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Sonic needs you to save him from SAGY Wii award

Detective Shadzter

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ScrewAttack.com are holding the 2009 Shitty Ass Game Of The Year awards and in the Wii Exclusives category their members(g1’s) have nominated Sonic and the Black Knight, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games and Wii Sports Resort. Stuttering Craig in the nominations video states that people didn’t buy this game for Sonic, they bought it for Mario which is just plain wrong.

So if you think Sonic and the Black Knight and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games are undeserving of the SAGY Wii Exclusive award then sign up at ScrewAttack’s forums and vote for Wii Sports Resort. Voting closes 16th December.


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Wow, what the fuck? Just because Sonic characters are in, they nominate M&S? Idiots. So was Brawl nominated 2008? It hade Sonic people >_>.

Anyway I'm signing up and voting Resort, even though I haven't played it. I like both others.


So you've decided to join ScrewAttack and become a g1. Welcome to the best gaming community there is.

lol. What the hell is a g1?

Edited by Marcello Claus
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Wow, what the fuck? Just because Sonic characters are in, they nominate M&S? Idiots. So was Brawl nominated 2008? It hade Sonic people >_>.

Anyway I'm signing up and voting Resort, even though I haven't played it. I like both others.

I don't recall them doing these awards in 2008 or any year before now so I think this is a new annual thing they've started but yeah it is unfair for people to vote for it just because it has Sonic characters in. It's ridiculous and immature. I'm totally voting Wii Sports Resort, I have the game and its ok but not as good as the other 2 games. It's essentially just a paid for demo for Motion Plus.

A g1 is what they call their members, don't know what the meaning is behind the title though :lol:

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So, you're going to join a clearly biased community in force to make sure a game character you like isn't voted to recieve a poor title deemed by the, AGAIN biased community that clearly hates him anyways?

What's the point? You like the games, then enjoy them. They don't, let them.

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So... three okay games? And two of them are Sonic games? This has gone way beyond farce. I guess there wouldn't be as many entertaining comments if they picked three genuinely bad ones, but... jeez.


Edited by Octarine
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Meh, I'm honestly gonna vote for Sonic and The Black Knight.

It's definitely my least favorite game of those three.

Putting Mario & Sonic on the list just because it has Sonic characters in it is terribly biased though.

It was pretty enjoyable.

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Joining a community en masse to oppose unfavorable opinions about a Sonic game is just sure to reflect positively on the Sonic fanbase's maturity.

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Joining a community en masse to oppose unfavorable opinions about a Sonic game is just sure to reflect positively on the Sonic fanbase's maturity.

I just think a good game doesn't deserve to win this SAGY award over a glorified Motion Plus demo that you have to pay for.

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I just think a good game doesn't deserve to win this SAGY award over a glorified Motion Plus demo that you have to pay for.

I get that. And while I won't call your feelings unjustified, I honestly think this approach of joining another forum purely for the sake of mass-voting in a poll that- ideally- is supposed to reflect the opinions of said forum's community, is a rather silly and trivial way to express those feelings.

I honestly think it looks rather bad when we do things like this; Joining some board in huge numbers just to skew an opinion poll in our favor and then suspiciously never doing anything else there ever again. I'd like to think the Sonic fanbase is mature enough not to let the reality that some people don't like the Sonic series bother us to the point of these silly shenanigans.

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Well Wii Sports Resort was fantastic, so I won't be voting that as the SAGY. M&S was pretty good too and I don't think that deserves the SAGY title. Now I thought SBK was an awful game. While it technically was better made then Sonic 06 I found it to be a worse game. I just hated the gameplay in it. Run two feet, fight 30 annoying enemies, run another two feet, give some ring to a little ugly guy by way of a stupid QTE minigame, run two more feet, another 50 enemies. Sure I'm exaggerating but that was basically how it worked. I also thought the controls were shit.

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Why, it was a shitty ass game right? It seems deserving of that award. :) I'm voting for it, shit, I'm not going to be some blind fanboy and save Sonic because he's fucking Sonic. In other words, screw this game I have money!

Edited by silencer226
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I get that. And while I won't call your feelings unjustified, I honestly think this approach of joining another forum purely for the sake of mass-voting in a poll that- ideally- is supposed to reflect the opinions of said forum's community, is a rather silly and trivial way to express those feelings.

I honestly think it looks rather bad when we do things like this; Joining some board in huge numbers just to skew an opinion poll in our favor and then suspiciously never doing anything else there ever again. I'd like to think the Sonic fanbase is mature enough not to let the reality that some people don't like the Sonic series bother us to the point of these silly shenanigans.

I'm not going all out serious on this, it's just a bit of fun to go against those biased people at ScrewAttack. At the end of the day its only a silly poll and if people want to vote against Sonic I don't care let them.

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I think Sonic and the Black Knight SHOULD get the SAGY. I hated SatBK with every bone of my body. The story was so awful that it made Sesame Street seem like a genius work of art, and the gameplay was terrible. Overall it is one of the worst Sonic games ever, but I still think Sonic's Schoolhouse, Sonic Labyrinth, and Sonic '06 are worse.

