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"'Gamers' are garbage people."


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I've heard a lot of things, but this isn't one of 'em. And I strongly disagree with it. Cuz some of the best people I know, happen to be gamers. Regardless of where they sit on the spectrum of how much they do/get to play games.

Tho given the toxicity that permeates within every community, no matter how small or large that presence happens to be. I could see people looking at gamers like this. And it sucks, cuz it seems like the toxic ones are louder than the rest of us sometimes.

Edited by Blueknight V2.0
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"Gamers" are not a real demographic that can be called anything in particular. It's like talking shit about people who read books. Like, that could be anything. It's not true or false.

If anything can be said for this, it's that the specific brand of dude who heavily self-identifies as a capital-G "GAMER" tends to run in more dubious circles, because dudes that get prideful about video games get possessive. It's the same culture-war nostalgia-obsessed persecution complex you see in comic books, anime or whatever other fandom. Dudes, and let's be honest, it's mostly cishet white dudes, loooove to act like they're under attack when people remind them that they're not the default.

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People are garbage people. Everything gets that subset of fans whose actions set the tone for what people think of the group.

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We do not need a topic dedicated to asking a inflammatory question that everyone with common sense knows the answer to, and encourages toxic discussion. No, just playing games does not make you a garbage person.


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