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What games will you choose?


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Sonic Twitter posted this recently! So, which are you taking and why? You can only have three. I'll get Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic Frontiers, and The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog! I love epic stuff :)



You can only fit 3 games in your pocket. Which are you taking?



I accidentally made a spoiler thing, how to delete it???



Edited by ShadowForever
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(I hate you sonic Twitter :chuckle:)

Uhhhm, well, each game seems like some are in different eras, and to have variety, I might just choose from each!

My first pick is of course the classics, that being Sonic Mania. It kinda has just the right amount of mix of each classic game, and even some original elements too!

Second pick jumps into 3D, so that would have to be Sonic Generations. This is also a good experience, as the boost is done just right in this game, and the classic twist to the modern games is just a chef's kiss, so i'll definitely be taking that.

my last is a toughie, but imma have to go with Black Knight. I always loved the storybook series, and the experimental approach they took with the gameplay. the theming is just right, and I love the Out-The-Box idea the game introduced!

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Easy choices for me.  Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic Adventure, and Sonic Rush!  I love all three of those games!


On a related note.  I'd love to see a Sonic Rush remake for the Switch!  That'd be awesome!

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Tough choice... It's gotta be my favorite games, so Sonic Advance 2, Sonic Superstars, and Sonic Adventure 2!

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1 Sonic3&knucklesmania

2 Sonicadvance123

3 sonicadventure2heroesgenerations

Real answer tho: sonic 3, mania and generations

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Sonic 2

Sonic Advance 3

Sonic Colours

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Tough...but it would have to be:

1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2

2. Sonic Adventure 

3. Sonic Battle

All tied to very specific memories.

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If I can get Sonic 3 & Knuckles as a single game (if it is an option and/or I don't need Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles for it), then I'd get it.

If not, I'd get Sonic Adventure, Sonic Generations, and Sonic Mania.

If I can get Sonic 3&K, then I'd swap it for Mania.

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Given that my three favs are here, I’ll have to go with Adventure 2, Mania, and Frontiers

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