I just know this post is going to get voted down though, because I've noticed that every time I say something bad about SatBK, someone ALWAYS has to vote down my post.

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This whole ‘award’ is designed to annoy. Each Sonic game made the list solely because they stared Sonic. This is the basest way possible to incite a fanbase, these games may have been selected by the forum members but it is the stars of Screw Attack who decided to make this insulting. Choosing to infer the most negative opinion possible from a largely meaningless poll. Personally, I wouldn’t want to choose any game on this list. I have no love for Wii Sports Resorts but this is not the right way to critique a game. This award will only result in drama, creating heated arguments for no good reason; and not just within this fanbase. To make a loaded accusation of my own, Screw Attack is doing little more then trolling.

I don’t think that this is even the right tread to be talking about S&BK. I know that this game was controversial, some people like it and others don’t. We’ve had these sort of discussions before, I myself have always defended the game. Even so, Screw Attack has created the worst possible environment for talking about a game; it won’t take much to get everyone angry and hyped-up. I think that it would be best if we all ignored the games here, at the very least continued that line of thought in a more neutral thread. The crime against gaming here is Screw Attack and not anything Sega or Nintendo has produced.

Edited by Kintor
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I get that. And while I won't call your feelings unjustified, I honestly think this approach of joining another forum purely for the sake of mass-voting in a poll that- ideally- is supposed to reflect the opinions of said forum's community, is a rather silly and trivial way to express those feelings.

This! why should we mess with other forums affairs...

I think the reasons why thoose "g1's" (as they like to be labeled) choosed MASATOWG were, at least, dumb... and if the g1's think that way, that's even more reason for me to get away of that board, I wouldn't like to register in a site full of people like that, even if there is just to vote, as soon as I register I'm labeled as a g1...

So you've decided to join ScrewAttack and become a g1.

... And I don't want to be one of them :( .

My point is: register in a forum full of people that you don't like just puts you in the same level of thoose who registered there at will... so thanks, but no thanks...

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Some time ago I did my best to not believe that there was bias against Sonic, but its really hard to after seeing stuff like this time and again.

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Hahaha. Hilarious how they can stick two fingers up to Sonic and yet won't condemn the many many extremely crappy minigame compliations that pointleslly make use of motion control just because it's there that companies like UbiSoft churn out on a regular basis.

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Well I already casted my vote for Black Knight. But I do admit that there's far worse out there from this year, especially on the Wii.

The inherent problem with these awards is that it's not really fair to nominate a game you haven't played before, and gamers are smart enough to clearly know what games are bad without having to touch them(most of the time at least). So the nominations end up being games the community were, to put it bluntly, BUTTHURT about having buying or even renting. Halo 3 ODST is one of the nominations for the 360 catagory, simply cause the main campaign was too short to warrent a $60 price tag. You can immediately tell there it's not going to be a competition of the worst game, but the "worst game" stupid people bought before thinking on if it's what they actually wanted. Although I find it odd, going by this theory, that people actually walked in on Black Knight thinking it was going to be good.

In any case, I didn't nominate anything for the Wii, mainly cause I didn't want to go through the giant list of shovelware from this year. Unfortunately the crew is only allowing write ins for PS3 since there's only one game in that catagory. If you not liking the games that were nominated, then join the community and cast your own nominations around the same time next year.

Edited by Yong
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Oh wow, I can't believe this.

Ya'll REALLY care that much? Who really gives a shit? I mean, who signs up to a site the say is bad to help ONE vote? Seems crazy to me, count me out. I have better things to do.

I am disappoint.

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Why Ninjabread Man isn't there I'll never know.

I want to say that game was released last year, but I really don't care enough to check.

I'm also pretty sure the SAGY awards have more to do with dissapointment than simple badness, though. If that's how the awards go, Black Knight is a shoe in.

Edited by Phos
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I'm not gonna vote. Honestly, do we really need to vote just to prevent a Sonic game from getting a "Worst game of the year" award? I really don't understand why the new Mario and Sonic game is on there just because it had Sonic characters in it, but I just don't think it will matter if we stepped up and did something about it. Even if the majority of people here did vote against Wii Sports Resort, I think the general gaming population would still vote on the sonic games.

If I had to vote, I would end up choosing Black Knight mainly because of the control as well as the plot.

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"No one bought it for you, they bought it for him [Mario]"

That quote deserves a LAQY: Lame Ass Quote of the Year. You know this guy is tripping on so many balls. :lol:

But then again, doesn't ScrewAttack have a bit of a track record in trying to instigate Sonic Fans? Oh well, at least he [sonic] is making 3 times their paycheck, amirite?

Edited by ChaosSupremeSonic
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"No one bought it for you, they bought it for him [Mario]"

Pssssh. Stuttering Craig is only half-right on this, in my case.

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