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RUMOUR(?): It seems Generations' controls has been replaced with...Frontiers' controls?


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In what is frankly - a really baffling move in my opinion - it seems Shadow's section of Sonic Generations is not the only segment that's going to be based on Frontiers. If you'll recall earlier, some press releases claimed that both Classic and Modern Sonic would be receiving the Drop Dash as part of the enhancements present in the game. Well now, it seems we know why that'll be the case.

It seems that the Gens remaster portion is going to be using something close to Frontiers' controls, at least where the triggers will be used for boosting. What this means for additional moves for things like homing attack, or drifting is anyone's guess. While this could only be the triggers, or control remaps, if they decided to use Frontiers' controls/moves in Gens, it would very quickly and suddenly explain why the Drop Dash is present for Modern Sonic.

Personally? If this ends up being true, I'm not a big fan of it at all. While I do feel the triggers is at least better placement for the boost, I don't think it's wise to screw around with Gens' game-feel, when the level design was so heavily designed around it. If it ends up at least only being the triggers, or it's at least a option to change in the settings menu, so you can choose between Gens or Frontiers, I won't mind nearly as much. But I really hope this isn't going to be them trying to haphazardly shove Frontiers' controls into Gens. 

Either way, what do you think of this change, if it is in fact true?

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Going to be as blunt as possible.

I fucking hate this.

Frontiers didn't control well for me anyways and seeing it potentially creep into a game I enjoy makes me annoyed as sin, nevermind the fact that muscle memory is going to absolutely ruin first impressions of this remaster for me.

Not even going to bother asking for an option to remap the controls, I know they aren't going to do it.

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Honestly I think it's for the best that they're finally standardising the control scheme between games.

If this was a standalone gens remaster then keeping the controls the same would make more sense, but it would be a bit of a mess switching between the legacy control scheme in Gens, and the Frontiers layout in Shadow Gens as a default. If it was a choice of one or the other I think they made the right call.

Frontiers and Colours Ultimate allowed for remapped controls so hopefully it'll be the same here. If not it definitely doesn't bother me personally, I'd prefer a consistent control layout.

I'm assuming Modern still has his standard drift from Gens so I'm curious about the exact mappings for that and the new drop dash.

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Posted (edited)

At 0:08 in the video, you can see the prompt says the homing attack is mapped to the square button, so same as Frontiers. I actually think this is a good thing. I remember thinking it was bizarre they changed the homing attack from the jump button to the square/b button for Unleashed, but when I got used to it I thought it made more sense. Then for Colors and Gens they mapped it back to jump for some reason.

Personally, I think it's more comfortable for the boost to be on the right trigger and for the homing attack to be on the usual attack button. And I'm all for unification of controls in these games rather than switching things around all the time. As for the drop dash, I'd be glad if it was in. Any move that has Sonic rolling again is a good one to have in my book.

Edited by Balanced Guy
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If there is remapping options. I honestly could not care less.

Based on what we've seen for Shadow so far with the open zone, I'm not surprised to see Frontiers' influence here. But it's gonna be an iffy feeling at first.

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Posted (edited)

It’s a “good thing” if there are options for players that do not like frontiers style and prefer the original 


forcing players to adapt to it when they’ve been playing Gens a certain way for 14 years, because you think it’s “for the best” just feels like a dumb reason to justify the change personally 


Anyway, after Sega puffed their chest out with frontiers accessibility options, they better have an option here to change up the controls, otherwise this is the only real black spot on this game for me 

Edited by KHCast
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Yeah, muscle memory is gonna be a BITCH with this one...

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Posted (edited)

I'm actually of the mind that having Gens have Frontiers' control scheme (aka not the physics, not the general game feel, just the button layout) is actually a positive for the sake of consistency between Sonic Gens, Shadow Gens and Frontiers. After playing a lot of Frontiers, going back to the original Generations screwed hard with my muscle memory and even now I feel it's in general more clunky compared to Frontiers.

The only kind of problem I can see with this is drift now being only on L2, but it also makes sense, considering how racing games by default use L2 to brake and/or initiate drifting.

