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RUMOR: Sonic X Shadow Generations to be shown at Summer Games Fest according to leaker

Shiny Gems

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With that, the leaker in question is known as Midori. Looks like there is more reason to give this event a watch. I wonder what could be shown for this game?

Also, another stage for the Year of Shadow is said to be coming in June.

Any thoughts on this?

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I had the original Sonic Generations on the 3DS and enjoyed it quite a bit.


I'm really looking forward to playing this upgraded re-release on the switch when it comes out!

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I honestly expected Sonic x Shadow to be shown at the Playstation event last night, since it was first announced on one of their state of play's a few months ago.

But eh. a few days more wait don't really matter. All I wanna know is what improvements - if any - they have made to Sonic Generations base, the Shadow stuff is just a nice little extra.

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