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Sonic Channel Calendar Voting - August 2024 (Ends June 7th, 2024)


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Posted (edited)

Jet the Hawk will be on the August 2024 Calendar.


Fans can vote on whether Wave the Swallow, Shadow the Hedgehog, Vector the Crocodile, or Metal Sonic will join him.


Right now, the ranks are:

  1. Shadow
  2. Wave
  3. Metal Sonic
  4. Vector


Edited by Sonictrainer
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Wave would be cool


...but it will be Shadow because f the whole "Year of Shadow" thing

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1 hour ago, castell-neath said:

Wave would be cool

Honestly, I'm more in favor of less obvious pairings. Wave and Jet get enough time together.

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A shame Vector is the least favorable in the polls, as he probably would've been the most interesting to see interact with Jet. Wave and him have had many scenes with each other, given that they + Storm are the Babylon Rogues. And a Shadow or Metal Sonic interaction would probably involve either discussing their rivalries with Sonic, racing each other, or just trying to one up each other in some way. What would come out of a Vector interaction?

3 hours ago, castell-neath said:

...but it will be Shadow because f the whole "Year of Shadow" thing

This, and the fact that Shadow is the most popular of the bunch. Kind of stinks that there was already a winner before one was decided, but at the very least, it should still be fun nonetheless.

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It would be pretty interesting if either Metal, Shadow, or Vector won... I can't wait!

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1 hour ago, The DOMinator said:

What would come out of a Vector interaction?

Well, given that the Babylon Rogues have a de facto rivalry with the Chaotix in the IDW comics (with the Chaotix being detectives and the Rogues being thieves), probably it would play off of that.

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37 minutes ago, Lorekitten said:

Well, given that the Babylon Rogues have a de facto rivalry with the Chaotix in the IDW comics (with the Chaotix being detectives and the Rogues being thieves), probably it would play off of that.

Hmm. Haven't read a whole lot of the IDW comics, so I did not know. Guess I learned something new! You'd think it'd make a good rivalry since they're already at odds with each other, given that the one group are thieves, while the others are detectives.

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