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The Knuckles TV series might just be round the corner, but Paramount has designs to leverage spinoff projects such as these to set up the Sonic movies to become 'Avengers-level' events.

That's according to Sonic movie franchise and series producer Toby Ascher, who recently sat down with Paste Magazine to discuss the production of Knuckles and the aspirations he has in establishing a successful "Cinematic World of Sonic the Hedgehog."

After revealing that the Knuckles show concept came about after the success of the Sonic 2 movie, Ascher added:


We got really excited about the idea of expanding our characters in our world into television, specifically, because it gives us a platform to really do character studies.

We knew that, with Shadow coming into Sonic 3 and some of the bigger things that we want to do, the Sonic franchise on the movie side is going to be these Avengers-level events. They’re going to be these big, exciting stories that have a lot of different characters. And so what television did for us is it gave us time to go into some of the more supporting characters in depth and really build them out in cool ways.

Ascher also noted the excitement within the Paramount teams when they saw an opportunity to reference Sonic 3 & Knuckles' "Lock-on technology" by offering a standalone 'Knuckles' companion product to the upcoming mainline 'Sonic 3' movie, coming Winter 2024. "We also really, really liked the idea of going linearly through the games, and then in the third movie, being able to do a Sonic 3 and Knuckles super Easter egg," he said.

The rest of the interview discusses Ascher's objective throughout Knuckles' production in making a smaller-scale TV production look and feel authentic alongside the major motion pictures ("We knew that if, all of a sudden, this looked like a rip off series or something that was really shoddily put together, not only will fans reject it, but it’ll damage what we’ve made"), and how the lean into "weird comedy" really benefits, thanks to the dynamic between Adam Pally and Idris Elba.

You can read the rest of the interview right here.

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But why?

Why is a cinematic universe needed for Sonic the Hedgehog?

Why not just keep things simple?

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I hope we get more Sonic movie tie-ins like these. I hope we get a Tails spin-off project too!

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15 minutes ago, Dreadknux said:

We got really excited about the idea of expanding our characters in our world into television, specifically, because it gives us a platform to really do character studies.

I mean, Sega's already pretty reliably proven that they WILL ruin Shadow's character at any possible opportunity (which does not fill me with much hope for the third movie's quality, or for Sonic Generations + Shadow's Fury or whatever they're calling it), so I hope Sega doesn't wind up doing the same to Knuckles in this series...

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IN THEORY I could be behind this. Between Shadow and Knuckles, maybe even Silver, Chaotix and Blaze, Sonic has cast that could hold a small Cinematic Universe. There is plently of them, plus many of them are separate enough from Sonic to tell their own story. Most of them one, I think only Shadow could hold multiple movies.

In practice
1) Sonic movies aren't big enough success to justify so many spin-offs. That's not answering audience demand, that's milking the franchise
2) Live action setting is ruining the premise. The constant need for humans WILL limit the scope. I can't image Blaze movie set on boring Earth. Plus it will get repetitive quickly.

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Let’s do it to it then!

I’m down for Sonic taking over the sequential movies from Marvel.

I only wish it was all animated tho. I can make some exceptions, but I’m real sick of live action.

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What movie studio doesn't want to turn their reasonable success into a mega success?

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In translation, Paramount hopes to milk this cow for all it's worth. And unfortunately for them, there's not much more they can do with the franchise, as a third movie personally feels like that's as far as they can push it before the quality drops significantly.

I know people are constantly suggesting things like "what about a Silver spin-off?" without realising that Sonic is the tentpole that the series stands on, and is what people are most likely to care about. Besides, "cinematic universe" is a marketing pull that only worked for one, maybe two, series.

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I'm down, but unless something is announced at Cinemacon this week I doubt we'll see much more from this "SCU" after the third film. They'd have to really expand the world more to do more. More sonic movies in the future though, disconnected from the paramount universe, seems highly likely. 

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You know what I say, Reach for the Stars!

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That's an interesting concept, but it'd probably work better if it was like Sonic Universe. 6 one-hour episodes each focused on one Sonic character would be amazing!

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This sounds interesting, although I do wonder just how much content can they get from the games at this point.  The reason why the Marvel Cinematic Universe worked was because the Marvel Comics have been around since the 1930s and there was plenty of material to work with.  The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise has only been around for over 30 years at this point, so there's not as much material to take from, as the MCU.

Also, I've been hearing some rumblings that Paramount might be bought out by another company, so if that happens, then that might put a pin in plans for a Sonic Universe type of movies.

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This would honestly be really concerning to hear if it was being said by anyone but Paramount. Paramount was behind some of the first MCU films, which were also some of the best, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. 

Generally, the last thing you wanna hear from a studio is "We're gonna be just like Marvel!". Marvel can't even properly act like Marvel anymore, guys. Don't be afraid to do your own thing. Not everything needs to be the next cinematic multiverse or whatever.