That said, I do hope they allow people to change the layout between the OG and Frontiers-like on consoles.

EDIT: Oh, also Modern having dropdash is a bit of a misinfo from Gamexplain, everyone else is saying only Classic has the dropdash.

Edited by Bobnik
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This is good for the sake of consistency between both Sonic & Shadow Generations. They would just need to provide an option to remap controls because of muscle memory. I do wish they would keep lives as a toggle though, I still enjoy them.

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Eggmanland in Unleashed is the only time lives have ever been relevant for the majority of us in the modern era. Removing them really impacts nothing, and enhances the experience for those that do struggle to that extent.


As for the controls, I'm all for keeping things consistent and since Frontiers is the future, you might as well conform to that. There are enough hotkey mapping options out there that any real sticklers would be able to find a solution they like anyway, and to be honest, the past releases have been good about including toggles between control schemes. Total non issue.

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2 hours ago, DaBigJ said:

Not even going to bother asking for an option to remap the controls, I know they aren't going to do it.

That certainly wouldn't make sense, seeing as how they explicitly included the option to remap controls in Frontiers.

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29 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:

That certainly wouldn't make sense, seeing as how they explicitly included the option to remap controls in Frontiers.

I can't comment on the PC version, but the console versions of Frontiers do not allow for any control remapping. Sonic Team don't handle the PC versions themselves, usually handing off to another party of SEGA so they regularly have a few differences. I wouldn't expect the option to remap controls in console versions SXSG. 

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It doesn't really matter that much anyway, at least Switch and PS5 have remapping on a console level.

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6 hours ago, Bobnik said:

EDIT: Oh, also Modern having dropdash is a bit of a misinfo from Gamexplain, everyone else is saying only Classic has the dropdash.

That’s not minsinfo? 


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3 hours ago, KHCast said:

That’s not minsinfo? 


...oh. Well fuck me then I guess. Though you can't exactly blame me when only one person mentioned it before Fadel posted and it was someone from Gamexplain.

That's cool, but also not sure why it's in this game.

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On 6/9/2024 at 5:45 PM, Jovahexeon Jax Joranvexeon said:
On 6/9/2024 at 3:00 PM, DaBigJ said:

Not even going to bother asking for an option to remap the controls, I know they aren't going to do it.

That certainly wouldn't make sense, seeing as how they explicitly included the option to remap controls in Frontiers.

Speaking of which,

Customizable controls now absolutely confirmed.

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I'm really glad about this - only recently after playing a bunch of Frontiers I tried to go back to Generations and it screwed hard with me, and was disappointed to find no sign of any mods to apply Frontiers' scheme to it.  I've actually always preferred the Unleashed two-button homing attack - just feels good, so I'm glad they're using it here.

I wonder if this means they're adding the double jump?  Probably no harm in it to reduce the game's difficulty a little for casual players, though since the game isn't designed around it I could see it causing issues (accidental double jumps during wall-jumping sections knocking you out of sync with the intended arcs, or big jumps that are ALMOST possible with double jumps but not quite confusing casual/young players who think that's the solution but they aren't quite doing it right).

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Can't think of any better way about it than to let players choose their control scheme. I do hope the double-jump is included too, though. Frontier's Cyberspace physics were naff, but the control scheme and movepool was great, imo.

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1 minute ago, Indigo Rush said:

Can't think of any better way about it than to let players choose their control scheme. I do hope the double-jump is included too, though. Frontier's Cyberspace physics were naff, but the control scheme and movepool was great, imo.

Can't argue with this. Frontiers laid out the controls nicely with boost on the lower right trigger and the homing attack, light dash on the left analogue button on the left face button. I'm glad that it's being kept as a consistent thing moving forward, but it also makes sense to maintain a legacy control scheme for older games. 

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I’m glad to hear about legacy controls being a thing, as I just couldn’t personally jive with the frontiers layout. I’ll probably give it a couple goes on the new control scene at some point, but considering I didn’t really invest a whole lot of time into frontiers, I see no reason personally to try and adapt to it, at least here in Gens when I can play how I’ve always played it lol

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Frontiers's controls are better, so this is a significant buff imo.

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