gear library. Hell, some games even compete with the best Genesis games. Play Zononia, Glyder, iDracula, Space Invaders Infinity Gene, Eliminate Pro and N.O.V.A. and then come back and try to say that the iPhone and iPod Touch are just "cell phone 'games'".

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There are more games rich with story, gameplay and graphics on the iPhone than any game in the Game Gear library. Hell, some games even compete with the best Genesis games. Play Zononia, Glyder, iDracula, Space Invaders Infinity Gene, Eliminate Pro and N.O.V.A. and then come back and try to say that the iPhone and iPod Touch are just "cell phone 'games'".

Give me an iPhone and I'll play them.

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If that's the stance you take then it isn't worth discussing with you.

I don't own a PS3, so I guess you have to buy me one as Uncharted isn't a game until I've played it. At this point, all a PS3 game could be is an interactive Blu-Ray disc.

Edited by Doctor Eggman
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If that's the stance you take then it isn't worth discussing with you.

I don't own a PS3, so I guess you have to buy me one as Uncharted isn't a game until I've played it. At this point, all a PS3 game could be is an interactive Blu-Ray disc.

Oh I'm more than willing to play said "games" you suggested. My point is I am just unable to. Any experience I've had with cell phone "games" on the cheap models I can actually afford have been lackluster at best. And it's not like we had topics on this forum hyping about the latest entry in Sonic Team's Sonic Cafe series.

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