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Title may as well read "Paramount Producer Wants Infinite Money By Running Franchise Into The Ground"

The absolute last thing Sonic needs is to be a "cinematic universe." Much as I like a lot of them, Sonic characters cannot sustain a bunch of stand alone interwoven movies and prestige tv series. Heck, Marvel can't even do that for all the time and money they pour into trying. And if they think introducing Marine the Raccoon and Professor Pickle to fight against Nack the Renamed in Sonic Movie 8 is going to drum up the same excitement as Shadow then they are solely mistaken. That's the kind of stuff that could carry a comic series or animated tv show, but not a movie franchise.

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6 hours ago, FishyFishy said:

I'm down, but unless something is announced at Cinemacon this week I doubt we'll see much more from this "SCU" after the third film. They'd have to really expand the world more to do more. More sonic movies in the future though, disconnected from the paramount universe, seems highly likely. 

We will see several more years worth if Sonic 3 is even a moderate success.

Paramount needs a tent pole franchise after the failure of Star Trek.

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They tried to warn y'all




Although, if they can keep up this series' lucky streak of releasing its entries around the same as more critically damned films and shows, maybe they have a decent shot

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Soubds great! I'm looking forward to the adaptation of Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine...Spinball too for that matter! Lol 

Seriously, stop running IP in to the ground. Less is more in many, many cases.

Oh, and put that money towards green lighting Star Trek: Legacy!!

Edited by castell-neath
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20 minutes ago, castell-neath said:

Soubds great! I'm looking forward to the adaptation of Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine...Spinball too for that matter! Lol 

Seriously, stop running IP in to the ground. Less is more in many, many cases.

Oh, and put that money towards green lighting Star Trek: Legacy!!

I do not understand this logic when every other aspect of Sonic is treated this way and most fans frankly want it this way.

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10 hours ago, Polkadi~☆ said:


In translation, Paramount hopes to milk this cow for all it's worth. And unfortunately for them, there's not much more they can do with the franchise, as a third movie personally feels like that's as far as they can push it before the quality drops significantly.

I know people are constantly suggesting things like "what about a Silver spin-off?" without realising that Sonic is the tentpole that the series stands on, and is what people are most likely to care about. Besides, "cinematic universe" is a marketing pull that only worked for one, maybe two, series.

Basically, I knew this would happen, I feel like they should keep things simple while still expanding and milking the success. Simple is what made the movies the way they are, I don't mind bigger threats and more characters of course, I don't want them to stop at Shadow and SA2. 

I mean if the Knuckles tv show has Pachacamac and some form of Black Arms, I'm sure they can do Silver and Blaze just fine later. 

They do have tons of material for these movies, not necessarily big elaborate plots, but I mean, they did adapt Sonic 1 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles which are VERY simple.

Also, if you talked about anyone about any Sonic character besides Sonic himself a couple of years ago, they in fact say all of them suck, because of the movies' success we are getting spotlight on other characters again, I have to say, fans do owe the movie franchise a lot of new game material too.

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I think it's best that they don't count their chickens before they hatch. There is only so far these movies can go before they run stale. They might be better off stopping at 3. Trying to compete with The Avengers won't end well. Marvel tried to follow up from the Avenger's success and failed miserably, and it's their own franchise. 

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Too close to the sun. I'd argue a trilogy with a mini-series on the side is punching too far above its weight to begin with, and I don't think Sonic 3 is going to do the numbers they're hoping for. Sonic fans tend to think the next logical step is to just add more and more characters and loosely follow the plot of every major game release, but that's just not feasible.

The novelty is going to wear off after Shadow's time in the spotlight and people are severely overstating many of the other characters' likability. Silver is just not going to sell movie tickets. Furthermore, the elephant in the room is the casting of Jim Carrey as Eggman. Dude's not going to do this indefinitely. The fact that he left his supposed retirement for Sonic 3 is not something they can bet on for the future. 

Just close it up as a trilogy, maybe maybe throw in a Shadow mini-series or the equivalent to a direct-to-DVD movie and tie a bow on it with a collectors box-set for everything. Quit before it turns into an embarrassment. End on a high note. 

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Alright so that means Shadow will shoot Black Doom with a MP5 within the next 5 years. 

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Like others have said, it's a little bit too ambitious right now to try to compete with the avengers. I say end the series on a high note and leave it at that.

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Paramount trying to be that ambitious? I mean it can work but with Sonic as the mascot for SEGA, that means that not only Paramount will try to add other characters like Amy, Metal Sonic, Silver and Blaze by tying them into spin-offs, but it looks like they may want to add others like the IDW cast or... (this may not happen) try to see if they can revive previous "off the table" content that we haven't seen in a while like the Freedom Fighters/SatAM materials (or Archie but then again, that will be problematic due to a certain someone) for nostalgic purposes. If it will generate money for both companies, knowing SEGA loves to take risks with this franchise they may or may not go into their favor, then by all means, do it!

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9 hours ago, Xandur said:

This would honestly be really concerning to hear if it was being said by anyone but Paramount. Paramount was behind some of the first MCU films, which were also some of the best, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

Let's not forget that Paramount are also behind the Transformers films, which they've been trying to turn into their own MCU-esque multi-film franchise for years now, with little success.

I'm not confident that Paramount's plans will make it past a fourth film, and that's assuming the third one ends up, at least, a financial success.

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