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How active is this place exactly?


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I'm new here and just kinda poking around. 

I noticed this place is kinda dead? Not a lot of people seem to post here very actively. hardly anyone follows one another and there aren't hardly any comments or feedback in the galleries. 

I'm just curious as to why? 

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Yeah as Stricker said, forums used to be super popular but these days social media platforms are the place people go to talk about stuff mostly. HOWEVER, I think with all the turbulence with social media right now, and people getting tired of certain people running platforms into the ground, there's an opportunity for new people to rediscover forums and give it a second wind.

I have certainly seen a LOT of new registrations happen on this place over the last year, but the thing is the site staff (as in, me specifically) have to also do our part to make it worth people's time to make posts and talk with one another. We've done stuff like art contests and community events (and I plan to do a lot more of those) but I know there is more I can do. Especially with How-to's and guides on where to go to post art, for example.

I think the other thing worth mentioning as well, is that this site is currently working through a transition phase as we rely less on forums 100% and more on becoming a general Sonic fan community platform. We used to have a separate Wordpress blog for News, but rolled that into this platform last year (to quite a bit of success), but we're still processing archive content from that move, while also transitioning other old and important content to this platform. There is also a significant update coming to this platform in the coming months that is preventing me from considering brand new community features to avoid wasted work.

All of that is to say, it may seem dead but hopefully in the next year it will be a lot better. Many things will change and be added when we are able to do so, and that will aim to encourage people to connect with one another here as they get bored of unmoderated and unstable social media platforms.

A forum is also what you make it - I can write all the news and create all the events in the world, but it won't mean anything if people who sign up don't actually reply or post or share their opinions on things! By posting this topic you're already helping! I hope this can start a conversation with the rest of the community as I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on the state of play right now with SSMB and learn what we can do or add to make things better :)

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Thank you, Strickerx5 for in depth reply. Usually when I visit a place like this and see that it doesn't have much more to offer in the way of social interaction, I don't waste much more time with it. But I do like this place. Everyone has been super kind and welcoming so far. I do enjoy the news updates and everything else this site has to offer. I will most certainly be sticking around. 

4 minutes ago, Dreadknux said:

Yeah as Stricker said, forums used to be super popular but these days social media platforms are the place people go to talk about stuff mostly. HOWEVER, I think with all the turbulence with social media right now, and people getting tired of certain people running platforms into the ground, there's an opportunity for new people to rediscover forums and give it a second wind.

I have certainly seen a LOT of new registrations happen on this place over the last year, but the thing is the site staff (as in, me specifically) have to also do our part to make it worth people's time to make posts and talk with one another. We've done stuff like art contests and community events (and I plan to do a lot more of those) but I know there is more I can do. Especially with How-to's and guides on where to go to post art, for example.

I think the other thing worth mentioning as well, is that this site is currently working through a transition phase as we rely less on forums 100% and more on becoming a general Sonic fan community platform. We used to have a separate Wordpress blog for News, but rolled that into this platform last year (to quite a bit of success), but we're still processing archive content from that move, while also transitioning other old and important content to this platform. There is also a significant update coming to this platform in the coming months that is preventing me from considering brand new community features to avoid wasted work.

All of that is to say, it may seem dead but hopefully in the next year it will be a lot better. Many things will change and be added when we are able to do so, and that will aim to encourage people to connect with one another here as they get bored of unmoderated and unstable social media platforms.

A forum is also what you make it - I can write all the news and create all the events in the world, but it won't mean anything if people who sign up don't actually reply or post or share their opinions on things! By posting this topic you're already helping! I hope this can start a conversation with the rest of the community as I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on the state of play right now with SSMB and learn what we can do or add to make things better :)

Leave it to social networking to ruin everything right?! I miss the days of early internet when froums and fan made websites ruled! It was a much better time. I am happy to hear that there have been more folks signing up to the site and I wish you all the best with all the future updates. It sounds like it will be amazing! I look very forward to it!!! :squee:

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Personally, I prefer Sonic Stadium over socials! It's always been like a cozy little home for me!

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2 hours ago, ShadowForever said:

Personally, I prefer Sonic Stadium over socials! It's always been like a cozy little home for me!

I agree with this: I joined last year, and I gotta say: if you have a problem (personal or not), this is THE place. ever since I joined, there was 0 Toxicity, no hate or discrimination, and I felt so comfortable, I shared my whole birthdate. I could almost say that this is family to me, as we all are just people with a hyper fixation, and no one it here to judge! don't go off the walls, but definitely make some friends here, the more the merrier!

even when I first joined, @Dreadknuxwas one of the most patient people with me, as I had no idea how forums worked, but now, I have SO many things I do here, including Blogging, Fan-Fiction Writing, a whole community project, running 2 clubs, and even occasionally posting! truly, if you want to have a good time, this is definitely the place to show your love for the Sonic Franchise. But does it stop there? no! Nintendo Fans are welcome too, and any game for that matter! no matter how controversial, we can't take that away from you. 

Please, have the most fun you can have! Make solid friends, express yourself, don't break rules, and you'll be fine!

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Posted (edited)

It’s funny, because I’ve actually seen quite a lot more newer members over these past few years than before.

Yeah, we’re in a bit of a drought of content, which is why talk is low. But when something big hits, this place starts getting more active. That tends to be the cycle on here these days.

Also helps that we’ve not had a lot of trolls here like we used to.

Give it time until the movie hits and Sonic X Shadow drops. You’ll see some action here by then.

Edited by CrownSlayers Shadow
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Posted (edited)

I love TSS! When I first joined, everyone welcomed me with open arms, unlike many places I have been to. While others may have Tiktok, Twitter, etc, this is where i'm comfortable. I made lots of great pals here, and your guy's kind hearts have helped me get through the worst of days. I've felt like I left a mark here, making clubs, being social, and helping direct a big project, which is what I wanted to do from the start! The people at TSS are probably like a family to me, making me proud of being a Sonic fan like never before!

On 6/6/2024 at 2:11 AM, ShadowForever said:

Personally, I prefer Sonic Stadium over socials! It's always been like a cozy little home for me!

Same here! A cozy home full of anything Sonic!@PandaJenn, I know you'll love this place, it's perfect for anyone new to the franchise! Be active, make friends, and most of all, have fun!

Edited by Maple Syrup
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Fellow newbie here to say - this place was pretty dang active earlier in the year when more Sonic news was coming out, but right now it seems like things have calmed down, so there'll be less to talk about.
That being said, take a peek and people's blogs, forum topics, and frequent chatters to follow and it'll all feel plenty alive. Nothing to talk about if nobody talks! Be the change!

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*Looks over at the Sonic X Shadow news blowing up right now* @PandaJenn I think you jinxed it, haha! :wheeze:

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